Health and Safety
Health and Safety central support and resources
View Health and Safety resources, documents, and support on the University's central Health and Safety website
You can also find information on accident and incident reporting, training, forms and policies, and people and contacts.
Health and Safety roles in Media, Arts and Humanities
- Health and Safety Coordinators
- First Aiders & First Aid Boxes
- Arts A - Sarah Sawyer, Hester Barron and Lewis Alford
- Arts B - Gina Stevens and Catherine Packham
- Silverstone - Laura Vellacott and Despoina Mantziari
Health and Safety policies and guidance
View the full list of University Health, Safety and Wellbeing policies
Risk assessment and overseas travel guidance
Technical Services Health and Safety information
Relating to Creative and Critical Practice; Drama; Journalism; Music and use of the practical facilities in Silverstone
PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan)
- Frequently asked questions - What is a PEEP? Who requires a PEEP? What is included? Who should I contact?
- PEEP flowchart
Committee minutes
- Faculty Health and Safety Committee minutes are available via Sussex Direct
- University Health and Safety Committee minutes
Training and induction
Training courses are available to book through Sussex Direct. You can also request bespoke training from the Health & Safety Office by completing this webform