Training courses
Health and Safety training is available to help keep you safe and well at work.
Whilst there are legal duties to ensure people have appropriate training to work safely, health and safety training also contributes to a positive health and safety culture at the University.
Your manager must ensure you are given the health and safety training you need to work safely, and you are responsible for completing all mandatory training.
The following Health and Safety Training and Competence Guide explains how the University of Sussex delivers health and safety training.
HS G058 UoS HS Training and Competence Guidance
Identify Your Health and Safety Training Needs
You can identify what health and safety training is needed (whether for yourself or your team) using the University Health and Safety Training Matrix which outlines what different staff groups may need, depending on the activities they undertake. The Matrix outlines what courses are mandatory (for instance for you to carry out a safety function such as being a Risk Assessor or First Aider) and which are recommended, and signposts to where the training is available.
HS G057 UoSussex HS Training Matrix
Team Health and Safety Training Needs
If you are a manager, there are School and Division Health and Safety training matrix templates you can use to determine which courses your team needs. It may be helpful for you to refer to your team risk assessments to help identify specific training. To use the template, simply delete the rows of training that are not relevant, and record where individual or group training is needed.
HS G059 UoSussex Division or Team HS Training Matrix
HS G060 UoSussex School or Team HS Training Matrix
Book a Course
Details of the current courses offered, and how they can be booked are listed by subject below. The majority of courses can be booked directly by logging onto your LearnUpon account. Currently PGR students do not have access to the LearnUpon system so they will need to contact the Health and Safety team at to book a place or complete the form at the bottom of this page. Whilst most courses are offered free to University of Sussex staff, there is a charge for some externally delivered courses (including additional or bespoke training for Schools or Divisions) and these are detailed in the course listings below.
Late Cancellation
Late cancellations that leave places empty have considerable cost implications for the University and take away the opportunity for other staff members who might wish to attend. Given this, a late cancellation fee of £50 will be charged to your School or Division if you cancel your booking within three working days of the course start date.
Exceptions may be made for illness, evidenced by your line manager or doctor's note, or a family emergency. We are happy for you to substitute your place if you notify us before the course commences.
Training Courses Available
- Asbestos Awareness
Asbestos Awareness Training
Relevant for any staff arranging or undertaking work that could disturb the fabric of buildings. Please contact the Health and Safety team at if this training is required.
- COSHH and DSEAR Refresher
This training provides the learner with an understanding of the key elements of both COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) and DSEAR (Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations), refreshing their knowledge on the things that should be considered when working with substances that present COSHH and DSEAR hazards.
This is a discussion-based refresher session. It is aimed at helping people to continue working safely and effectively with chemicals, through the sharing and discussion of methods of working that promote best practice. Following the discussion led session, the facilitator will summarise the key points from the course through a set of framing slides.
Who Should Attend?
This refresher course should be attended by those who have attended COSHH and DSEAR training previously and would like/need to refresh their knowledge. If you carry out COSHH and DSEAR risk assessments, this refresher course is also suitable for you.
Those who work with substances hazardous to health or dangerous substances include both professional and academic colleagues involved in the ordering, storage, use, disposal and/or on-campus transportation of dangerous substances.
Please note that this course does not go over the COSHH and DSEAR risk assessment process in detail. If you require this training, please book on to COSHH Risk Assessor and DSEAR Risk Assessor training (these courses are currently in development).
Pre-Attendance Information
This is an in-person course. To book a space, please login to Learn Upon and search for ‘COSHH and DSEAR Refresher Workshop’ in the search bar, ensuring that ‘catalogue’ is selected.
Before attending the session, please complete the below e-learning on Learn Upon.
Control of Substance Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Training
Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmospheres (DSEAR) Training
Spill Kits Training - Chemicals and Oils
Length 3.5 hours Location On site Maximum attendees 12 Assessment N/A Delivered by Health and Safety Team How to book Learn Upon Fee Free Open to University staff and Post Graduate Researchers - Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Display Screen Equipment Training
The Health and Safety Team have recently signed up to the full catalogue of Health and Safety e-Learning courses from iHASCO including Display Screen Equipment (DSE) training. All you need to do is to log onto the LearnUpon platform and enrol on the course.
Once you have logged into the LearnUpon dashboard, you can also access the course directly from the link below.
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Training
This course is recommended for all computer users.
Length TBC Location Online Maximum attendees N/A Assessment Practical Examples During Course Delivered by External How to book Learn Upon Fee Free Open to University staff
Masters and undergraduate students should contact student experience
- Event Safety
Now available Event Safety Drop in sessions for event organisers to discuss event planning or answer questions regarding the completion of HS F033 University of Sussex Event Management & Planning documentation.
Length 1 hour (drop in session, join and leave during) Location On Campus Maximum attendees 6 Assessment N/A Delivered by Health and Safety Team How to book Email: Fee Free Open to All members of the University - Fire Safety
Fire WardenTraining
This course is mandatory for all Fire Wardens on the Falmer campus.
Length 3 hours Location On site Maximum attendees 15 Assessment In course evaluation Delivered by Health and Safety Team How to book Email Fee Free Open to University staff and Post Graduate Researchers
Other persons may be able to attend this course if there is a critical need, please email
Certificates for Fire Warden training are available upon request.
Evacuation Chair Training
This course is for individuals that may be required to assist someone with limited mobility exit a building in an emergency.
Length 4 hours Location On site Maximum attendees 8 (four per trainer) Assessment Practical Delivered by Health and Safety Team How to book Email Fee Free Open to University staff and Post Graduate Researchers - First Aid
Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) is designed for low-risk workplaces, most appropriate for staff members. It can also be used for staff required to be emergency first aiders or to support the Medical Response and Security Teams.
Length 1 day Location On site Maximum attendees 12 Assessment Continuous observation by the trainer and written assessments. Delivered by External How to book Learn Upon Fee Free Open to University staff and Post Graduate Researchers First Aid at Work (FAW) course is designed for higher risk areas and is appropriate for members of the Medical Response and Security Teams who attend emergencies across campus.
Length 3 days Location On site Maximum attendees 12 Assessment Continuous observation by the trainer and written assessments. Delivered by External How to book Learn Upon Fee Free Open to University staff and Post Graduate Researchers - Health and Safety Coordinator Induction (mandatory for new Health and Safety Coordinators)
University of Sussex Health and Safety Coordinator Induction
This course is to familiarise new Health and Safety Coordinators with the role and responsibilities and provide an opportunity to network and meet with members of the Health and Safety team.
Length 2 hours Location On site Maximum attendees 6 Delivered by Health and Safety Team How to book Learn Upon Fee Free Open to University staff - IOSH Safety Courses
IOSH Managing Safely
- To give managers and supervisors an understanding of everyone’s safety and health responsibilities in the workplace
- To enable managers and supervisors to recognise how they can influence, control and monitor risk to improve safety and health issues in the workplace
Length 3 days Location On site Maximum attendees 15 Assessment Examined and coursework Delivered by External How to book Learn Upon Fee Free Open to University staff IOSH Working Safely
IOSH Working Safely covers the essentials of health and safety in the workplace. It is aimed at all workers at the university, without supervisory or line management experience.
Length 1 day Location On site Maximum attendees 15 Assessment Examined Delivered by External How to book Learn Upon Fee Free Open to University staff and Post Graduate Researchers - Manual Handling
Manual Handling Training
This course is for staff carrying out manual handling activities and assessing manual handling risks.
Length 3 hours Location On site Maximum attendees 12 Assessment Practical Delivered by Health and Safety Team How to book Learn Upon Fee Free Open to University Staff & Post Graduate Researchers
Masters Students can request vacant spots on the course by emailing for Manual Handling training are available upon request.
- Personal Safety
Personal Safety for Frontline Staff
What is Personal Safety for Frontline Workers?
Many staff across the University work in roles which are student-facing or involve working directly with the public. This can be in-person on a reception desk, in a face-to-face, one-to-one meeting scenario, online one-to-one meetings or via social media, email and phone communications.
This course provides staff who work in these roles with the knowledge and skills to be able to identify when violence or aggression may be a potential issue and to, where safe to do so, diffuse a situation.
This course is from the Suzy Lamplugh Trust. The organisation was set up by the parents of Suzy Lamplugh, an estate agent who went missing when going on a visit to show a customer a property. She was never found and her parents set up the Trust to raise awareness around personal safety in the workplace and in our personal lives.
Who should attend?
This course is suitable for any member of staff who works in a frontline role. This includes, but is not limited to, staff who work in libraries, in the Student Centre and academic colleagues who run lectures, seminars and one- to-one tutorial sessions. This course is also suitable for those that are in regular contact with visitors and those who are not University staff, either in-person or via other media such as email, phone calls and social media. The course is also suitable for those that lone work.
What does the course cover?
- What is personal safety?
- What is violence and aggression?
- What is lone working?
- What personal safety hazards you may come across?
- What control measures can be put in place to keep you safe?
- The behviour cycle
- Diffusion techniques and their application to classroom scenarios.
Length 3 hours Location On site Maximum attendees 12 Assessment N/A Delivered by Health and Safety Team How to book Learn Upon Fee Free Open to University staff and Post Graduate Researchers
- Radiation
Using Unsealed Sources of Ionising Radiation
This course is required for all new users working with unsealed sources of ionising radiation.
Length 2.5 hours Location On site Maximum attendees 12 Assessment Examination Delivered by Health and Safety Team How to book Learn Upon Fee Free Open to University Staff, Post Graduate Researchers and MA students
Using Sealed Sources of Ionising Radiation
This course is required for all new users working with sealed sources of ionising radiation.
Length 1.5 hours Location On site Maximum attendees 12 Assessment Examination Delivered by Health and Safety Team How to book Learn Upon Fee Free Open to University Staff, Post Graduate Researchers and MA students X-Ray Users Training
This course is required for all staff and students working with X-Ray equipment without supervision by a trained user.
Length 30 minutes Location On site Maximum attendees 30 Assessment In course Delivered by Health and Safety Team How to book Learn Upon Fee Free Open to University Staff, Post Graduate Researchers and MA students Certificates for the above radiation courses are available upon request.
Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) Training
Radiation Protection Supervisors are required for all supervised and controlled areas. Training must be repeated every three to five years. This course is for an appointed RPS of the School, please seek approval beforehand.
Length 2 days Location Varies Assessment Examination Delivered by Aurora Health Physics How to book Email Fee TBC Open to University staff Laser Safety Officer (LSO) Training
This course is for an appointed LSO of the School, please seek approval beforehand.
Length 1 day Location Varies Assessment Examination Delivered by Aurora Health Physics How to book Email Fee TBC Open to University staff Laser Safety Training for Group Leaders
This course is under development. Please email if required.
Laser Safety Training for Users of Class 3 and 4 Lasers
This course is under development. Please email if required.
- Risk Assessments
Risk Assessment Training Courses
This training is for staff at the University who undertake or approve risk assessments as part of their role. This course will enable staff to identify and assess hazards in their work, identify suitable and sufficient control measures and undertake a risk assessment in line with the University’s general risk assessment template.
Length 2.5 hours Location On site Maximum attendees 12 Assessment In session practical Delivered by Health and Safety Team How to book Learn Upon Fee Free Open to University staff and Post Graduate Researchers
Masters Students can request vacant spots on the course by emailing for Risk Assessment training are available upon request.
- Travel, Field Trips and Field Work
Basic Field First Aid
This course is aimed at staff supporting undergraduates on low risk field trips (i.e. a trip to a museum). It is an ideal course for anyone wanting to know the basics of Field First Aid, what supplies to carry and what to do if an accident occurs off campus.
Length 4 hours Location On site Maximum attendees 12 Assessment Practical Delivered by SETTICA How to book Email Fee TBC Field Work First Aid
This course is aimed at:
- Staff supporting undergraduates on more complex fieldtrips (i.e. Trips to remote areas or where there are associated natural hazards)
- Members of Expeditions that are expected to provide first aid support to other members of the UoS
- Staff travelling to remote or hazardous areas where the risk of injury or the repercussion from becoming injured are heightened due to the lack of reliable medical support in the region.
- This is a field focused First Aid course for anyone wanting to know what to do in a remote accident and what best to carry when working away
- It can be adapted to cover different global environments which have extreme dry, cold and humid climates.
Individuals who complete this course will be provided with first aid manuals and certification as a first aider.
Length 6 hours Location On site Maximum attendees 12 Assessment Practical Delivered by SETTICA How to book Email Fee TBC Hazardous Environment Training
This course is aimed at staff and postgraduate research students travelling to hazardous environments, including remote areas and or areas where the Foreign & Commonwealth Office advise against all but essential travel.
It will cover topics such as how to identify threat and environmental hazards by increasing your situational awareness to make a safe plan of action if things start to go wrong.
Length 3 hours Location Hybrid Maximum attendees 12 Assessment During the course Delivered by SETTICA How to book Fee Free Open to University staff, Post Graduate Researchers and MA students Advanced Hazardous Environment & or Remote Areas
This course is aimed at staff and postgraduate research students travelling to regions where the Foreign & Commonwealth Office advise against all travel or where there are known hazards that are viewed to be significant. This training is bespoke and related to the expected hazards.
It can cover remote First Aid, how to travel/work safely in extreme dry, cold or humid environments.
Length 2 hours to 1.5 days, depending on requirement Location On site Maximum attendees Varies Assessment During the course Delivered by SETTICA How to book Email Fee TBC Open to University Staff, Post Graduate Researchers and MA Students Study Abroad Student Briefing
Students undertaking a year abroad as part of their studies should contact the Study Abroad Office for details of what briefings are required.
- Working at Height Safely
Working at Height Safely Training
This course covers the use of ladders and steps for Schools and Divisions of the University. It does not cover scaffolding or other specialised activity.
Length 4 hours Location On site Maximum attendees 12 Assessment During the course Delivered by Health and Safety Team How to book Learn Upon Fee Free Open to University staff and Post Graduate Researchers
Masters Students can request vacant spots on the course by emailing for Working at Height Safely training are available upon request.
- Health and Safety Online Courses
The Health and Safety Team have recently signed up to the full catalogue of Health and Safety e-Learning courses from iHASCO. There are 36 courses to choose from, and all you need to do is to log onto the LearnUpon platform and enrol on the courses you would like to complete.
To get started, login to your LearnUpon dashboard with your usual staff details and search 'safety' in the catalogue at the top of the screen. All the courses will then be listed for you to select. Once you have logged into the LearnUpon dashboard, you can also access the courses directly from the links below.
Construction, Design and Management (CDM) Regulations
Control of Substance Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Awareness Training
Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres (DSEAR) Awareness Training
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Training
Emergency First Aid at Work Refresher
First Aid Appointed Person e-Learning
Health and Safety for Homeworkers
Health and Safety for Managers and Supervisors
Infection Prevention and Control
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998
New and Expectant Mothers at Work
Noise Awareness in the Workplace
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) e-Learning
Risk Assessment in the Workplace
Spill Kits Training (Body Fluids)
Requesting Training Courses
For requests for training courses or further information please email