Fred Greaves

Flower of our Youth - Submarine 1st Scene

Fred Greaves rescores the film, Submarine (2010). 

  • Video transcript

    The video starts with a masculine-presenting actor slipping the pages of a dictionary.

    The actor finds the looking page, and the main shot is of the dictionary.  The actor's hand moves forward to underline the word 'atavistic' with a pencil.

    A hand picks up a cassette tape box labelled with the terms 'infatuation', 'indecision', 'embarassment', 'seduction', 'elation', and relief'. There is a handwritten note in front of the term 'seduction' that states 'Achieved!'.

    The casette is outside of the box and is labelled 'For Oliver - Celebratory'.

    The actor presses the button 'play' on the casette player.

    [Soft indie music plays]

    The scene shifts to a blue coloured single-bed in a young person's room. The masculine-presenting actor lies down on the bed and appears to be lost in thought.

    The actor is cycling with a feminine-presenting actor sitting in the passenger seat. The feminie-presenting actor is wearing a red coat and the masculine-presenting actor is dressed in a black coat. A dog runs in front of them. There are green and brown shrubs around the setting. There are bicycle sparks shooting out from the back wheels.

    The next scene shifts to an empty carnival fair setting. The same actors are joyfully running around cracking fireworks in different areas.

    In the next scene the actors are sitting beside a running river or stream. The feminie-presenting actor plays with matchsticks against the masculine-presenting actor's leg hair. They laugh together. 

    A white paper note appears labelled 1. No pet names. 2. No hand-holding. 3. No emotions (gay).

    The two actors are beside the river. The masculine-presenting actor holds a paper boat with a lit up punk (firework stick) erected as a mast. They lay the boat in the river water and watch it float away.

    The scene shifts to the two actors sitting and smiling in an abandoned bath tub outdoors.

    They are running around the town with lit-up punks in their hands. The scene has red hues.

    They lit up the bicycle with fireworks. There is also fireworks in the sky.

    The actors continue playing with lit-up punks. The masculine-presneting actor looks at the feminine-presneting actor through a kaleidoscope presenting a circular illusions of her face covered with red heart-rimmed sunglasses. The masculine-presenting actor is wearing blue sunglasses. 

    The feminie-presenting actor sits in front of a backdrop of ongoing fire, in a brooding fashion.

    The scene shifts to the masculine-presenting actor working a traditional film camera in a dark room. The camera shows a film in which the feminie-presenting actor in red coat is running around an outdoors space. The title on the film screen says:

    Tate - Bevan Productions present two weeks of lovemaking.

    The second shot of the film contains the masculine-presenting actor giving the feminie-presenting actor a piggy back ride on their back. The scene is titled 'Starring Oliver Tate and introducing Jordana Bevan'

    The two actors are running around kisisng and holding hands. They play rock, paper and scissors, and throw pebbles in the water.

    The two race each other and reach a wall that separates the river. They spit in the water flowing below them.

    The scenes shift to just the feminie-presenting actor, sitting, smiling and laying in grass.

    The two actors play with each other's sunglasses. The scene shifts to the feminie-presenting actor lying down resting her head on the other protagonist's head. Both are smiling. In the next scene they are hugging each other.

    The scene ends with them standing looking at the stars.

    [Blue screen appears] depicting the end.