Sussex Asia Centre

Dr Caroline Osella

Dr Caroline Osella

Dr Caroline Osella has been conducting ethnographic research since 1989 between the south Indian state of Kerala and the Gulf states among Keralite migrants. She has published on a range of issues, including Muslim fashion,  Islamic reformism, and migrant masculinities.


She maintains two blogs:

Worthing By Accident
Caroline Osella REALM project blog 2017-2019


Her recent publications include:

Who Are Your Friends?, in Sociological Review Sociological Fiction Section, 2018. 
Contexts of Respectability and Freedom: Sexual Stereotyping in Abu Dhabi (with Jane Bristol-Rhys), in New Diversities, 2018 
Challenges to Stakeholders: A Study of Kerala, India, (with PA Ansari), in SAGE Handbook of Internal Migration in India, 2018