Health and Safety

Fire Safety

Fire Safety Policy

HS P008 Fire Policy 

Fire Assembly Points Falmer Campus

HS G016 UoS Map Fire Assembly Points [PDF]

Weekly Fire Alarm Bell Testing

April 2021 - Fire Alarm Bell Weekly Testing Schedule

Premises Information Boxes in Residential Buildings Template

HS F002 Premises Information Boxes in Residential Buildings Template


Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)

What is a PEEP?

A PEEP is an individual’s escape plan for those who may require extra assistance in the event of an emergency building exit. In order to evacuate rapidly and safely to a place of relative safety, the individual may require help, guidance or special equipment.

Who requires a PEEP?

Students and staff who have mobility, hearing, sight or cognitive impairments and/ or would have difficulty quickly and safely exiting the building or making their way to a relative place of safety require a PEEP.

A temporary PEEP may be necessary for those with short term conditions, e.g. a broken leg or those in later stages of pregnancy.

What is included in a PEEP?

The PEEP details:

  • The individual’s main buildings and rooms on campus
  • The personalised evacuation procedure
  • Methods of assistance (guidance, procedures etc.)
  • Equipment required (including means of communication, use of Evac-chairs etc.)

PEEP documentation [DOCX] following an individual’s PEEP is produced, and reviewed when something changes or at the start of the next academic year.

Who to contact if I or someone I know requires a PEEP?

Please contact the Health and Safety Team if you/ someone you know requires a PEEP. The Health and Safety Team will make contact with the individual and their School or Directorate to discuss a PEEP which covers an academic building.

If the individual also has residential accomodation, one PEEP will be discussed with the individual and School or Directorate.


Telephone: 01273 87 7116

Further support


Fire Evacuation Drawings

Fire Evacuation drawings are posted in buildings along escape routes. Electronic copies are available here.


Fire Alert Pagers 

The University is now covered by a Fire Alert Paging system for student and staff who are deaf or have a hearing impairment. If you are a staff member or student and have completed a PEEP, you will be issued a personal Fire Alert Pager and charging station (these are configured not to alert when you leave campus).

If you are a visitor or somebody who is responsibile for a visitor to the University, a visitor Fire Alert Pager is available from the Library reception, Student Centre reception or the Health and Safety Team based in Sussex House.  These pagers will be provided as a loan device which need to be returned at the end of each day. If a visitor pager is inadvertently taken off campus it will automatically go into alert in order to prompt its return back to one of the 3 locations it was issued from. 

All pagers are issued with comprehensive instructions and are simple to use. All our non-residential buildings are configured to activate the pagers. An example would be 'Fire Sussex House'. Clearly if you are in Sussex House you will need to evacuate. You may pick up alerts from neighbouring buildings so make sure you read the message before you act. 

For both visitors and personally issued pagers you are responsible for the devices and at the end of the loan period they must be returned or you may be charged for a replacement device.