Places and Faces

Hokyee Wu

This is a project on racial equality and acceptance. I took photos of 30 individuals of different ethnicities but in the same clothing and expression, then I reconstructed the faces in a random order encouraging spectators to build their ideal faces. The aim was to bring out the message that we all deserve to be treated the same despite our skin colour - for skin colour is just a colour and it should not measure how much respect we receive. Ever since I moved to the United Kingdom for university, I have received quite a lot of ill-treatment because of being Chinese, some locals would stare at me, stereotype me, and ask inappropriate questions about my culture. Throughout the creation of my project, I understood that most of the racial acts were already carved into my culture and I was abusing other ethnicities with my culture. We need to acknowledge that the current education on racial discrimination is not enough to sustain a discrimination-free society and that it needs improvement.

Composite image of photos of different faces collaged together to make one face