Lola de Oliveria Gibbons

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Here is Lola de Oliveria Gibbon's take of this scene from A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).

  • Video transcript

    [Tense music in the background] 

    A feminine-appearing young person with curly hair walks around, looking scared, in a dark basement.  

    A disfigured person,with a hat on,secretly watches before appearing in front of the feminine-appearing young person. The disfigured person has blade-fixed glove and cuts themselves open with it. A yellow liquid gushes out of the wound.  

    They then try to attack the feminine-appearing person, who tries to escape.  

    We see close ups of the blade-fixed hand, the feminine-appearing person and disfigured person.  

    The chase continues in a boiler room and as the disfigured person is about to strike from proximity, the feminine-appearing person intentionally touches a hot pipe, only to wake up in a classroom.  

    The feminine-appearing person screams in extreme distress.