About the Institute
The Institute is the collaborative hub of research in Media, Arts and Humanities at Sussex.
We believe in the radical creative and critical capacity of enquiry in the arts and humanities to understand and respond to the challenges of our time, in a transforming world. We recognise that mediation in all its forms is central to our agency and engagement as critical thinkers, historians, writers and makers - and to the stakes of imagining our shared future.
The Institute is committed to enabling early career researchers to develop, while supporting our faculty throughout their research life across the range of their specialisms. We actively foster ecologies of transdisciplinary exchange and experiment, and bring together a broad and inclusive community of researchers and partners – locally and internationally – to explore resources for creating knowledge together, what we hold in common.
Each year the Institute selects a theme, and in 2024/25 it is Human Flourishing, which is also one of the three key themes of the University's 2035 strategy. You can read more about current and previous Institute themes and related events here.
You can read more about the wider vision and scope of the Institute in the MAH Research Strategy.