Health and Safety

Wellbeing and Mental Health

Factors Impacting Mental Health

Multiple factors within a workplace can contribute to mental health including:

  • Organisational factors – how the work is organised and the workplace culture
  • Job factors – including the working environment, an individual’s job role, how much control they have over their role, what their job involves doing, their colleagues and students
  • Individual factors – whether the individual has been able to form working relationships with colleagues and whether their work / life balance is appropriate for them.

An individual’s home life and circumstances will contribute to their mental health and how they manage the challenges they face.

In order to support members of the University of Sussex the follow resources are available.


University of Sussex staff can access the HR Staff Wellbeing Hub.


University of Sussex students can access services through the Student Centre.

These services include access to University of Sussex Counseling Service.


All members of the University of Sussex can take advantage of the support provided by the Chaplaincy services including meditation and mindfulness sessions, details of which can be found here.

Reporting an Incident

If you, or someone else has experienced behaviours such as bullying, harassment, a hate incident, sexual violence, domestic abuse or discrimination, you can let us know using this Report and Support tool.