Sean Jibowu

Chronicle 'apex predator' Film Score

Sean Jibowu recreates the film score of Chronicle (2012).

  • Video transcript

    Two masculine-appearing persons flying mid air. They are surrounded by tall buildings and helicopters flashing lights at them.  

    Masculine-appearing person 1: You're hurting people. 

    Masculine-appearing person 2: You weak, man. You're all weak. I’m stronger than you.

    Masculine-appearing person 1: Listen to me, okay? Just. Just. I need you to just focus for a second

    Masculine-appearing person 2: Do not tell me what to do (angry).

    Visuals of helicopters monitoring the two persons.  

    Masculine-appearing person 1: It is not too late for us to go.  

    Masculine-appearing person 2: It is over. You treated me like shit. You left me alone.

    Masculine-appearing person 1: Andrew, you're not alone up here. I'm here with you. I should have been with you. But I'm here now. And we can stop this right now. You and me.

    Andrew, if we could just fly away, we could get out of here. We could be family. Andrew. Andrew, look at yourself. This isn't who you are.

    Masculine-appearing person 1:
    Inaudible mumbling

    Masculine-appearing person 1: What? 

    Masculine-appearing person 2:I'm the apex predator.

    Masculine-appearing person 1 gets hit by a flying bus which crashes into a building. There is sound of people screaming in panic in the background.

    Masculine-appearing person 2 jumps from the top of a tall building and lands on another. The person appears to have sustained serious injuries, there is blood on their hands and head. 

    Masculine-appearing person 1 barges into masculine-appearing person 2. The two engage in a combat, destroying several buildings and cars.  

    Masculine-appearing person 2 collides with a lamp post and falls on the roof of a car. They appear to be unconscious. Masculine-appearing person 1 drags masculine-appearing person 2 away as helicopters flash lights on them.  

    Masculine-appearing person 1: Andrew, look at me. You’ll be alright. I’m going to get you help.