
Technician Commitment at Sussex

Following working group discussions and engagement events with technicians from across the University, we have developed the specifics on how the Technician Commitment work will be undertaken here at Sussex.

  • Develop a Sussex Technician webpage - making an online space for technicians as well as staff and students accessing our services
  • Events for Technicians Commitment at Sussex - keep an eye out on our News page and on the Technician Teams channel for news on these
  • Develope clear and consistent job profiles, and a career ladder for technicians
  • Guidance on inclusion of Fair recognition and authorship for technicians.
  • Technician Career Development Fund - A pot of money dedicated for supporting the training and career development of Technicians at Sussex. Applications for this fund can be applied for here
Career Development
  • Develop a fair recognition and authorship guidance and/or policy for technicians on peer-review papers and grants.
  • Technician Career Development Fund - A pot of money to support the initial membership and registration fees for technicians seeking professional registration, which you can apply for here.
  • Establish a culture of ensuring technicians get time within their working hours to conduct and focus on training and career development, written into Sevice Levels Agreements for Technical Services and specific school level services
  • Ensure a working Appraisal and CPD process for technicians at Sussex, helping to direct the Tecnician Development Fund, meeting individual's interests/past skills as well as institutional needs and areas for growth. Linked to new Achievement and Development Review Form
