Track records
Some of our major success stories include:
- Sussex collaborator company ReViral to be acquired by Pfizer, funded by a Seeding Drug Discovery Award from the Wellcome Trust
- discovery of Sisunatovir (RV521), an Inhibitor of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Fusion
- Enterprise Therapeutics’ 1st in class TMEME16A potentiator programme, for cystic fibrosis, acquired by Roche
- Prof Tony Moore span out his company AlternOx in 2020. AlternOx develops novel treatments for drug resistant species of fungi with implication for plant and human health
- major strategic partnership with Sophion Bioscience
- 113-Botanicals pledge substantial funding (including iCASE EPSRC award)
- GlaxoSmithKline, a legacy AMPA project now funded by WT SDDA
- AstraZeneca screening partnerships to prosecute novel targets.