Health and Safety

Working at Height


Working at height remains one of the commonest causes of fatalities and serious injuries in the UK. This page outlines the key standards and guidance documents available at the University of Sussex.

There are simple rules for work at height:

  • AVOID work at height if you can - If you don't need to go up there, don't!!
  • If work at height cannot be avoided- PREVENT falls by selecting and using the right access equipment.
  • If you cannot prevent falls- MINIMISE the impact of any fall. Where you cannot eliminate the risk of a fall, use work equipment or other means to minimise the distance and consequences of a fall, should one occur.
  • Steps and ladders can be used when the above methods not appropriate.
  • Always check for fragile roofing materials, these must be protected.

Who can use access equipment on University of Sussex Premises?

Type of equipment

General use

Authorised UoS  staff e.g. engineers or ACCA

SEF and Specialist contractors

Typical controls

Library stools


Library steps


A-frame steps





Tower scaffolds and MEWPs


Contact Health and Safety if required

PASMA or IPAF qualification



Access only


Lanyard and Harnesses


Contact Health and Safety if required

Fixing points and running lines must be certified


University of Sussex Documents 


Health and Safety Executive - Work at Height

For Advice and Assistance, contact the Health & Safety Team