Widening Participation in Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania


Graduating student

A Special Issue of Research in Comparative and International Education 2011 6 (4) on African Higher Education: Researching Absences, Equalities and Aspirations was published in December 2011.

Morley, L. (2011): African Higher Education: Researching absences, Equalities and Aspirations. Research in Comparative and International Education 6 (4): 341-347

Singh, M. (2011): Equity and Quality in the Revitalisation of African Higher Education: Trends and Challenges. Research in Comparative and International Education 6 (4): 348-365

Mkude, D. (2011): Higher Education as an Instrument of Social Integration in Tanzania: Challenges and Prospects. Research in Comparative and International Education 6 (4): 366-373

Effah, P. (2011): A Ghanaian Response to Study on 'Widening Participation in Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania: Developing an Equity Scorecard'. Research in Comparative and International Education 6 (4): 374-382

Morley, L. and Croft, A. (2011): Agency and Advocacy: Disabled Students in Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania. Research in Comparative and International Education 6 (4): 383-399

Adu-Yeboah, C. and Dzama Forde, L. (2011): Returning to Study in Higher Education in Ghana: Experiences of Mature Undergraduate Women. Research in Comparative and International Education 6 (4): 400-414

Mwaipopo, R., Lihamba, A. and Njewele, D. (2011): Equity and Equality in Access to Higher Education: The experiences of students with disabilities in Tanzania. Research in Comparative and International Education 6 (4): 415-429

David, M. (2011): Learning from Innovative International Research on Higher Education: How to conceptualise equity for policy, practice and pedagogies in higher education. Research in Comparative and International Education 6 (4): 430-443


Morley, L. (2012): Researching Absences and Silences in Higher Education: Data for democratisation. Higher Education Research and Development, 31(3), pp 353-368

Morley, L. (2012): Widening Participation in Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania. International Higher Education, 67 (Spring), pp 21-23

Morley, L. (2012): Inside African Private Higher Education. In, D.Araya & P.Marber (eds) Higher Education in the Global Age: Education, policy and emerging societies, London - Routledge

Morley, L. (2012): Experiencing Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania: The symbolic power of being a student. In, T.Hinton-Smith (ed) Issues in Higher Education Widening Participation: Casting the net wide, London - Palgrave

Morley, L. (2011): Misogyny Posing as Measurement: Disrupting the feminisation crisis discourse. Contemporary Social Science 6 (2): 163-175

Morley, L. (2011). "Sex, Grades and Power in Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania". Cambridge Journal of Education, 41(1): 101-115.

Morley, L. (2010). "Gender mainstreaming:myths and measurement in higher education in Ghana and Tanzania". Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education, 40(4): 533-550.

Morley, L., and Lussier, K., (2009). "Intersecting Poverty and Participation in Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania". International Studies in Sociology of Education, 19(2): 71-85.

Morley, L., and Lugg, R., (2009). "Mapping Meritocracy: Intersecting Gender, Poverty and Higher Educational Opportunity Structures". Higher Education Policy, 22 (1): 37-60.

Morley, L., Leach, F., and Lugg, R., (2009). "Democratising Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania: Opportunity Structures and Social Inequalities". International Journal of Educational Development, 29(1): 56-64.

Morley, L., and Lugg, R., (2008). "Democratising Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania: Opportunity Structures and Social Processes". Journal of the World Universities Forum, 1(6): 51-60.

Morley, L., and Lugg, R., (2008). "Gender Equity in African Higher Education". International Studies in Education, 9: 11-16.