Ventilation: Room and Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)
In all work areas there needs to be sufficient ventilation to ensure a comfortable working atmosphere and to maintain comfortable working temperatures. For example, in a work area where people are sedentary, such as in an office environment, the temperature should be at least 16°C. In a more active work environment, such as a workshop or laboratory, the temperature should be at least 13°C.
Suitable ventilation of a work area can be acheived through general mechanical ventilation or through natural ventilation such as opening windows. However, in some work areas such as laboratories, windows should be kept closed as the turbulance caused by natural air movement could affect the efficacy of fume cupboards and other Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems.
Ventilation can also prevent explosive atmospheres from forming through use of dangeorus substances (DSEAR) and specialist ventilation systems, known as Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems can also remove harmful substances from a work area. If you are working in an area, such as a laboratory or workshop, where LEV is used to keep you and others safe, the guidance below for ducted LEV systems and recirculation systems will help you to ensure these systems remain fit for purpose.
HS G023 Ducted Local Exhaust Ventilation Procedure
HS G024 Recirculating Fume Hoods (Ductless) LEV Procedure