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The Economic Observatory produces a range of different, targeted publications and outputs as vehicles for the dissemination of information on cross border trade and economic development issues. The self-evaluation dimension of this project has facilitated flexibility in the development of these outputs, so that they are adapted according to the feedback received from end-users :

uEconomic Information Bulletin : Eleven bilingual bulletins were foreseen. These Bulletins provide information for those interested in developing cross border projects, business or trade. Feedback from the first EIB led to its refinement and the Bulletin now includes more practical information, including interviews with firms and organisations operating in a cross border context, invitations to trade fairs, etc. The print run for EIB was 50,000 copies.

uThematic Studies : Seven Thematic Studies were planned, of which three have been published and two more will appear by the end of 1999. The first two on the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Rives Manche Area, Developing Cross-border Economic Relationships, The Institutional Architecture of the Rives Manche Area are printed off on demand, while several are also downloadable in English or French from the Observatory's web site

uAnnual Report : The first Annual Report provided in-depth information on the economic situation of the cross border region, and profiled the area's ports. The second positioned the Rives Manche area in its European Union context.

Cross border data-base : This database compiles harmonised economic statistics and data.

In the second phase of operation the Observatory added several new initiatives which included Contribution to fairs and exhibitions such as Cap-Santé in Amiens Organisation of a workshop on Developing Cross-Border Economic Relationships Interreg and Cross Border Co-operation and on Creative Industries in Brighton.
In the latest phase Sussex Enterprise was added as a full partner to the project and itself produces a number of further outputs on economic trends in Sussex.
The project's organisational framework includes two groups. The project Co-ordinating Group meets monthly and on these occasions, meetings with groups of actors interested in economic development are also arranged. A Steering Group meets twice a year and sets the strategic direction for the project, including feedback on the outputs and definition of the future priorities of the Observatory.
Thus far, the project's outputs have exceeded set targets. The project is illustrative of good practice in self-evaluation. There is careful monitoring of the demand, from various sources, of its outputs and good networking links with a range of public and private bodies helps ensure compatibility between the aims and objectives of the project and the development of wider business and economic links.
As examples of the impact a Bulletin contained an invitation for Sussex enterprises to attend Cap-Santé in Amiens and publicised the activities of Wired Sussex. Also it took participants of a Steering Group Meeting to the Brighton Media Centre. The outcome was the development of two INTERREG projects of which the most recent aims to develop software tools for training programmes designed to transfer knowhow between the French and UK ambulance services. The Annual Report provided a profile of the cross-border economies which highlighted the fact that French perceptions that there were few potential collaborators in Sussex was shown to clearly reflect a lack of awareness of the density of firms and the profile of the Sussex economy.

projet / project publications documentations contacts utiles / useful contact revue de presse / press book