- Peer-reviewed journal articles and pre-prints
Atkinson, M., Neville, F. G., Ntontis, E., & Reicher, S. (2022). Perceptions of (inter)personal and collective risk on the adoption of COVID-19 preventative behaviours. OSF DOI: 10.31219/osf.io/vw7ze
Atkinson, M., Neville, F., Ntontis, E., & Reicher, S. (2023). Social identification and risk dynamics: How perceptions of (inter)personal and collective risk impact the adoption of COVID-19 preventative behaviours. Risk Analysis https://doi.org/10.1111/risa.14155
Atkinson, M., Ntontis, E., Neville, F., & Reicher, S. (2023). “I'll wait for the English one”: COVID-19 vaccine country of origin, national identity, and their effects on vaccine perceptions and uptake willingness. Social and Personality Psychology Compass https://doi.org/10.1111/spc3.12837
Cocking C, Vestergren S, Ntontis E, Luzynska K (2023). ‘All together now’: Facilitators and barriers to engagement in mutual aid during the first UK COVID-19 lockdown. PLoS ONE 18(4): e0283080. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0283080
Davidson, L., Carter, C., Amlot, R., Drury, J., Haslam, A., Radburn, M., & Stott., C. (2021). Emergency responders’ experiences of multi-agency working during the COVID-19 response in the UK: Social identity as part of the problem and part of the solution. Qeios. doi:10.32388/MHJTNY
Drury, J., Carter, H., Ntontis, E., & Guven, S. (2021). Public behaviour in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Understanding the role of group processes. BJPsych Open, 7(1), E11. doi:10.1192/bjo.2020.139
Drury, J., Mao, G., John, A., Kamal, A., Rubin, G.J., Stott, C., Vandrevala, T., & Marteau, T.M. (2021). Behavioural responses to Covid-19 health certification: A rapid review. BMC Public Health, 21. doi:10.1186/s12889-021-11166-0
Drury, J., Rogers, M.B., Marteau, T.M., Yardley, L., Reicher, S., & Stott, C. (2021). Re-opening live events and large venues after Covid-19 ‘lockdown’: Behavioural risks and their mitigations. Safety Science, 139. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2021.105243
Epton, T., Ghio, D., Ballard, L. M., Allen, S. F., Kassianos, A. P., Hewitt, R., ... & Drury, J. (2022). Interventions to promote physical distancing behaviour during infectious disease pandemics or epidemics: A systematic review. Social Science & Medicine, 303. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114946
Fernandes-Jesus, M., Mao, G., Ntontis, E., Cocking, C., McTague, M., Schwarz, A., Semlyen, J., & Drury, J. (2021). More than a COVID-19 response: Sustaining mutual aid groups during and beyond the pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.716202
Kyprianides, A., Bradford, B., Stott, C., Saviger-Shaw, L., Radburn, M., & Beale, M. (2021). Policing the COVID-19 pandemic: Police officer well-being and commitment to democratic modes of policing. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy. doi:10.1080/10439463.2021.1916492
Mao, G., Drury, J., Fernandes-Jesus, M., & Ntontis, E. (2021). How participation in Covid-19 mutual aid groups affects subjective wellbeing and how political identity moderates these effects. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. doi:10.1111/asap.12275
Mao, G., Drury, J., Lowther, L., & Perach, R. (2022). Safeguarding concerns, practices, and resources in COVID-19 mutual aid groups. PsyArXiv. doi:10.31234/osf.io/nxj3d
Mao, G., Fernandes-Jesus, M., Ntontis, E., & Drury, J. (2021). What have we learned so far about COVID-19 volunteering in the UK? A rapid review of the literature. BMC Public Health, 21, 1470. doi:10.1186/s12889-021-11390-8
Neville, F. G, Templeton, A., Smith, J. R., Louis, W. R. (2021). Social norms, social identities and the COVID-19 pandemic: Theory and recommendations. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 15(5). doi:10.1111/spc3.12596
Ntontis, E., Fernandes-Jesus, M., Mao, G., Dines, T., Kane, J., Karakaya, J., Perach, R., Cocking, C., McTague, M., Schwartz, A., Semlyen, J., & Drury, J. (2021). Tracking the contours and nature of social support in Facebook mutual aid groups during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction doi:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103043
Ntontis, E., Vestergren, S., Saavedra Morales, P., Neville, F., Jurstakova, K., Cocking, C., Lay, S., Drury, J., Stott, C., Reicher, S., & Vignoles, V. (2021). Is it really “panic buying”? Public perceptions and experiences of extra buying at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0264618
Perach, R., Fernandes-Jesus, M., Miranda, D., Mao, G., Ntontis, E., Cocking, C., McTague,M., Semlyen, J., & Drury, J. (2023). Can group-based strategies increase community resilience? Longitudinal predictors of sustained participation in Covid-19 mutual aid and community support groups. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 53(11), 1059-1075. https://doi.org/10.1111/jasp.12995
Radburn, M., Stott, C., Morgan, B., Bryant, B., Tallent, D., Davidson, L.. (2022). Group processes and interoperability: A longitudinal case study analysis of the UK’s civil contingency response to Covid-19. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. doi:10.1111/1468-5973.12424
Reicher, S. & Bauld, L. (2021). The two psychologies of coronavirus: from the ‘fragile rationalist’ to ‘collective resilience. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 51(1). doi:10.4997/JRCPE.2021.236
Stott, C., Radburn, M., Pearson, G., Harrison, M., Kyprianides, A., & Rowlands, D. (2021). Police Powers and Public Assemblies: Learning from the Clapham Common 'Vigil' During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. doi:10.1093/police/paab060
Stevenson, C., Wakefield, J.R.H., Felsner, I., Drury, J., & Costa, S. (2021). Collectively coping with coronavirus: Local community identification predicts giving support and lockdown adherence during the COVID-19 pandemic. British Journal of Social Psychology. doi:10.1111/bjso.12457
Vignoles, V. L., Jaser, Z., Taylor, Z., & Ntontis, E. (2021). Harnessing shared identities to mobilise resilient responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Political Psychology. doi:10.1111/pops.12726
Wilson, S., Fernandes-Jesus, M., Young, J., Drury, J., Harris, C., Graber, R., Northorp, S., O’Dwyer, E., & Walker, C. (2023). A social capital approach to understanding community resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic. Forum Gemeindepsychologie, Jg. 28, Ausgabe 1
- Books & book chapters
Drury, J., Fernandes-Jesus, M., Mao, G., & Ntontis, E. (forthcoming). Facilitating the public response to COVID-19 by harnessing group processes. In Williams, R., Porter, K., Healing, T., & Drury, J. (Eds.). Pandemics, major incidents, and mental health. The psychosocial and mental health aspects of health emergencies. Cambridge University Press/ Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Drury, J., Fernandes-Jesus, M., Mao, G., Ntontis, E., Perach, R., & Miranda, D. (2022). How can Covid mutual aid groups be sustained over time? The UK experience. In E. O’Dwyer and L. G. Silva Souza (Eds.), Psychosocial perspectives on community responses to Covid-19: Networks of trust and social change. Routledge.
Williams, R., Kemp, V., Porter, K., Healing, T., & Drury, J. (Eds.) (2024). Major incidents, pandemics and mental health. The psychosocial aspects of health emergencies, incidents, disasiers and disease outbreaks. Cambridge University Press/ Royal College of Psychiatrists.
- Reports
Davidson, L., Carter, H., Drury J., Amlot R., Haslam A., Stott C. (2020). Coming together to respond to COVID-19. Report 2. Crisis Response Journal. 15(3), 32-33. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.34669.82404
Kyprianides A., Savigar-Shaw L., Beale M., Tallent D., Radburn M., Stott C., West O. (2020). Policing in the COVID-19 space: Authority, legitimacy and adaption in a time of ambiguity. Policing Insight.
- Blogposts
Davidson, L., Carter, H., Drury, J., Amlot, R., & Haslam, A. (2021). Is co-location key for effective multi-agency response? Crisis Response Journal.
Drury, J. (2020, December). Mitigating the new variant SARS-CoV-2 virus: How to support public adherence to physical distancing. Crowds & Identities.
Drury, J. (2021, July). We need support from the government, says Sussex professor. The Argus.
Drury, J. (2021, April). Health certificates for COVID-19: What our review of research evidence implies for UK ‘vaccine passport’ policies. IPPO.
Drury, J. (2021, May). Understanding and supporting the role of mutual aid groups in the COVID-19 pandemic. Campaign for Social Science.
Drury, J. (2021, December). Three forms of Covid leadership. Crowds & Identities.
Drury, J. (2025, January). Get the psychology right for the law: Public and policy responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. UK Constitution Law Association.
Drury, J., & Ntontis, E. (2022, November). Case study: Covid mutual aid groups. Crowds & Identities.
Kyprianides, A. (2021, September). Policing the COVID-19 pandemic: Police officer well-being and commitment to democratic modes of policing. Policing Insight.
Mao, G. & Perach, R. (2021, August). Could Covid-19 volunteers be part of a collective solution to the pingdemic? Crowds & Identities.
Michie, S., Reicher., & Drury, J. (2021, January 12). Creating covid secure schools: We need strategy, not just ad hoc responses. The BMJ opinion.
Reicher, S. (2021, July). Human behaviour: What scientists have learned about it from the pandemic. The Conversation.
Reicher, S. & Drury, J. (2021, January). Pandemic fatigue? How adherence to covid-19 regulations has been misrepresented and why it matters. The BMJ Opinion.
Reicher, S. & Drury, J. (2021, April). How to lose friends and alienate people? On the problems of vaccine passports. The BMJ Opinion.
Reicher, S., Drury, J., & Michie, S. (2021, April). Contrasting figures on adherence to self-isolation show that support is even more important than ever. The BMJ Opinion.
- Conference papers
Drury, J., (2020, September). Facilitating the public response to COVID-19 by harnessing group processes [Invited keynote]. Italian Association of Psychology.
Fernandes-Jesus, M., Drury, J., Mao, G., Ntontis, E. (2021, July). Community solidarity beyond COVID-19: Motives and strategies for sustaining participation [Conference presentation]. 2021 ISPP Annual Conference.
Fernandes-Jesus, M., Drury, J., Mao, G., Ntontis, E. (2021, June). Community solidarity in times of crisis: Empowerment and sense of community responsibility in COVID-19 Mutual Aid [Conference presentation]. ECPP.
Ntontis, E. (2022, June 24). The dynamics of mutual aid during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. Conference of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI), Jan Juan, Puerto Rico.
Soboleva, I., Cruwys, T., Greenaway, K., Rathbone, J., Stevens, M., Ferris, L., Cichocka, A., Ntontis, E., Fernandes-Jesus, M., Drury, J., Mao, G., Brik, T.. (2022, July). When do shared social identities improve cooperation during the Covid-19 pandemic? Cumulative knowledge from experimental and observational evidence from 70 countries [Conference presentation]. ISPP, Athens.