
  • Beyond Religion, Beyond Pilgrimage (Raminder Kaur) – on openness and closure regarding religious identities, vernacular practices, and places of pilgrimage
  • An Encounter with a UK Panjabi at Harmandir Sahib (Prabhjit Singh) – an encounter between a British Asian visitor at the Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) and a staff member of the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee 
  • The Global Temple (Raminder Kaur) – marble engravings around the Harmandir Sahib walkway depicting donations from pilgrims across the world

  • Seva: The Spiritual Circuits of Monetary and Bodily Service (Prabhjit Singh and Raminder Kaur) – attitudes towards money in Sikh religious culture: as attachment, metaphor, contribution, and redistribution

  • Sevacation (Dipti and Raminder Kaur) – seva (selfless service) during the holiday season or religious vacationing at the Harmandir Sahib

  • Kirtan: The Soaring Sounds of Sacrality (Prabhjit Singh and Raminder Kaur) – the qualities, effects and aspirations for unsullied purity regarding devotional music at the Harmandir Sahib

  • Music Makes the World go Round (Prabhjit Singh and Raminder Kaur) – the training and transnational travels of musicians and singers from Amritsar

  • Amritland: The Sounds of Amritsar in England (Raminder Kaur) – a hazuri ragi from the Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar visits England with his group
  • Blessings (Raminder Kaur) – Ajayta Rai, a Birmingham-born actor and corporate lawyer, recalls her experiences of the Harmandir Sahib
  • Of Loud Speech and Silences Louder Still (Vrishali) - theatre workshops to do with violence at Harmandir Sahib in 1984 and their consequences
  • Relations of Fluidity (Raminder Kaur) – Birmingham resident, Kavita Bhanot, reflects on her fluid relations with identity, religion and the Harmandir Sahib
  • A Spectrum of Circuits (Raminder Kaur) - Amritsar-Birmingham connections, interfaith liaisons and implications for transnational circuits of exchange with India and the UK
  • Yatra (Raminder Kaur) – Ranjit Singh Rana talks about the Pakistan pilgrimage trips he has organised from Birmingham to Lahore over the last three decades

  • Tapestries (Raminder Kaur) – Sikh-Buddhist mythos, religious synergies, and political affinities demonstrated with visits to the adopted hometown of the Dalai Lama in Dharamshala, India

  • Linking the Past with the Present: The Gurdwaras and Public Spaces of Nanded (Vrishali) – pilgrimage provisions at Hazoor Sahib in Maharashtra, one of the five seats of authority, Panj Takhts, of Sikhism in India