Jade Snowdon

Feminism Film

Jade Snowdon produces a score for multiple clips and scenes adopted from campaign projects, movies and television series centered around feminism and women empowerment. 

  • Video transcript

    [Multiple mothers with their daughters enter a room and sit theselves down on the sofa chairs. There is a long mic stand situated in front of them.]

    "Make yourself comfortable."


    "Thank you."

    "God do I wanna sit."

    A brown woman laughs and states "I don't wanna ruin the lipstick".

    A white screen appears with blue text stating 'We invited parents and their girls to talk about social media'.

    "Social media can be good, but it can be bad as well."

    "In terms of her building her confidence, it can build her confidence."

    "She identifies herself now. She is not influenced by social media"

    "Most of th einfluencers I've seen have definitely had a positive impact on me."

    A white screen appears with blue text stating 'We asked the girls to start scrolling'.

    [Younge feminie-presenting individuals scroll through social media on phones]

    A feminie-sounding voice is heard 'Hey guys, this is the beauty hack i've been obsessed with'.

    A white screen appears with blue text stating 'Most parents unerestimate how harmful toxic beauty advice can be on social media.'

    [A feminie-sounding voice is heard coming out of one of the respondeent's phone] 'I am so happy to...' - the voice fades away and a typing noise is heard.

    A white screen appears with blue text stating 'And toxic beauty advice has become normalized for our girls.'

    [A feminie-sounding voice is heard coming from the screen across the respondents] 'Look at how flat my stomach is...'

    [Text on screen appears] Using face-mapping technology, we put highly toxic advice into the mouths of their moms.

    'It's the shortcut to flawless skin.'

    'You know that botox does reduce wrinkles, right?. Botox is amazing, you're never too young to start'

    "That is not me"

    'There are these great powders. They stop you from feeling hungry so you can always skip breakfast and lunch.'

    'You have to treat yourself to a chemical peel. They burn away the top layers of your skin and a new skin will grow through.'

    'If your teeth are uneven you can always file them down.'

    [Muffled voice]

    'Don't put up with your thin lips.'

    'You can get lip filler injections at your home.'

    'Fake eyelashes are so easy to glue on.'

    [Pensive music plays and voices muffle up]

    'This is a really great peel you can use.'

    'You're not hungry, you're just thirsty'

    A white screen appears with grey text stating 'You wouldn't say that to your daughter. But she still hears it online, every day.''

    "Have you actually seen stuff like that?"

    "Yeah, a lot. This stuff is on every girl's feed."

    "They're watching right? I mean at night when I can't see them."

    "It's scary to me that my kids are watching this and they think that is how they have to look."

    "I remember seeing that tea one... I remember seeing that all over. I know this stuff."

    "I can't prevent them from seeing these. But I can talk to them about it."

    "A hundred percent always be talking. Let her know that she can ask me anything."

    "My mom tells me to stop listening to people like that. To be proud of your own self."

    A white screen appears with blue text stating 'A girl's greatest influence will always be her parents. The Dove Self-Esteem Project has developed tools so parents can help their girls detoxify their feeds. Join us in our mission to build the conifdence of 250 million girls. Dove.com/Detoxify. Let's change beauty'

    [The Dove Detoxify Project video ends, scenes from multiple women-centered films and shows play]

    Girls are so useless. Guess you should've stayed at home in the kitchen, eh?

    What is wrong with you?

    Go home and bake cookies. 

    Why is it that who I am and what I want is...

    You have one job!

    What is my job?

    What about my duty?

    Every young woman should learn how to be a good wife.

    Just because I'm a woman, I'm incapable of making my own choices?

    It doesn't matter what you think.

    Why is it that women don't even deserve to have an opinion? Don't you?

    You have no idea what it is to be a woman.

    So I ask myself, what can I say about being a woman?

    We are dismissed, ranked, assaulted. Nobody does anything about it. Nobody listens to us.

    My real muse was David Bowie.

    Feminism means that everyone is equal. No matter their race, identity, sexuality or religion.

    He made me think there were no rules. But he was wrong. There are no rules. If you are a boy. If you're a girl, you have to play the game. What is that game? You are allowed to be pretty and cute and sexy, But don't act too smart, don't have an opinion.

    You know what is an accomplishment? Attending university. If I were a man I could do that you know.

    Don't condemn yourself to other's idea of who you should be.

    Don't have an opinion that is out of line with the status quo. You're allowed to be objectified by men and dress like a slut.

    I wear what I want no matter what my body looks like. I'm never changing.

    It doesn't make sense that girls are not allowed to do farm work. Girls can do anything a boy can do and more. Our heavenly bodies belong solely to us.

    If women don't want to be defined by their bodies. Whya re they always using them to get what they want?

    Maybe they aren't. Maybe men are too easily distracted.

    Your resistance made me stronger. Made me push harder. Made me the fighter that I am today.

    And should any man belittle us, we'll show him the door.

    Made me the woman that I am today, so thank you.

    Times have changed. Go to college and learn.

    I am going to learn!

    Which dress to wear, which smile to use.

    Women din't really have the same freedoms as men.

    And I am especially proud and inspired by all the women who have felt strong enough, empowered enough, to speak up and tell their personal stories. 

    I'm just a girl. And as a girl there is no way for me to make more money. Not enough to earn a living or to support my family.

    [Pensive music continues]