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Economic Observatory publications aim to increase mutual awareness within the Rives-Manche area. They give companies an insight into the region's economy, its actors, companies, economic development initiatives and industrial sectors.

All publications are bilingual and are available upon request, free of charge.

The Economic Observatory publishes three kinds of documents :

u Economic information bulletins
The quarterly Rives-Manche Economic Information Bulletin is structured in
3 parts:

a thematic report : including key statistics, presentations on companies, organisations, networks or initiatives to do with the chosen theme;

Economic information :
looking at organisations providing services to companies, Interreg activities or other parallel initiatives across the three territories.

Practical information :
this section brings together joint practical information, providing a Diary of economic events taking place and modes of access to the Rives-Manche area.

40,000 copies of the Bulletin are distributed across the Rives-Manche territory.

uN°8 : Electronics
N°7 : Business Creation
uN°6 : Business Parks in the Rives Manche Area
uN°5 : From Traditional Commerce to E-Commerce in the Rives Manche Area
uN°4 : Innovation and know-how transfert
uN°3 : Business Services
uN°2 : Banking and Insurance
uN°1 : Cross-broder

u Annual reports
The Annual Report provides economic information and statistical analyses on the Rives-Manche economy. It aims to provide harmonious information allowing for economic comparisons between the territories to be made.
The main chapters dealt with in the report are :

Population ;
Active population, employment and unemployment ;
Gross domestic product ;
The productive system.

The report is composed mainly of national data (INSEE - the National Institute of Economic Studies and Statistics, ONS - the Office for National Statistics…) and European data (Eurostat).

Thematic studies

Each Cross-border seminar is written up into a document that can be consulted on-line.

projet / project publications documentations contacts utiles / useful contact revue de presse / press book