Oskar Augustsson

FMAM Final Project

Oskar Augustsson's rendition of the Swedish film, The Seventh Seal (1957).

  • Video transcript

    [Solemn music in the background] 

    A bird flies with grey skies in the background. 

    Landscape of a beach with adjacent mountains. There are horses drinking water from the sea. 

    A masculine-appearing person (Person 1) is lying down on the rocks at the beach, next to a chess board. There is another masculine-appearing person (Person 2) lying down on the same beach. We can see that they have a sword and a knife, respectively. 

    [Sound of waves crashing against the rocks]  

    Person 1 approaches the sea, drinks water. The person then folds hands and prays. 

    [Solemn music intensifies] 

    A person covered in a black robe appears. They identify as death and claim to have come for Person 1.  

    Person 1 and Death decide to play a game of chess to settle if Person 1 lives or dies.  

    A montage of shots showing Person 1 and Person 2 being carried away on their horses.  

    After a brief conversation between the two, they find a person on their way. The person has a black robe but seems to be lifeless.  

    [Church bell rings] 

    Person 1 spots a person stands in front of a statue of Jesus Christ. They spot Death again. Person 1 approaches them and speaks to them.  

    Person 1 is distraught and falls to their knees facing the wall while still speaking.  

    After a long conversation, Death walks away, and Person 1, who identifies as Antonius Block, appears upbeat and smiles.