Permit to Work System
A range of contractors come to site to complete a whole range of tasks from routine servicing of office equipment such as printers through to contractors engaged in complex and high hazard activities such as access to confined spaces to complete inspections or repairs.
Control of Contractors
Contractors should have a site host who can provide support, guidance and information to ensure the contractor works safely and does not adversely impact University operations. For higher hazard areas e.g. laboratories, the local controls must be increased to commensurate with the risk.
This is a complex area of health and safety management and expert advice should be taken to ensure competent contractors are engaged and appropriate planning and supervision takes place. Most activities will be completed by SEF or Estates and Facilities.
Permit to Work (PTW)
PTWs are generally issued by SEF as part of their operations. Other specialists may also issue and use PTWs on site e.g. work associated with high voltage switching.