To find out more about the project, please contact one of our project team.
Sussex team
Principal Investigator - Professor Louise Morley
Professor Louise Morley
Louise Morley is currently a Professor of Education at the University of Sussex, UK. Her previous posts were at the Institute of Education, University of London, the University of Reading and the Inner London Education Authority. Louise's research and publication interests are in the field of sociology of higher education studies and focus on gender, equity, quality, power and policy in higher education. Her work has a strong international focus and she has undertaken research and consultancy in countries including Nigeria, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Tanzania, Greece, Sweden, Brazil and India.
She is currently directing the ESRC/DFID funded research project on Widening Participation in Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania and has recently directed a DFID/ Carnegie funded research project on Gender Equity in Commonwealth Higher Education ( In the UK, she has conducted policy research for HEFCE on establishing the needs of employers for information about the quality and standards of higher education provision (, and on Equal Opportunities in Higher Education (
Louise has authored, co-authored and edited 8 books and has published articles in a range of academic journals including Journal of Education Policy, Gender and Education, Critical Quarterly, Teaching in Higher Education, Higher Education Studies, Women's Studies International Forum and Higher Education Quarterly.
Research Fellow - Dr Kattie Lussier
Dr Kattie Lussier
Kattie Lussier is the Sussex-based research fellow for the project on Widening Participation in Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania. She has worked as a researcher, trainer and consultant, in a range of education and development projects in various countries. Kattie's particular research interests include the role of higher education in developing capacities for development, and the relationships between adult learning processes, participation and social change. Kattie recently completed her DPhil in Sussex at the Institute of Development Studies. Her doctoral research explored the learning challenges of capacity development in Vietnam.
Research Fellow - Duna Sabri
Duna Sabri
Duna Sabri was a research fellow for the project on Widening Participation in Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania from July 2010 to January 2011. She is currently Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Public Policy Research, King's College, London. Her research interests are in the sociology of higher education policy, using social theory in higher education studies, and the role of higher education in relation to social equality. She has a longstanding association with the University of the Arts, London, for whom she has undertaken several comissioned research projects, including an analysis of the emergence and interpretation of data from the National Student Survey.
Ghana team
Research Officer - Dr Linda Dzame Forde
Dr Linda Dzame Forde
Dr. Linda Dzama Forde, a Lecturer and Counsellor at the University of Cape Coast, has a Ph.D in Educational Leadership from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. Her research interests include: adolescent young adult concerns; gender and related issues; and school leadership issues. She has several publications to her credit, including co-authorship of the DFID report Gendered School Experiences: The Impact on Retention and Achievement in Botswana and Ghana and a West African Examinations Council Paper on "Impact of Sexual Abuse on Ghanaian School Girls: Implications for School Administrators and Counsellors. Currently, Dr. Forde is also Vice-President of the Ghana Psychological Association.
Tanzania Team
Lead Researcher - Professor Amandina Lihamba
Professor Amandina Lihamba
Amandina Lihamba is a Professor in Theatre Arts and has recently completed her tenure as the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of the University of Dar es Salaam. Her research interests and the focus of her writings include: culture; politics; communication; the arts; gender studies; and education. She has been one of the pioneers of gender equity initiatives and equality in education, including the Tuseme programme which has received international and regional attention. A recipient of Rockefeller, Fulbright and other fellowship awards, she has also been the Chair and member of numerous regional and national organisations. Besides her academic and creative writings, she has also worked as a performer and director for the stage and screen. She was the lead researcher for Tanzania in the "Gender Equity in Commonwealth Higher Education" project funded by Carnigie/DFID.