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This document is an updated version of a report originally drafted by an independent evaluator and published by : LACE - Linkage, Assistance and Cooperation for the European Border Regions.


Established early in 1998 by the University of Sussex, the Rouen Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Picardy Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Economic Observatory project was designed to collect, analyse and disseminate socio-economic information with a view to encouraging economic co-operation between public and private institutions and enterprises in the Rives Manche border region. More specifically, the Economic Observatory aims to increase mutual understanding and awareness including knowledge of actors and institutional frameworks, analysis of sectors and input-output relations, and knowledge of opportunities for partnership and competitive challenges.
Through these activities the Observatory aimed to prepare the ground for the work of economic development organisations mandated to foster exchanges between firms and economic actors, to initiate cross-border projects and to develop cross border trade and business linkages.
The project is funded through the Interreg II Programme for the Rives-Manche border region (Priority A: Communication and mutual awareness, Measure 1: Transfrontier Awareness Programme)

projet / project publications documentations contacts utiles / useful contact revue de presse / press book