Our other COVID-related outputs

Bertini, L., Bogen-Johnston, L., Middleton, J., Wood, W., Sadhwani, S., Forder, J., Roland, D., Sharp, R., Drury, J., Cassell, J.A. (2021). COVID-19 management in social care in England: a systematic review of changing policies and newspaper reported staff perspectivesMedRxiv. doi:10.1101/2021.11.17.21266410

Bonell, C., Michie, S., Reicher, S., West, R., Bear, L., Yardley, L., Curtis, V., Amlôt, R., & Rubin, G.J. (2020). Harnessing behavioural science in public health campaigns to maintain ‘social distancing’ in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: key principles. Journal of Epidemiol Community Health. 2020 May 8; 74(8). 

Carter, H., Weston, D., & Amlôt, R (2020). Managing crowds in crises. In J. Jetten, S. D. Reicher, S. A. Haslam, & T. Cruwys. Together apart: The psychology of Covid-19. (pp. 88-92). Sage. [Free Kindle version] 

Chater, A.M., Shorter, G.W., Swanson, V., Kamal, A., Epton, T., Arden, M.A., Hart, J., Byrne-Davis, L.M.T., Drury, J., Whittaker, E., Lewis, L.J.M., McBride, E., Chadwick, P., O'Connor, D.B, and Armitage, C.J. (2021). Template for rapid iterative consensus of experts (TRICE). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(19), 10255. doi:10.3390/ijerph181910255

de Figueiredo, A., Larson, H.J., & Reicher, S. (2021). The potential impact of vaccine passports on inclination to accept COVID-19 vaccinations in the United Kingdom: evidence from a large cross-sectional survey and modelling study. MedRxiv. doi:10.1101/2021.05.31.21258122

Drury, J., et al. (2021). The psychology of 'Freedom Day'. The Psychologist.

Drury, J., Reicher, S., & Stott, C. (2020). Covid-19 in context: Why do people die in emergencies? It’s probably not because of collective psychology. British Journal of Social Psychology59, 686–693. doi:10.1111/bjso.12393

Drury, J., Reicher, S., & Hopkins, N. (2020, July). Psychology of physical distancing. The Psychologist.

Drury, J., Reicher, S., & Stott, C. (2020, March 22nd). Me to we: In an Emergency, Collectivize to Survive. Novara Media

Drury, J., & Stokoe, E. (2021). The production (and breach) of new norms in the time of COVID-19: Achieving physical distancing in public spaces. British Journal of Social Psychology. doi:10.1111/bjso.12513 

Drury, J., & Tekin Guven, S. (2020). Emergencies and disasters. In J. Jetten, S. D. Reicher, S. A. Haslam, & T. Cruwys. Together apart: The psychology of Covid-19. (pp. 80-84). Sage. [Free Kindle version]

Elcheroth, G., & Drury, J. (2020). Collective resilience in times of crisis: Lessons from the literature for socially effective responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. British Journal of Social Psychology, 59, 703–713. doi:10.1111/bjso.12403 

Epton, T. Ghio, D., Ballard, L., Allen, S., Kassianos, A., Hewitt, R., … Drury, J. (2021). Systematic review of interventions to promote physical distancing behaviours during pandemics/epidemics of infectious diseases spread via aerosols or droplets. PsyArXiv. doi:10.31234/osf.io/rn4vb 

Haslam, S.A., Steffens, N.K., Reicher, S.D., & Bentley, S.V. (2021). Identity leadership in a crisis: A 5R framework for learning from responses to COVID‐19. Social Issues & Policy Review. doi:10.1111/sipr.12075

Jetten, J., Reicher, S. D., Haslam, S. A., & Cruwys, T. (Eds. (2020). Together apart: The psychology of Covid-19. (pp. 75-79). Sage. [Free Kindle version]

Mao, G., Drury, J., Lowther, L., & Perach, R. (2024). Safeguarding concerns, practices, and resources in COVID-19 mutual aid groups. Journal of Community Practice, 32(2), 198–211.  https://doi.org/10.1080/10705422.2024.2345052

McKee, M., Altmann, D., Costello, A., Friston, K., Haque, Z., Michie, S., Oni, T., Pagel, C., Pillay, D., Reicher, S., Salisbury, H., Scally, G., Yates, K., Bauld, L., Bear, L, Drury, J., Parker, M., Phoenix, A., Stokoe, E., & West, R. (2022). Open science communication: the first year of the UK’s Independent Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies.Health Policy. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2022.01.006

Neville, F., & Reicher, S. D. (2020). Crowds. In J. Jetten, S. D. Reicher, S. A. Haslam, & T. Cruwys. Together apart: The psychology of Covid-19. (pp. 75-79). Sage. [Free Kindle version]

Ntontis, E., & Rocha, A. (2020). Emergencies and disasters. In J. Jetten, S. D. Reicher, S. A. Haslam, & T. Cruwys. Together apart: The psychology of Covid-19. (pp. 84-87). Sage. [Free Kindle version]

Pagel, C., Drury, J., Greenhalgh, T., Griffin, S., Gurdasani, D., Haque, Z., Katzourakis, A., McKee, M., Michie, S., Scally, G., West, R., Yates, K., Ziauddeen, H. (2021). Government’s plan recklessly exposes millions in the UK to infection when they could be vaccinated. The BMJ Opinion

Reicher, S. (2021). How government messaging is undermining the covid-19 response. The BMJ Opinion. 

Reicher, S. & Drury, J. (2020, March 15th). Don’t personalize, collectivize! The Psychologist

Reicher, S., Drury, J., & Haslam, S.A. (2021). Why “groupthink” detracts from an explanation of the organisational failures of the UK pandemic response. The BMJ Opinion.

Reicher, S., Drury, J., Phoenix, A., & Stokoe, E. (2021). Government ministers not wearing masks was bad enough, but their defence of this position is even worse. The BMJ Opinion

Reicher, S., Drury, J., & Stott, C. (2020, March 15th). The truth about panic. The Psychologist

Reicher, S., Drury, J., & Stott, C. (2020, April 1st). The two psychologies and coronavirus. The Psychologist

Reicher, S., & Stott, C. (2020). Policing the Coronavirus Outbreak: Processes and Prospects for Collective Disorder. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, paaa014. 

Reicher, S., & Stott, C. (2020). On order and disorder during the COVID‐19 pandemic. British Journal of Social Psychology59(3), 694-702.

Stokoe, E., Simons, S., Drury, J., Michie, S., Parker, M., Phoenix, A., Reicher, S., Wardlaw, B., & West, R., (2022). What can we learn from the language of “living with covid”? The BMJ

Stott, C., & Radburn, M. (2020). Order and disorder. In J. Jetten, S. D. Reicher, S. A. Haslam, & T. Cruwys. Together apart: The psychology of Covid-19. (pp. 93-97). Sage. [Free Kindle version]

Van Bavel, J. J., Baicker, K., Boggio, P. S., Capraro, V., Cichocka, A., Cikara, M., Crockett, M. J., Crum, A. J., Douglas, K. M., Druckman, J. N., Drury, J., Dube, O., Ellemers, N., Finkel, E. J., Fowler, J. H., Gelfand, M., Han, S., Haslam, S. A., Jetten, J., Kitayama, S., Mobbs, D., Napper, L. E., Packer, D. J., Pennycook, G., Peters, E., Petty, R. E., Rand, D. G., Reicher, S. D., Schnall, S., Shariff, A., Skitka, L. J., Smith, S. S., Sunstein, C. R., Tabri, N., Tucker, J. A., van der Linden, S., Van Lange, P. A. M., Weeden, K. A., Wohl, M. J. A., Zaki, J., Zion, S. & Willer, R. (2020). Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response. Nature Human Behavior. doi:10.1038/s41562-020-0884-z

Williams, S., Drury, J., Michie, S., Stokoe, E. (2021). Covid-19: What we have learnt from behavioural science during the pandemic so far that can help prepare us for the futureThe BMJ Opinion. doi:10.1136/bmj.n3028  

Williams, R., Ntontis, E., Alfadhli, K., Drury, J., & Amlôt, R. (2021). A social model of secondary stressors in relation to disasters, major incidents and conflict: Implications for practice. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. doi:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102436