- Peter Halton
Title: Commonweal and the Communism of William Morris -
Sophie Joscelyne
Title: U.S. Intellectuals and the Concept of Totalitarianism from the Cold War to the War on Terror
Dr Iain McDaniel
Senior Lecturer In Intellectual History
Read Dr Iain McDaniel's profile.
Telephone: +44 (0)1273 877129 Ext.7129
Email: I.R.Mcdaniel@sussex.ac.uk
Dr Joanne Paul
Senior Lecturer In Early Modern History
Read Dr Joanne Paul's profile.
Telephone: +44 (0)1273 872868 Ext.2868
Email: J.Paul@sussex.ac.uk
Honorary Professor
Professor Mark Goldie
Professor of Intellectual History, Cambridge University

- Professor Andrew Hadfield
- Dr Michael Jonik
- Dr Aaron Kahn
- Professor Maurizio Marinelli
- Dr Mahon O’Brien
- Dr Katharina Rietzler
- Dr Emily Robinson
Visiting Fellow in Intellectual History
- Yuh Fujita (Kushiro Public University, Hokkaido, Japan)
PhD candidates
- Ployjai Pintobtang
Title: Executive Power and Modern Liberty: Jean-Louis Delolme’s Political Thought and its Reception