Undergraduate modules
- Aid and Development Cooperation
- Regulatory Environment for Accounting
- (Im)mobilities and the Criminal Justice System
- 21st Century Sociology
- 3D Modelling and Animation
- 3D Modelling and Animation
- A Sea of Islands: The Asia-Pacific in the 19th Century
- A Sociology of Generations and Social Change? From Passive to Active Generations
- Aboriginal Law (Spr)
- Academic Communication for International Relations and Development 2
- Academic Development for Business and Economics 1
- Academic Development for Business and Economics 2
- Academic Development for Media, Arts and Humanities 1
- Academic Development for Media, Arts and Humanities 2
- Academic Development for Psychology 1
- Academic Development for Psychology 2
- Academic Development for Social Sciences 1
- Academic Development for Social Sciences 2
- Access, Equity and Gender
- Accounting for Decision Makers
- Accounting for Managers
- Acquired Intelligence & Adaptive Behaviour
- Acts of Writing 1
- Acts of Writing 1
- Acts of Writing 2
- Adaptation: Filming Fiction
- Adaptive Systems
- Adult Family Law
- Advanced Audit and Assurance
- Advanced Composition Portfolio
- Advanced Condensed State Physics
- Advanced Cosmology
- Advanced Digital Signal Processing
- Advanced Electronic Systems
- Advanced Financial Accounting
- Advanced Haematology
- Advanced Macroeconomics
- Advanced Management Accounting
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Advanced Materials for Sustainable Energy
- Advanced Methods in Molecular Research
- Advanced Microeconomics
- Advanced Natural Language Engineering
- Advanced Natural Language Processing
- Advanced Performance
- Advanced Physics Laboratory A
- Advanced Physics Laboratory B
- Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- Advanced Screenwriting
- Advanced Software Engineering
- Advanced Sustainable Development: Sustainability in Policy and Practice
- Advanced Taxation (UK)
- Advanced Techniques in Experimental Chemistry
- Advanced Techniques in Neuroscience
- Advanced Technology Automotive Systems
- Advanced Thermofluids
- Advanced Topics in Conservation
- Advanced Topics in Control of Electromechanical Systems
- Advanced Topics in Psychology
- Advanced Turbomachinery
- Advanced Writing Workshop: Process
- Advanced Writing Workshop: Technique
- Advances in Climate Sciences
- Advertising (E)
- Advertising and Media Planning
- African Zoology Field Course
- Algebra
- Algorithmic Approaches to Mathematics
- Algorithmic Data Science
- Alternative Cultures, Utopian Politics and New Horizons
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Alternative Investment Funds
- America in the 21st Century
- American Cities
- American Cities
- American Empire
- American Literature in the Long Twentieth Century
- American Mandatory Year Abroad - American Studies
- American Political Culture
- American Political Culture - Year 1
- American Studies Dissertation
- American Teen Cinema: Coming of Age on Screen
- Analogue Communication and Propagation
- Analysing Film
- Analysing Film B
- Analysing Media, Film and Music
- Analysing Media: Objects, Operations, Ontologies
- Analysing data
- Analysis 1
- Analysis 2
- Ancient Philosophy
- Animal-Plant Interactions
- Animals in Their World: From Physiology to Behaviour
- Animals in the Anthropocene
- Animation
- Anthropology Thesis
- Anthropology in the World: Theory, Knowledge, Action (and back again)
- Anthropology of Capitalism, Care and the Environment
- Applied Economics Dissertation
- Applied Economics and Finance Project
- Applied Machine Learning
- Applied Mathematics for Economists
- Applied Natural Language Processing
- Applied Numerical Analysis (L.6)
- Applied Numerical Analysis (L.7)
- Applied Research I: Project Design
- Applied Research II: Final Project
- Applied Skills in Biology
- Applied Skills in Chemistry
- Applied Statistics for Finance and Economics
- Applied Technology
- Applied Technology for Product Design
- Applying Physics Skills
- Applying Psychology to Everyday Problems
- Approaches to Discourse
- Arabic Advanced A
- Arabic Advanced B
- Arabic Beginners A
- Arabic Beginners B
- Arabic Intermediate A
- Arabic Intermediate B
- Arranging for Songs and Ensembles
- Art and Place: Sites, Spaces and Identities
- Art and Politics in Britain 2008-Now
- Art and the City I
- Art and the City II
- Art on Site: Place, Identity, Meaning
- Arts and Lifestyle Journalism
- Aspects of Commercial Law
- Astrochemistry and Planetary Atmospheres
- Astrophysical Processes
- Atom Light Interactions
- Atomic Physics
- Attention: Distraction, Daydreaming and Diversity
- Audio and Podcasting Journalism
- Audiovisual Journalism
- Audiovisual Practices
- Audit and Assurance
- Authoritarianism and its Critics
- Autism Across the Lifespan
- Autonomous Vehicles
- BA Dissertation (International Relations)
- BSc Final Year Project
- Becoming a Researcher
- Becoming a Teacher
- Behavioural Ecology
- Behavioural Economics
- Beyond the Standard Model
- Bio-organic Chemistry
- Biochemistry Industrial Placement
- Biochemistry and Metabolism
- Biodiversity & Ecology
- Biological Psychology
- Biological Psychology of Mental Health
- Biomaterials and Biocompatibility
- Blockchains and Crypto Assets
- Box Set TV: Contemporary Serial Television
- Brain and Behaviour
- British Cinema
- British Political History
- British Political History
- British Sign Language and Deaf Culture 1A
- British Sign Language and Deaf Culture 1B
- British Sign Language and Deaf Culture 2A
- British Sign Language and Deaf Culture 2B
- British Sign Language and Deaf Culture 3A
- British Sign Language and Deaf Culture 3B
- Business Analytics for Decision Making
- Business Law and Practice
- Business Management Case Study
- Business School Placement Preparation Programme
- Business Strategy Report
- Business and Project Management
- Business in Action
- Business in Society
- Business-to-Business Marketing Management
- Calculus of Several Variables
- Canadian Administrative Law (Aut)
- Canadian Constitutional Law in Comparative Perspective
- Capitalism and Geopolitics
- Capitalism and its Critics
- Capitalism, Growth, and Ecological Crisis
- Career Strategies in the Creative Sector
- Catalysis in Chemistry
- Celebrity, Media and Culture
- Cell Pathology, Physiology and Anatomy
- Cell Regulation and Pharmacology
- Cell Signalling and Therapeutics
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Cells, Organisms and Systems
- Championing Literacy Placement
- Chemical Nanoscience and Surfaces
- Chemical Research Project
- Chemistry Industrial Project
- Chemistry Laboratory 1
- Chemistry Laboratory 2
- Chemistry Projects
- Chemistry for Life Scientists
- Chemistry of Functional Materials
- Chemistry of Stable, Unstable and Non-existent Compounds
- Child Language Acquisition
- Child Language: Development, Disorders and Individual Differences
- Child Law
- Children and Young People in Society: Linking Theory and Professional Skills
- Children's Peer Relationships
- Children's Rights and Legal Frameworks
- Chinese Advanced A
- Chinese Advanced B
- Chinese Beginners A
- Chinese Beginners B
- Chinese Cinema
- Chinese Intermediate A
- Chinese Intermediate B
- Cinema and Climate
- Cinema and Migration
- Cinema and Sexualities
- Cities and Urban Lives
- Class, Culture & Conflict: A View from The Inside
- Class, Culture and Contemporary Writing
- Class, Power and the State (Aut)
- Classical Sociological Theory
- Classical Thinkers and Current Events
- Climate Change Economics
- Climate Finance
- Clinical Investigation of Disease
- Clinical Legal Education
- Clinical Psychology and Mental Health
- Clinical Psychology in Practice
- Coastal Ecology Field Course
- Cognition in Clinical Contexts
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Cognitive Psychology
- Colonialism and Modern Social Theory
- Colonialism and its Afterlives
- Colonialism in the Marketplace
- Colonialism, Modern Social Theory, and the International
- Coloniality, Racism and Inequality
- Coloniality, Racism and Inequality
- Commemorative Art: Images, Monuments, Memory
- Commercial Contract Law in Practice
- Commercial Sales Law
- Communicating Climate Crisis
- Communicating Politics
- Communicating STEM
- Communication Design
- Communication Skills for Practice
- Communication and Learning Skills
- Community Media
- Company Law 1
- Company Law 2
- Comparative Programming
- Comparative Public Policy
- Compilers and Computer Architecture
- Complex Analysis (L6)
- Complex Analysis (L7)
- Computational Chemistry Projects
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Computational Imaging Methods
- Computational Mathematics
- Computer Aided Visualisation
- Computer Networks
- Computing Project
- Computing for Data Analytics and Finance (L6)
- Condensed State Physics
- Conflict & Cooperation in Social Groups
- Conscious and Unconscious Mental Processes
- Conservation Biology
- Conservation Ecology Field Course
- Conservation in Practice
- Consumer Behaviour
- Contemporary Challenges in Marketing
- Contemporary Economic Issues
- Contemporary International Theory
- Contemporary Issues in Accounting
- Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Law
- Contemporary Issues in Politics
- Contemporary Literature and Culture
- Contemporary Topics in Child Development and Wellbeing
- Contexts of Social Work
- Contract Law
- Contract Law (Advanced)
- Control Engineering
- Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry
- Core Laboratory Skills for Chemists 1
- Core Laboratory Skills for Chemists 2
- Corporate Governance and Ethics
- Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Business Ethics
- Corporate and International Finance
- Cosmology
- Cradle to the Grave A: welfare and wellbeing across the lifecourse
- Cradle to the Grave B: Welfare and Wellbeing Across the Lifecourse
- Creating a Forest Food garden
- Creative Industries: Final Project
- Creative Industries: Real Time Production
- Creative Music Technologies
- Creative Practice: Ideas and Exploration
- Creative Practice: Producing and Curating
- Creative Research Methods for Design
- Creative Systems Project
- Creative Video
- Crime and Punishment
- Crimes against Humanity (Aut)
- Crimes against Humanity (Spr)
- Criminal Law
- Criminological Classics
- Criminological Futures
- Criminology
- Criminology Project
- Criminology in Theory and Perspective
- Criminology of Violence and Death
- Critical Approaches
- Critical Approaches to Contemporary Media
- Critical Approaches to Development Economics
- Critical Hope in Global Health: From Big Pharma to Local Wellbeing
- Critical Perspectives on Terrorism
- Critical Reading and Writing for Criminologists
- Critical Reading and Writing for Sociologists
- Critical Thinking and Performance
- Cryptography (L.6)
- Cryptography (L.7)
- Culture and Representation
- Culture and Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa since 1914
- Culture in Context: Introducing the Creative Industries
- Current Issues in Cognitive Science
- Current Topics in Evolution, Behaviour and Conservation
- Curriculum Knowledge 1: Explorers and Investigators
- Curriculum Knowledge 2: Physical Philosophers
- Curriculum Knowledge 3: The World as a Stage
- Cybernetics and Neural Networks
- Data Analysis Techniques
- Data Analysis for Global Challenges
- Data Analytics for Accounting & Finance
- Data Coding & Visualisation
- Data Science Research Methods (L6)
- Data Science Research Methods (L7)
- Data Structures & Algorithms
- Database and Application Development
- Databases
- Death, Dying and the Corpse
- Debates in Screen Documentary
- Decision Processes in Human Cognition
- Decolonial Movements
- Decolonial Movements
- Decolonisation: Writing, Literature, Politics
- Decolonising Education and Sustainable Development
- Democracy, Dictators, Resistance and Revolt
- Depression in Adolescents
- Design Philosophy
- Design Project
- Design Project (BA)
- Design Techniques in Practice
- Design Thinking, Creativity & Innovation
- Design for Industry
- Design for Manufacture
- Design for Manufacture for Product Design
- Design of Clean Vehicle Propulsion
- Design of Mechanisms and Machines
- Designing Alternatives for Development
- Developing Capability in Professional Practice
- Developing Children's Communication, Language and Literacy
- Developing Children’s Curiosity in Words, Numbers and Shapes
- Developing Leadership (LEAD)
- Development Policies and Politics
- Development Tools and Skills
- Development and the State
- Development, Business and Corporate Social Responsibilities
- Development, Business and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Developmental Biology
- Developmental Psychology
- Differential Equations with Modelling
- Differently Bodied Beings and Ethnographic Encounters (Aut)
- Digital Activism and Citizenship in Datafied Societies
- Digital Banking and FinTech
- Digital Childhoods
- Digital Communications
- Digital Culture and Algorithmic Society
- Digital Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
- Digital Marketing
- Digital News and Features Writing
- Digital Signal Processing
- Digital Societies
- Digital Systems and Microprocessor Design
- Digital Technology, Media and Society
- Digital Transformation and Business Management
- Digital, Data and Decision-Making Skills
- Directing and Composition
- Disasters, Environment and Development
- Discovering Statistics
- Discrete Mathematics
- Dispute Resolution
- Dissertation
- Dissertation (BSc Data Science &/w IPY)
- Dissertation (English)
- Documentary Video
- Doing Social Research: working with qualitative data
- Doing Social Research: working with quantitative data
- Drawing for Design
- Drug Discovery & Chemical Enterprise
- Drugs, Brain and Behaviour
- Drugs, Crime and Deviant Leisure
- Dynamical Systems (L6)
- Dynamical Systems (L7)
- Dynamics of Machines & Vehicles
- E-Business and E-Commerce Systems
- E-Business and E-Commerce Systems
- Early Modern Philosophy
- Economics and Data Science
- Economics of Crime
- Economics of Education
- Economics of European Integration
- Economics of Gender and the Family
- Economics of Public Policy
- Economics of Sports
- Educating Children and Young People: Linking Theory and Professional Skills
- Education Across The Life Course
- Education and Inequality
- Education for Citizenship
- Education for Development: Aid, Policy and the Global Agenda
- Education, Democracy and Social Justice
- Education, Justice & Liberation
- Educational Psychology
- Electrical Circuits & Devices
- Electrical Drive Systems
- Electrical Machines & Power Electronics
- Electrical Power Systems
- Electricity and Electronics Laboratory
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Electrodynamics
- Electromagnetism and Introduction to Electrical Machines
- Electromechanics
- Electronic Circuit & Systems Design
- Electronic Devices and Circuit Prototyping
- Electrons in Atoms and Molecules
- Electrons, Cold Atoms & Quantum Circuits
- Embedded Systems
- Embedding Professional Practice in Primary and Early Year Settings
- Empires, Nations, and the Making of Modern Citizenship
- Empirical Finance Project
- Employment Law
- Encountering Poetry
- Engaging Pedagogies for English and Maths
- Engaging Young Learners - Growing, Playing, Talking and Learning
- Engaging in Professional Practice in Primary and Early Year Settings
- Engaging in an Education Environment
- Engaging with development at Sussex
- Engineering Fluid Mechanics
- Engineering Mathematics 2
- Engineering Maths 1A
- Engineering Maths 1B
- Engineering Mechanics
- Engineering Scalable and Reliable Software Project
- Engineering Thermodynamics
- Engineering and Design Industrial Placement
- English Legal System
- English in the United States
- Enterprise in the Circular Economy
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship Finance and Accounting (ENT)
- Entrepreneurship and Small Firms (ENT)
- Environment and Development in World Politics
- Environmental Economics
- Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
- Environmental Perspectives on Development
- Environmental Politics in the Anthropocene
- Environmental Research Skills (BSc Geog)
- Epistemology
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Equity and Trusts
- Ethical Worlds
- Ethics
- Ethics and Organisations: Responsibility and Justice
- Ethnographic Field Research
- Ethnographic Research Methods
- European Cinema
- European Politics
- European Union Law
- European Union Law
- Evaluating Special Educational Needs, Disability, Inclusion and Diversity
- Everyday Digital: Generation, Life-Course and Expertise
- Everyday Life and Technology
- Evolution, Behaviour and Ecology
- Evolutionary Biology
- Existentialism
- Experience Prototyping
- Experimental Economics: Markets, Games And Strategic Behaviour
- Explanatory Concepts in Political Science
- Exploring Film Studies
- Exploring Film Studies B
- Exploring a Forest Food Garden
- Fashion Law
- Feminism and Digital Culture
- Feminist Philosophy
- Film Finance, Exhibition & Distribution
- Film Music Beyond Hollywood
- Film Music and Audiovisual Project
- Film Musicals
- Film Studies Dissertation
- Film and Revolution
- FinTech Research Project
- Final Creative Project
- Finance for Development
- Finance for Marketeers
- Finance in Global Business
- Financial Derivatives
- Financial Econometrics
- Financial Economics
- Financial Institutions and Markets
- Financial Invest & Corp Risk Analysis
- Financial Mathematics (L.6)
- Financial Mathematics (L.7)
- Financial Portfolio Analysis
- Financial Risk Management
- Financial and Strategic Management
- Finite Element Analysis
- Fintech and Financial Transformation
- Forensic Linguistics
- Forensic Psychology
- Foundation Mathematics A
- Foundation Mathematics B
- Foundation Mechanics
- Foundation Programming
- Foundations in Clinical Psychology
- Foundations in Health Psychology
- Foundations in Psychology: Applied Psychology
- Foundations in Psychology: Social Psychology
- Foundations of Canadian Law
- Foundations of Canadian Law (Adv)
- Foundations of Competition Law
- Foundations of Data Analysis
- Foundations of Environmental Law
- Foundations of International Law
- Foundations of International Relations (pathway elective)
- Foundations of Media and Digital Culture
- Foundations of Politics
- Freedom and Power in the American Century
- French Advanced A
- French Advanced B
- French Beginners A
- French Beginners B
- French For Professional Purposes 1A
- French For Professional Purposes 1B
- French For Professional Purposes 3A
- French For Professional Purposes 3B
- French Intermediate A
- French Intermediate B
- French for Professional Purposes 2A
- French for Professional Purposes 2B
- From Decorative Arts to Material Culture
- From Opera to Film
- From Sounds to Words
- From Words to Interaction
- Frontiers in Particle Physics
- Functional Analysis (L.6)
- Functional Analysis (L.7)
- Fundamentals of Cancer Cell Biology
- Fundamentals of Mathematics
- Further Mathematics A
- Further Mathematics B
- Further Programming
- Galactic Astrophysics
- Galaxies and the Cosmos
- Game Design and Development
- Gender, Crime and Justice
- Gender, Race and Sexuality
- Gender, Race and Society in Early Modern Drama
- Gendering the Life Course
- General Relativity
- Genetics and Population Genetics
- Genome Instability in Disease and Cancer
- Genomics and Bioinformatics
- Geographical Information Systems
- Geographies of Cities and Mobilities
- Geographies of Money, Finance, and Debt
- Geographies of Race and Racisms, Injustice, Difference and Identity
- Geographies of the Living Earth
- Geography Overseas Field Class
- Geography Thesis
- Geography Thesis (BSc)
- Geohazards: Climate, Disasters and Sustainable Development
- German Advanced A
- German Advanced B
- German Beginners A
- German Beginners B
- German Intermediate A
- German Intermediate B
- Global Business Law and Regulation
- Global Business Law and Regulation (Spring)
- Global Business Organisation
- Global Challenges and Innovations
- Global Childhoods
- Global Cinema
- Global Climate Change
- Global Crisis and European Political Economy
- Global Design Challenge
- Global Economic History
- Global Food Security
- Global Geographies of Economic Change
- Global History from the Global South
- Global Humanities 1: Global Identities
- Global Humanities 2: Hope and Fear - Cultures, Climates, Ecologies
- Global Humanities 3: Post-Truth Worlds
- Global Humanities 4: Futures
- Global Innovation Systems
- Global Issues
- Global Issues: Researching the Global
- Global Landscape Dynamics
- Global Literacies and Multilingualism
- Global Music Cultures
- Global Strategy
- Global Work Experience
- Globalisation and Communication
- Globalisation and Integration
- Globalisation, Law and Sustainability
- Great Ideas about Language
- Green Chemistry and Organic Synthesis
- Hate Crime and the Law
- Health Psychology
- Health across the Lifecourse
- Health and Wellbeing
- Health, Poverty and Inequality
- Heat Transfer
- Heat Transfer Applications
- Heat and Modern Physics
- Historical Childhoods: antiquity to the modern day
- Historical Controversy
- Histories of Women in Music
- History Purpose and Power of Education Globally
- History Special Dissertation Britain & the Second World War
- History Special Dissertation End of Empire
- History Special Dissertation Genocide
- History Special Dissertation Israel-US Special Relations and the New Diplomatic History
- History Special Dissertation Palestine from the Ottomans to Nakba
- History Special Dissertation Post-Rave Britain
- History Special Dissertation: The Civil Rights Movement
- History Special Dissertation: The French Empire
- History Thematic Course: Awakenings
- History Thematic Course: Emotions
- History Thematic Course: The Enlightenment
- History and Practice of Songwriting
- History of English
- Hollywood Industry and Imaginary
- Human Factors and Ergonomics
- Human Flourishing: Educating the Whole Child
- Human Genetics and Genomics
- Human Geographies of the Modern World
- Human Growth and Development
- Human Physiology and Metabolism
- Human Rights
- Human Rights
- Human Rights 1: International and Regional Frameworks
- Human Rights 2: Critical Perspectives
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Humanitarianism in Theory and Practice
- Humanitarianism in Theory and Practice
- Ideas of History
- Identity & Interaction
- Identity, Violence and Transgression
- Identity, Violence and Transgression
- Image Processing
- Imaging in Brain Diseases
- Immigration & Asylum Law
- Immigration and the Liberal State
- Immunology & Infectious Disease
- Immunology in Health and Disease
- Inclusion, Diversity and Equity in Education
- Inclusive Practices: Integrating Pedagogy into Real-World Education
- Independent Research Project: Dissertation
- Independent Research Project: Practical
- Independent Research Project: Professional Work Experience
- Independent Study/Internship Option
- Indian Cinema: Popular Hindi Film
- Indigenous Peoples, Development and the International
- Individual Project
- Individual Project
- Individuals and Groups
- Industrial Automation and Mechatronics
- Industrial Organization
- Industrial Placement Year Data Science (UG)
- Industry Brief
- Industry Ready: Mastering the Placement Application Process
- Inequalities Across the Divides
- Influence and Social Power (LEAD)
- Informatics Industrial Placement
- Information Systems in the Digital Age
- Inner Worlds: Literature, 800-1750
- Innovation Systems
- Innovation in Bioscience and Medicine
- Innovative Technologies in Contemporary Marketing
- Integrated Product Design: Research, Theory and Practice
- Intellectual Property: Copyright and Related Rights
- Intellectual Property: Industrial Property
- Intelligence in Animals and Machines
- Intelligent Systems Techniques
- Interaction Methods
- Interactive Design
- Interactive Music Systems
- Intermediate Fiction Filmmaking
- Intermediate Financial Accounting
- Intermediate Management Accounting
- International Business Environment
- International Business Environment
- International Business Strategy
- International Development Thesis
- International Economic Disputes
- International Education and Development
- International Financial Management
- International Human Resource Management (HRM)
- International Marketing
- International Marketing (Marketing and Management)
- International Negotiations Management
- International Politics
- International Trade
- International Trade Law
- Internet Law and Regulation
- Internet-of-Things and Embedded System Practice
- Interprofessional Perspectives on Education: Inequalities, Poverty and Disadvantage
- Into the Lion’s Den An Exploration (A)
- Introduction to Accounting
- Introduction to Accounting (Elective)
- Introduction to Accounting, Finance
- Introduction to American Studies
- Introduction to Astrophysics
- Introduction to Biomedicine
- Introduction to Business and Management
- Introduction to Business and Management (Elective)
- Introduction to Childhood and Youth: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- Introduction to Cognitive Science: Minds, Machines and Consciousness
- Introduction to Computer Security
- Introduction to Computer Systems
- Introduction to Data Science
- Introduction to Econometrics (level 5)
- Introduction to Economics
- Introduction to Economics for Accountants
- Introduction to English Legal System (Graduate Entry)
- Introduction to Entrepreneurship (ENT)
- Introduction to Fiction Filmmaking
- Introduction to Financial Accounting
- Introduction to International Business
- Introduction to International Political Economy
- Introduction to International Relations
- Introduction to Management Accounting
- Introduction to Marketing
- Introduction to Marketing
- Introduction to Mathematical Biology (L6)
- Introduction to Mathematical Biology (L7)
- Introduction to Mathematics for Finance and Economics
- Introduction to Multimedia
- Introduction to Nano-materials and Nano-characterisation
- Introduction to Performance Theory
- Introduction to Probability
- Introduction to Product Design 1: Process
- Introduction to Product Design 2: Practice
- Introduction to Professional Learning and Development
- Introduction to Programming
- Introduction to Quantum Physics
- Introduction to Statistics
- Introduction to Sustainable Development
- Introduction to TESOL - Theory and Methodology 1
- Introduction to the European Union
- Introductory Biology
- Introductory Chemistry
- Islam and Global Politics
- Islamic Philosophy
- Italian Advanced A
- Italian Advanced B
- Italian Beginners A
- Italian Beginners B
- Italian Intermediate A
- Italian Intermediate B
- Japanese Advanced A
- Japanese Advanced B
- Japanese Beginners A
- Japanese Beginners B
- Japanese Intermediate A
- Japanese Intermediate B
- Justice, Equality and Society
- Kant
- Key Debates in Contemporary Anthropology
- Key Thinkers and Doers in Development
- Knowledge & Reasoning
- Labour Economics
- Land Law
- Land, Property and Environment
- Language in the Workplace
- Language, Mind and Brain
- Lasers and Photonics
- Latin American Cinema: Contemporary Trends and Movements
- Law and Development
- Law and Resistance 1
- Law and the Entertainment Industry
- Law and the Welfare State
- Law for Social Work
- Law of Business Organisations
- Law of Evidence
- Law of Succession (Spr)
- Law, Gender and Sexuality (Aut)
- Law, Innovation and Technology
- Law, Politics and Economics of Regulation (Aut)
- Law, Public Policy and Justice
- Law, Regulation and Governance B
- Leadership in Practice
- Leading Groups and Teams (LEAD)
- Leading Social Change: Communication and Activism
- Leading Social Change: Taking Action
- Legal Ethics and Professional Conduct
- Legal Research Project
- Legal Research Project
- Life Sciences MSci research project
- Limits of Computation
- Linear Algebra 1
- Linear Algebra 2
- Linear Statistical Models (L6)
- Linear Statistical Models (L7)
- Literature and Philosophy
- Live Video Production
- Local Lives: Identifying Global Studies
- Logic and Meaning
- Longform Journalism and Non-Fiction Writing
- Low Emission Vehicle Propulsion
- MEng Group Project
- MMath Project
- MPhys Final Year Project
- Machine Learning
- Machine Learning and Statistics for Health (L6)
- Machine Learning and Statistics for Health (L7)
- Macroeconomics 1
- Macroeconomics 2
- Making History A
- Making History B
- Making Music Theatre
- Making Performance: Expanding Practice
- Making Performance: Experiments
- Making Performance: Plays
- Making Performance: Practitioners
- Making Sense of Humanity: Key Concepts in Anthropology
- Making in the Cultural and Creative Industries
- Making the Familiar Strange
- Management of Innovation
- Managing Change (HRM)
- Managing Digital Work
- Managing Global Supply Chains (OPS&IS)
- Managing Innovation
- Managing Operations
- Managing Projects and Technologies for Accounting and Marketing Students
- Managing Projects and Technologies for Business Students
- Managing Sustainability in Global Value Chains
- Managing for Marketplace Authenticity
- Manipulating Minds
- Marketing Analytics and Metrics
- Marketing Communications
- Marketing Research
- Marketing Strategy
- Marketing to Price Concious Consumers
- Masters Tropical Rainforest Field Course
- Materials and Manufacturing Processes
- Materials and Processes for Product Design
- Mathematical Concepts
- Mathematical Methods for Physics 1
- Mathematical Methods for Physics 2
- Mathematical Methods for Physics 3
- Mathematical Physics Projects
- Mathematical Statistics
- Mathematical Statistics
- Mathematics for Computing 1
- Mathematics for Computing 2
- Mathematics for Product Design
- Maths Matters (Project)
- Mechanical Dynamics
- Mechanics
- Mechanics and Properties of Matter Laboratory
- Mechanics of Mechanisms and Robots
- Mechanism in Organic and Biological Chemistry
- Media Law and Regulation
- Media and Communications Dissertation
- Media and Communications Dissertation Preparation
- Media and Crisis
- Media, Humanitarianism and the Climate Crisis
- Media, Memory, History
- Media, Publics and Protest
- Media, War and Terrorism
- Medicine and the Body
- Mediterranean Ecology Field Course
- Mediterranean Fantasies: Revivals and Utopias, 1919-1939
- Mental Health and Madness: exploring socio-cultural approaches
- Metaphysics
- Methods and Approaches in Human Geography
- Microeconomics 1
- Microeconomics 2
- Migrant and Refugee Well-Being: Theory and Practice
- Migration and Integration (Spr)
- Migration, Identity, and Home
- Mobile 3D Applications
- Mobile Communications
- Mobilities and Global Inequalities
- Modern America
- Modern European Philosophy
- Modern Nature
- Modern Political Thought
- Modernisms
- Molecular Basis of Infectious Disease
- Molecular Neuropharmacology
- Monetary Theory and Policy
- Monte Carlo Simulations (L6)
- Monte Carlo Simulations (L7)
- Motion Design
- Music Dissertation
- Music Innovation and Enterprise Project
- Music of the 21st Century
- Musical Revolutions
- Nature and Nurture of Mental Health
- Neural Circuits
- Neural Networks
- Neurobiology of Brain Disorders
- Neurocriminology
- Neurocriminology
- Neurons, Brains, Behaviour and Minds
- Neuroscience and Behaviour
- New Generation Vehicle Technology
- New Products Management
- New Venture Creation and Business Planning (ENT)
- New Venture Development and Planning
- News, Politics and Power A
- News, Politics and Power B
- Non-Profit Management and Social Entrepreneurship
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Number Theory
- Numerical Analysis
- Numerical Modelling and Engineering Simulations
- Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations (L.6)
- Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations (L.7)
- Operating Systems
- Operations Management
- Operations Management (Elective)
- Optics, Waves and Modern Physics
- Order and Disorder A: Understanding Law, Politics and Sociology
- Order and Disorder B: Understanding Law, Politics and Sociology
- Ordinary Differential Equations
- Organic Chemistry
- Organic Synthesis for Medicines and Natural Products
- Organic and Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Organisational Psychology
- Organisational Psychology
- Outer Worlds: Literature, 800-1750
- Palaeozoology
- Palestine and the International
- Parents and Families Level 5
- Partial Differential Equations
- Particle Physics
- Particle Physics Detector Technology
- Parties and Voters in the UK
- Past & Present: Beauty, Fashion and History
- Past & Present: Objects and History
- Past and Present: Resistance and History
- People, Purpose and Performance
- Performance Workshop
- Performance and Research
- Performing and Writing Music
- Performing with Electronics
- Phases, Transitions and Reaction Kinetics
- Phenomenology
- Philosophical Foundations of Cognitive Science
- Philosophy and Science of Consciousness
- Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
- Philosophy of Language
- Philosophy of Mind
- Philosophy of Race
- Philosophy of Religion
- Philosophy of Science
- Phonetics and Phonology
- Photography: Critical Narratives
- Photography: Practice and Theory
- Physical Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry of Molecules and Materials
- Physics Foundation Year Laboratory A
- Physics Foundation Year Laboratory B
- Physics Study Success
- Physics Year 1 Laboratory
- Physics Year 2 Laboratory
- Physiology and Disease
- Picasso to Kahlo: Transatlantic Dialogues
- Playable Media
- Podcasting
- Police and Policing
- Police and Policing (Elective)
- Political Change: India
- Political Change: Political Parties and Party Systems
- Political Change: The Politics of Euroscepticism
- Political Change: The Rise of Anti-politics
- Political Corruption
- Political Ecology and Environmental Justice
- Political Psychology
- Political Systems & Issues: Feminism and the Politics of Gender
- Political Systems and Issues: Contesting Authoritarianism
- Political Systems and Issues: Germany
- Political Systems and Issues: India
- Political Systems and Issues: Ireland
- Political Systems and Issues: Italian Politics and Society
- Political Systems and Issues: The European Union
- Political Systems and Issues: USA
- Political Systems and Issues: USA
- Political and Social Change in Contemporary Europe
- Politics from Below: Cooperation, Conflict and Resistance
- Politics of Terror and Global Histories of Violence
- Pop Life: After Modern Art
- Pop Soundtrack Cinema
- Population & Community Ecology
- Populism and Politics
- Positive Psychology
- Posthuman/Premodern
- Power, the State and the Individual
- Power, the State and the Individual (Advanced)
- Practical Musicianship
- Practical Project
- Practical Project Preparation
- Practical Quantum Technologies
- Practical Techniques in Cancer Cell Biology
- Practical Techniques in Cell and Molecular Biology
- Practice Learning 1
- Practice Learning 2
- Practice, Sustainability and Music Cultures
- Practicing Media, Film and Music
- Practising Anthropology
- Practising Humanities 1: Liberal Arts in the World
- Practising Humanities 2: Disrupt and Create
- Practising Humanities 3: Mobilise, Persuade, Decide
- Practising Humanities 4: Liberal Arts in the Community
- Practitioner and Activist Skills for Global Justice
- Precarity and the Politics of Work (Spr)
- Prejudice, Discrimination and Intergroup Relations
- Principles and Applications of Strength of Materials
- Principles and Practices in Drug Discovery and Delivery
- Principles of Banking
- Principles of Finance
- Principles of Islamic Law
- Principles of Medical Neuroscience
- Principles of Neuronal Function
- Principles of Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
- Principles of Public International Law
- Probability Models (L6)
- Probability Models (L7)
- Probability and Statistics
- Professional Experience in the Cultural and Creative Industries
- Professional Negligence
- Professional Placement Year (A&F)
- Professional Placement Year (Economics)
- Professional Placement Year (MGMT)
- Professional Placement Year (S&M)
- Professional Placement Year Physics & Astronomy
- Professional Skills
- Professional Skills: Career Management Kickstart
- Professional Skills: Law in Action
- Professional and Managerial Skills
- Program Analysis
- Program Design
- Programming Concepts
- Programming for 3D
- Programming for Engineers
- Programming for Life Sciences
- Programming in C++
- Programming in Finance
- Project (FY Maths)
- Project Development
- Project Management in the Cultural and Creative Industries
- Properties of Matter
- Psychobiology
- Psychology Now: Contemporary Approaches to Understanding Behaviour
- Psychology Professional Placement Year
- Psychology and Culture
- Psychology as a science
- Psychology in Practice Placement Year
- Psychology of Appetite
- Psychology of Child Development
- Psychology of Childhood
- Psychology of Cognitive Processes
- Psychology of Collective Action
- Psychology of Crowd Behaviour
- Psychology of Exercise and Wellbeing
- Psychology of Sleep
- Psychology of the Family: Beyond Attachment
- Public International Law in Current Affairs
- Public Law
- Public Law I: Constitutional and Administrative Law Advanced
- Public Management
- Public Relations
- Punishment and Penology
- Punishment and Penology (Spr)
- Putin, Power, Populism: Russia and Eurasia in Global Politics
- Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics: Maths
- Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics: Statistics
- Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
- Quantum Chemistry
- Quantum Computing
- Quantum Field Theory
- Quantum Mechanics 1
- Quantum Mechanics 2
- Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
- Queer Fictions
- Questioning the Digital
- Race and Ethnicity in Popular Cinema
- Race and Ethnicity in US History
- Race and Ethnicity in US History
- Race, Ethnicity and Identity
- Race, Photography, Archives
- Radical Theory
- Radical Theory
- Radical Theory
- Radio to Optical Frequency Engineering
- Re-Thinking the World (Dis) Order: Anthropological perspectives on Geopolitics and Diplomacy
- Reactivity in Inorganic Chemistry
- Reactivity of Organic Compounds
- Reactivity of the Elements
- Reading Art History: Critical Texts
- Reading Literature 1
- Reading Literature 2
- Reading Post-Colonial Texts
- Real Analysis
- Reason and Argument
- Reconfigurable System on Chip
- Reflecting on Professional Knowledge in Primary and Early Years Settings
- Refugees, Migrants and Religion
- Regional Variation in English
- Regulating Gene Expression
- Reimagining Education In An Uncertain Age Of Change
- Religion, Ritual & Global Transformation
- Religions in Global Politics
- Research Dissertation
- Research Dissertation (English Language)
- Research Foundations
- Research Methods (BA Social Work)
- Research Methods for Biology, Ecology and Zoology
- Research Methods for International Business
- Research Methods for Managers
- Research Methods for Neuroscience
- Research Methods in Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry
- Research Minded Project
- Research Minded Project
- Research Project
- Research Project (International Business)
- Research Project (Marketing and Management)
- Research Proposal (English Language)
- Research Skills and Methods in Political Science
- Research Skills for Development
- Research and Professional Skills I: Neuroscience
- Research and Professional Skills I: Biomedicine
- Research and Professional Skills I: Zoology & Ecology
- Research and Professional Skills II: Neuroscience
- Research and Professional Skills II: Genetics & Biochemistry
- Research and Professional Skills II: Zoology & Ecology
- Researching Media and Communication
- Researching STEM
- Researching and Communicating Chemistry
- Researching, Creating and Communicating in the Humanities 1
- Researching, Creating and Communicating in the Humanities 2
- Rethinking Classical Music
- Revolutionary Media
- Rewilding and Ecosystem Services
- Riots, Strikes, Revolts
- Riots, Strikes, Revolts
- Robot Design and Implementation
- Romance
- Romanticism
- Roots of America: From Colonial Settlement to the Civil War and Reconstruction
- Science and Reason
- Science of Memory
- Scientific Computing
- Screenwriting
- Screenwriting
- Security and Insecurity in Global Politics
- Self Regulation: The Science of Achieving Your Goals
- Selves and Identities
- Sense and Sexuality: Women and Writing in the Eighteenth Century
- Sensory Function and Computation
- Serial Fictions
- Services Marketing
- Sex and the City: The Origins of Modernism in Britain 1870-1910
- Sexualities / Intimacies / Intersections (Aut)
- Sexualities / Intimacies / Intersections (Spring)
- Skills and Concepts in Geography I: Becoming a Geographer
- Skills and Concepts in Geography II: Quantitative and Analytical Skills
- Skills for Research Bioscientists
- Skills, Ethics and Society
- Slavery, Emancipation and Legacies
- Sleep and Mental Health
- Smart Interactive Sensing Systems and Applications
- Social Cognitive Development
- Social Connection and Disconnection
- Social Enterprise and Social Innovation
- Social Geographies
- Social Justice and Development
- Social Media and Critical Practice
- Social Media and Critical Practice B
- Social Psychology
- Social Psychology and Individual Differences
- Social Work Practice across the Life Course
- Society, State and Humanity
- Sociolinguistics
- Sociology Project
- Sociology Research Proposal
- Sociology of Emotions and Mental Health
- Sociology of Emotions and Mental Health
- Sociology of Family, Reproduction & Care (Spr)
- Software Engineering
- Sonic Narratives
- Sound Design
- Sound, Culture & Society
- Southeast England Field Class
- Spaces of Art: Exhibitions and Display
- Spanish Advanced A
- Spanish Advanced B
- Spanish Beginners A
- Spanish Beginners B
- Spanish Intermediate A
- Spanish Intermediate B
- Spanish for Professional Purposes 1A
- Spanish for Professional Purposes 1B
- Spanish for Professional Purposes 2A
- Spanish for Professional Purposes 2B
- Spanish for Professional Purposes 3A
- Spanish for Professional Purposes 3B
- Special Subject: Britain and the Second World War
- Special Subject: End of Empire: Nationalism, Decolonisation and the British Raj in India 1937-1950
- Special Subject: Israel–US Special Relations and the New Diplomatic History
- Special Subject: Palestine from the Ottomans to Nakba
- Special Subject: Post-Rave Britain, 1988 - present
- Special Subject: The Civil Rights Movement
- Special Subject: The French Empire and Its Aftermath
- Special Topic (Writing Workshop Autumn)
- Special Topic (Writing Workshop Spring)
- Sports Law 1
- Sports Law 2
- Staging the Renaissance: Shakespeare
- Statistical Inference (L.6)
- Statistical Inference (L.7)
- Statistics and Decision Mathematics
- Statistics and Introductory Econometrics
- Stellar and Planetary Physics
- Stories of Art: Shaping Art
- Strategic Brand Management
- Strategic Entrepreneurship
- Strategy
- Strengthening Children's Mathematical Understanding
- Structural Basis of Biological Function
- Structural Basis of Protein Mechanism
- Structure Determination in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
- Structure and Function in the Human Brain
- Studio Composition and Production
- Studio Performance
- Studio Project
- Studio Recording
- Studio and Live Engineering
- Summer Research Placement 1
- Summer Research Placement 1
- Summer Research Placement 2
- Summer Research Placement 2
- Summer Research Placement 3
- Supramolecular Chemistry
- Sussex Modernism
- Sustainability Reporting
- Sustainability in Engineering
- Sustainable Marketing
- Sustainable Synthesis and Catalysis
- Symmetry and the Standard Model
- Symmetry, Bonding and Molecular Spectroscopy
- Synaptic Communication
- Systems Analysis and Control
- TESOL Teaching Practice 1
- TESOL Teaching Practice 2
- TESOL Theory and Methodology 2
- TV: Fictions and Entertainments
- Taxation
- Technical Drawing and Computer Aided Design
- Technology and the Human
- Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments
- Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments
- Temporalities - Histories - Hauntologies (Aut)
- The Alchemy of Race and Racism (Spring)
- The Anthropological Imagination
- The Anthropology of Kinship and Relatedness
- The Anthropology of Work, Labour and Precarity
- The Arms Trade in International Politics
- The Art of Short Fiction
- The Body (Aut)
- The British Economy in the Twentieth Century
- The Changing World of Work
- The Climate Crisis, Criminology & the Justice System
- The Criminal Process
- The Death Penalty
- The Early Modern World
- The Economics of Development
- The Far Right and the Politics of Immigration
- The Global Politics of Human Rights: History, Theory and Practice
- The History of Now
- The International System Today: Powers and Regions
- The Legal Regulation of Sexual Relationships
- The Liberal World Order - in Crisis
- The Local and the Global: IR in Practice
- The Look of America
- The Look of America
- The Making and Unmaking of Europe from the 1870s to the present
- The Making of the Modern World
- The Narrative of Design in Modern Culture
- The Natural World
- The Neoliberal Age? Making Sense of Political and Social Change in Modern Britain
- The Novel
- The People's Century? Britain after 1914
- The Politics of (Post-)Truth
- The Politics of Armed Groups: Rebels, State and Society
- The Politics of Children's Literature
- The Politics of Criminalisation (Spring)
- The Politics of Feeling
- The Politics of Foreign Policy
- The Politics of Representation
- The Psychology of Inequality: From Poverty to Power
- The Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism
- The Rise of the Modern International Order
- The Role of Design in the Circular Economy
- The Short Twentieth Century and Beyond
- Theatre for Changing Times
- Themes and Perspectives in Sociology I
- Themes and Perspectives in Sociology II
- Themes in Analytic Philosophy
- Themes in Language, Truth and Literature
- Themes in Post-Kantian Philosophy
- Themes in Social and Political Philosophy
- Theoretical Concepts for American Studies
- Theoretical Physics
- Theorising Media Practice
- Theory of Investments
- Therapeutic Work with Children and Young People (PA 3)
- Thermal and Statistical Physics
- Thinking Big: The 5 Senses
- Thinking Like a Criminologist
- Thinking Like a Criminologist
- Thinking Literature
- Third Year Bioscience Research Project
- Time and Place 1899: Apex Empires, Savage Wars
- Time and Place: 1661: Slavery in English America
- Time and Place: 1942: Holocaust
- Time and Place: 1948: The Arab-Israeli Conflict
- Time and Place: 1968: Rivers of Blood
- Time and Place: 1984: Thatcher's Britain (Observing the 1980s)
- Time and Place:1959 Havana: Revolution in Latin America
- Topics in African American Literature
- Topics in Computer Science
- Topics in Growth and Inequality
- Topics in Language and Society
- Topics in Linguistics
- Topics in the Philosophy of Cognitive Science
- Tort Law
- Tort Law (Advanced)
- Toy and Game Design
- Trade, (De)Globalisation, and the New Mercantilism
- Trading Strategies
- Transcendence, Devotion and Desire
- Transferrable Skills for Chemists
- Transnational Commercial Litigation
- Tropical Rainforest Science Field Trip
- Truth and Morality: The Meaning of Life
- Understanding Clinical Psychology
- Understanding Contemporary India
- Understanding Earth
- Understanding Gangs (Spr)
- Understanding Global Migration
- Understanding Organisations, Management and Interprofessional Practice
- Understanding Race and Culture in the Media
- Understanding the Criminal Justice System
- Understanding the Criminal Justice System
- Upland Ecology Field Course
- Using Accounting information for planning and decision-making
- Valuation of Companies and Cash Flow Generating Assets
- Values, Ethics and Theories: preparing for complexity in Social Work Practice
- Victimology and Emotion
- Victorian Visions: Art, Industry, Modernity
- Video Games: Creative & Critical Writing
- Video Games: Writing, World-Building, Characterisation and Storytelling
- Video Journalism
- Video Production Techniques
- Viewing Women
- Virginia Woolf
- Visual Anthropology
- Visual Criminology (Spr)
- Visual Effects
- War in International Politics
- Waves and Fields
- Wearable Technologies
- Web 3D Applications
- Web Applications and Services
- Web Applications and Services
- What is War
- Wider Topics in Data Science (L6)
- Wider Topics in Data Science (L7)
- Women in America
- Word & Image
- Working with Children and Young People: Linking Theory and Professional Skills
- Worlds and Selves
- Writing Art History: Media, Society, Culture
- Writing Early America: Literature to 1800
- Writing Fiction
- Writing Poetry
- Writing Portfolio
- Writing Race, Gender, and the Social: Experiments Beyond Representation
- Writing for Theatre
- Writing on Performance: Critical and Creative
- Writing the Environment
- Writing the New Nation: 1800-1900
- Writing the Short Film