Alfie Moran


Alfie Moran rescores the final scene from the movie Passengers (2016).

  • Video transcript


    [Warning, temperature critical.]

    What's wrong? What's the matter? Are you okay?

    Nothing. No. 

    You sure?


    I'm at the vent tube.

    New anchor point. Reset tether. 

    I see the door.

    [Temperature levels rising]


    [Warning, temperature critical]

    [containment unstable]

    Where are you?

    I am at the door.

    I am ready, just say when.

    Here it goes.

    The door won't open. I will have to buy...

    Jim come on, please hurry!

    Okay, I am trying it again.

    Tell me when you're clear.


    What?! What's going on? Jim? Jim!

    The door won't stay open. I think I have to stay here. Hold the door open.

    What? N-No! No way, get out of there.

    I can't.


    W're out of time.

    [Coontainment unstable]


    Vent the reactor.

    No! You don't understand. If I open the door right now I will kill you.

    I am hoping not.

    Come back in, we'll think of something else!

    There is nothing else.


    It's okay.

    No! It's not okay!


    [Warning, temperature level exceeded]

    This is not how it was gonna happen.

    I warned this ship is going to go.

    I don't care. You die, I die. 

    There is five-thousand other people on the ship. We have to do this.

    [Maximum pressure reached]

    Do it, now!

    [Maximum cabin pressure reached]

    [Cabin pressure decreasing]

    Jim ... Jim?