Hughes Lab


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140. Hulse, R., van Oystaeyen, A., Carnell, J.D., Beckett, D., Grey, W.D., Goulson, D., Wäckers, F., & Hughes, W.O.H. 2025. The effects of diet enhancement on the health of commercial bumblebee colonies. Apidologie: in press.

139. Pamminger, T., Basley, K.., Goulson, D. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2024. Potential acetylcholine-based communication in honeybee haemocytes and its modulation by a neonicotinoid insecticide. PeerJ 12:e17978.

138. Frost, C.L., Mitchell, R., Smith, J.E. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2024. Genotypes and phenotypes in a Wolbachia-ant symbiosis. PeerJ 12:e1778.

137. Nicks, J., Shearer, G.C., Paul-Taylor, J., Hughes, W.O.H., Spencer, J., Düren, T. & Burrows, A.D. 2024. Controlling the uptake and release of semiochemicals in channel-type metal-organic frameworks through pore expansion. Chem Eur J 30:e202401407.

136. Chow, L.J., Nesbit, M.L., Hill, T., Tranter, C., Evison, S.E.F., Hughes, W.O.H. & Graystock, P. 2024. Identification of fungi isolated from commercial bumblebee colonies. PeerJ 12:e16713.

135. Franchini. P., Fruciano, C., Wood, T.J., Shastry, V., Goulson, D., Hughes, W.O.H., Jones, J.C. 2023. Limited introgression from non-native commercial strains and signatures of adaptation in the key pollinator Bombus terrestris. Mol Ecol 32:5709-5723.

134. Christopher, Y., Scislo, W.T., Martínez- Luis, S., Hughes, W.O.H., Gerardo, N.M. & Fernández-Marín, H. 2021. Disease management in two sympatric Apterostigma fungus-growing ants for control the parasitic fungus Escovopsis. Ecol Evol 11:6041-6052.

133. Scarponi, V., Gennari, E. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2021. Physiological response to capture stress in endemic Southern African benthic catsharks (Family Scyliorhinidae). J Fish Biol 99:186-196.

132. Botias, C., Jones, J.C., Pamminger, T., Bartomeus, I., Hughes, W.O.H. & Goulson D. 2021. Multiple stressors interact to impair the performance of bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) colonies. J Appl Ecol: 90:415-431.

131. Carnell, J.D., Hulse, R.A., Page, S., Goulson, D. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2020. Effect of diet on incipient colony success for two long-tongued bumblebee species in the laboratory. Insectes Soc 67: 531-539.

130. Carnell, J.D., Hulse, R.A. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2020. A review of nutrition in bumblebees: the effect of caste, life-stage and life history traits. Adv Ins Physiol 50: 71-129.

129. Hamzah, H.A., Rixson, D., Paul-Taylor, J., Mahon, M.F., Dadswell, C., Roffe, G., Spencer, J., Sridhar, A., Hobday, C., Wedd, C., Düren, T., Hughes, W.O.H. & Burrows, A.D. 2020. Inclusion and release of ant alarm pheromones from metal-organic frameworks. Dalton Transactions 49:10334-10338.

128. Carnell, J., Page, S., Goulson, D. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2020. Trialling techniques for rearing long-tongued bumblebees under laboratory conditions. Apidologie 51:254-266.

127. Treanor, D. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2019. Limited female dispersal predicts the incidence of Wolbachia across ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J Evol Biol 32:1163-1170.

126. Elizalde, L., Treanor, D., Pamminger, T. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2019. Immunity of leaf-cutting ants and its role in host-parasitoid relationships. J Ins Physiol 116:49-56.

125. Bonadies, E., Wcislo, W.T., Galvez, D., Hughes, W.O.H. & Fernández-Marín, H. 2019. Hygiene defense behaviors used by a fungus-growing ant depend of the fungal pathogen stages. Insects 10:130.

124. Norman, V.C., Pamminger, T., Nascimento, F. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2019. The role of juvenile hormone in regulating reproductive physiology and dominance in Dinoponera quadriceps ants. PeerJ 7:e6512.

123. Treanor, D., Pamminger, T. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2018. The evolution of caste-biasing symbionts in social insects. Insectes Soc: 65:513-519.

122. Turner, J., Tranter, C. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2018. The effect of parasitism on personality in a social insect. Behav Processes 157:532-539.

121. Jones, J.C., Fruciano, C., Marchant, J., Hildebrand, F., Forslund, K., Bork, P., Engel, P. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2018. The gut microbiome is associated with behavioural task in honey bees. Insectes Soc 65:419-429.

120. Nehring, V., Dijkstra, M.B., Sumner, S., Hughes, W.O.H. & Boomsma, J.J. 2018. Reconstructing the relatedness of cooperatively breeding queens in the Panamanian leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior. Myrmecol News 27:33-45.

119. Greaves, M. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2018. Cancer cell transmission via the placenta. Evol Med Health 2018:106-115.

118. French, G.C.A., Rizzuto, S., Stürup, M., Inger, R., van Wyk, J. H., Towner, A. V. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2018. Sex, size and isotopes: demographic differences in the ecology of an apex predator, the white shark Carcharodon carcharias. Marine Biology: 165:102.

117. Pamminger, T., Botias, C., Goulson, D. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2018. A mechanistic framework to explain the immunosuppressive effects of neurotoxic pesticides on bees. Funct Ecol 32:1921-1930.

116. Al Toufailia, H. M., Hughes, W. O. H., Evison, S. F., Ratnieks, F. L. W. 2018. Both hygienic and non-hygienic honey bee, Apis mellifera, colonies remove dead and diseased larvae from open brood cells. Phil Trans R Soc 373: 20170201.

115. Parkinson, J.F., Gobin, B & Hughes, W.O.H. 2018. Symbionts in excess? No effect of symbiont density on the ability of mealybug hosts to exploit plant species or tolerate insecticide stress. Agri Forest Entomol 20:451-460.

114. Jones, J.C., Fruciano, C., Hildebrand, F., Al Toufailia, H., Balfour, N., Bork, P., Engel, P., Ratnieks, F.L.W. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2018. Gut microbiota composition is associated with environmental landscape in honey bees. Ecol & Evol 8:441-451.

113. French, G.C.A., Stürup, M., Rizutto, S., van Wyk, J.H., Wintner, S.P., Towner, A.V. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2017. The tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth: individual variation, sexual dimorphism and polymorphisms in white sharks. J Fish Biol 92:1032-1047.

112. Norman, V., Butterfield, T., Drijfhout, F., Tasman, K., & Hughes, W.O.H. 2017. Alarm pheromone composition and behavioural activity in fungus-growing ants. J Chem Ecol 43:225-235.

111. Parkinson, J.F., Gobin, B. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2017. The more the merrier? Obligate symbiont density changes over time under controlled environmental conditions, yet holds no clear fitness benefits or costs. Physiol Ent 42:163-172.

110. Feeney, D., Walker, P. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2017. Activity budget, food preference and habitat use of a troop of ex-pet Yucatan black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) following release. Neotrop Primates 23:1-8.

109. Lopes, J.F.S., Camargo, R.S., Forti, L.C. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2017. The trade-off between the transmission of chemical cues and parasites: behavioural interactions between leaf-cutting ant workers. Revista Bras Entomologia 61:69-73.

108. Pamminger, T. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2017. Testing the reproductive groundplan hypothesis in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Evolution 71:153-159.

107. Norman, V., Pamminger, T., Hoppé, M. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2017. The effects of disturbance threat on leaf-cutting ant colonies: a laboratory study. Insect Soc 64:75-85.

106. Norman, V., Darras, H., Tranter, C., Aron, S. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2016. Cryptic lineages hybridize for worker production in the harvester ant Messor barbarus. Biol Lett 12:20160542.

105. Smith, A.R., Graystock, P. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2016. Specialization on pollen or nectar in bumblebee foragers is not associated with sensory tuning or ovary size. PeerJ 4:e2599.

104. Pamminger, T., Buttstedt, A., Norman, V., Schierhorn, A., Botias, C., Jones, J.C., Basley, K., Hughes, W.O.H. 2016. The effects of juvenile hormone on Lasius niger reproduction. J Ins Physiol 95:1-7.103.

103. I’Anson Price, R.J., Grüter, C., Hughes, W.O.H. & Evison, S.E.F. 2016. Symmetry breaking in mass-recruiting ants: extent of foraging biases depends on resource quality. Behav Ecol Soc 70:1813-1820.

102. Graystock, P., Jones, J.C., Pamminger, T., Parkinson, J.F., Norman, V., Blane, E.E., Rothstein, L., Wäckers, F., Goulson, D. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2016. Hygienic food to reduce pathogen risk to bumblebees. J Invert Pathol 136:68-73.

101. Norman, V. Pamminger, T. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2016. Behavioural development, fat reserves and their association with productivity in Lasius flavus founding queens. Science of Nature 103:23.

100. Pamminger, T., Treanor, D. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2016. Pleiotropic effects of juvenile hormone in ant queens and the escape from the reproduction-survival trade-off. Proc R Soc B 283:20152409.

99. Parkinson, J.F., Gobin, B & Hughes, W.O.H. 2016. Heritability of symbiont density reveals distinct regulatory mechanisms in a tripartite symbiosis. Ecol & Evol 6:2053-2060.

98. Graystock, P., Meeus, I., Smagghe, G., Goulson, D. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2016. The effects of mixed infections of the Apicystis bombi and deformed wing virus parasites on the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. Parasitol 143:358-365.

97. Norman, V. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2016. Behavioural effects of juvenile hormone and their influence on division of labour in leaf-cutting ant societies. J Exp Biol 219:8-11.

96. Graystock, P., Goulson, D. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2016. Do managed bees drive parasite emergence in wild bees. IJP-PAW 5:64-75.

95. Tranter, C. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2016. A preliminary study of the nest structure and colony composition of the weaver ant Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrmea) delecta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J Natural History 50:19-20.

94. Evison, S.E.F., Fazio, G., Chappell, P., Jensen, A.B. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2016. Innate expression of antimicrobial peptides does not explain genotypic diversity in resistance to fungal brood parasites in the honey bee. Apidologie 47:206-215.

93. Tranter, C., Fernandez-Marín, H. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2015. Quality and quantity: transitions in antimicrobial gland use for parasite defence. Evol & Ecol 5:5857-5868.

92. Patalano, S, Vlasova, A.V., Wyatt, C., Ewals, P. A., Camara, F., Feirrera, P., Asher, C., Jurkowski, T. P., Segonds-Pichon, A., Bachman, M., González, I., Minoche, A.E., Krueger, F., Lowy Gallego, E., Marcet-Houben, M., Rodríguez-Alés, J.L., Nascimento, F., Balasubramanian, S., Gabaldon, T., Tarver, J., Andrews, S., Himmelbauer, H., Hughes, W.O.H., Guigó, R., Reik, W., & Sumner, S. 2015. Molecular signatures of plastic phenotypes in two eusocial insect species with simple societies. PNAS 112:13970-13975.

91. Tranter, C. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2015. Acid, silk and grooming: alternative strategies to social immunity? Behav Ecol Sociobiol 69:1687-1699 [pdf].

90. Graystock, P., Goulson, D. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2015. Parasites in bloom: flowers aid dispersal and transmission of pollinator parasites within and between bee species. Proc R Soc B 282: 20151371 [pdf].

89. Goulson, D. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2015. Mitigating the anthropogenic spread of bee diseases. Biol Cons: 191:10-19 [pdf].

88. Roberts, K., Evison, S. E. F., Baer, B. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2015. The cost of promiscuity: sexual transmission of Nosema microsporidian parasites in polyandrous honey bees. Sci Rep 5:10982 [pdf].

87. Wood, T.J., Holland, J.M., Hughes, W.O.H. & Goulson, D. 2015. Targeted agri-environment schemes improve the size of bumblebee populations. Mol Ecol 24:1668-1680 [pdf].

86. Bigio, G., Al Toufailia, H., Hughes, W.O.H. & Ratnieks, F.L.W. 2015. The effect of one generation of controlled mating on the expression of hygienic behaviour in honey bees. J Apicult Res 53:563-568 [pdf].

85. Tranter, C., LeFevre, L., Evison, S.E.F. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2015. Threat detection: contextual recognition and response to parasites by ants. Behav Ecol 26:396-405 [pdf].

84. Evison, S.E.F., Foley, K., Jensen, A.B. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2015. Genetic diversity, virulence and fitness evolution in an obligate fungal parasite of bees. J Evol Biol: 28:179-188 [pdf].

83. Roberts, K. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2015. Horizontal transmission of a parasite is influenced by infected host phenotype and density. Parasitol 142:395-405 [pdf].

82. Graystock, P., Goulson, D. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2014. The relationship between managed bees and the prevalence of parasites in bumblebees. PeerJ 2:e522 [pdf].

81. Stürup, M., Nash, D.R. Hughes, W.O.H. & Boomsma, J.J. 2014. Sperm mixing in the polyandrous leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior. Ecol & Evol 4:3571-3582 [pdf].

80. Grainger, D.P., Asher, C.L., Jones, J. C., Nascimento, F.S., Sumner, S. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2014. A novel method of assessing dominance hierarchies shows nuance, linearity and stability in the dinosaur ant Dinoponera quadriceps. Ethology 120:1073-1080 [pdf].

79. Parkinson, J.F., Gobin, B. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2014. Short-term heat stress results in diminution of bacterial symbionts but has little effect on life-history in adult female citrus mealybugs. Entomol Exp Appl 153:1-9 [pdf].

78. Roberts, K. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2014. Immunosenescence and resistance to parasite infection in the honey bee Apis mellifera. J Invert Pathol 121:1-6 [pdf].

77. Norman, V., Hoppé, M. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2014. Old and wise but not size: factors affecting threat response behaviour and nestmate recognition Acromyrmex echinatior leaf-cutting ants. Insectes Soc 61:289-296 [pdf].

76. Frost, C.L., Pollack, S., Smith, J.E. & Hughes, W.O.H.2014. Wolbachia in the flesh: symbiont intensities in germ-line and somatic tissues challenge the conventional view of Wolbachia transmission routes. PLoS ONE 9:e95122 [pdf].

75. Slaa, E.J., Chappell, P. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2014. Colony genetic diversity affects task performance in the red ant Myrmica rubra.  Behav Ecol Sociobiol 68:903-914 [pdf]. 

74. Elbagrmi, T., Kunin, W.E., Hughes, W.O.H. & Biesmeijer, J.C. 2014. The effect of proximity to a honeybee apiary on bumblebee colony fitness, development and performance. Apidologie 45:504-513 [pdf]. 

73. Kay, A.D., Bruning, A.J., Van Alst, A., Abrahamson, T.A., Hughes, W.O.H. & Kaspari, M. A carbohydrate-rich diet increases social immunity. 2014. Proc R Soc Lond B 281:20132374 [pdf]. 

72. Foley, K., Fazio, G., Jensen, A.B. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2014.The distribution of Aspergillus spp.opportunistic parasites in hives and their pathogenicity to honeybees. Vet Microbiol 169:203-210 [pdf]

71. Tranter, C., Graystock, P., Shaw, C., Lopes, J.F.S. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2014. Sanitizing the fortress: protection of ant brood and nest material by worker antibiotics. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 68:499-507 [pdf].

70. Maharramov, J., Meeus, I., Maebe, K., Arbetman, M., Morales, C., Graystock, P., Hughes, W.O.H., Plischuk, S., Lange, C.E., de Graaf, D.C., Zapata, N., de la Rosa, J.J.P., Murray, T.E., Brown, M. J.F. & Smagghe, G. 2013. Apicystis bombi, a protozoan parasite of bumblebees, acts as an emergent infectious disease. PLoS ONE 8:e81475 [pdf].

69. Pull, C., Hughes, W.O.H. & Brown, M.J.F. 2013. Tolerating an infection: an indirect benefit of co-founding queen association in the ant Lasius niger. Naturwiss 100:1125-1136 [pdf].

68. Smith, A.R., Muscedere, M., Seid, M.A., Traniello, J.F.A. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2013. Biogenic amines differ between worker castes but not patrilines in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior. J Comp Physiol A 199:1117-1127 [pdf].

67. Hughes, W.O.H. 2013. Numbers count: caste-specific component Allee effects and their interactions. J Anim Ecol 82:923-926 [pdf].

66. Graystock, P., Yates, K., Evison, S.E.F., Darvill, B., Goulson, D. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2013. The Trojan hives: harmful pollinator pathogens imported and distributed in bumblebee hives. J Appl Ecol 50:1207-1215 [pdf].

65. Graystock, P., Yates, K., Darvill, B., Goulson, D. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2013. Emerging dangers: deadly effects of an emergent parasite in a new pollinator host. J Invert Pathol 114:114-119 [pdf].

64. Evison, S. E. F., Fazio, G., Chappell, P., Foley, K., Jensen, A.B. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2013. Host-parasite genotypic interactions: the dynamics of diversity. Ecol & Evol 3:2214-2222 [pdf]. 

63. Asher, C. L., Nascimento, F., Sumner, S. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2013. Division of labour and risk taking in the dinosaur ant, Dinoponera quadriceps. Myrmecol News 18:121-129 [pdf]. 

62. Chappell, P., Roberts, K., Baer, B. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2013. Mating system and population genetic structure of the bulldog ant Myrmecia pavida. Myrmecol News 18:25-32 [pdf]. 

61. Evison, S.E.F., Fenwick, J. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2012. Parsimonious use of foraging pheromones during nest migration in ants. Anim Behav 84:1237-1242 [pdf].

60. Howlett, C., Marshall A. & Hughes, W. O. H. 2012. Digit ratios and dominance in female baboons (Papio hamadryas and Papio ursinus). Int J Primatol 33:1439-1452 [pdf].

59. Constant, N., Santorelli, L.A., Lopes, J.F.S. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2012. The effects of genotype, caste and age on foraging performance inleaf-cutting ants. Behav Ecol 23:1284-1288 [pdf].

58. Foley, K., Fazio, G., Jensen, A. B. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2012. Nutritional limitation and resistance to opportunistic Aspergillus parasites in honey bee larvae. J Invert Pathol  111:68-73 [pdf].

57. Evison, S.E.F., Webster, K.A. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2012. Better the nest site you know: decision making during nest migration by the Pharaoh’s ants. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 66:711-720 [pdf]. 

56. Evison, S.E.F., Roberts, K.E., Laurenson, L., Pietravalle, S., Hui, J., Biesmeijer, J.C., Smith, J.E., Budge, G. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2012. Pervasiveness of parasites in pollinators. PLoS ONE 7:e30641 [pdf]. 

55. Mitchell, R., Frost, C.L. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2012. Size and asymmetry: are there costs to winning the royalty race? J Evol Biol 25:522-531 [pdf]. 

54. Graystock, P. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2011. Disease resistance in a weaver ant, Polyrhachis dives, and the role of antibiotic-producing glands. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 65:2319-2327 [pdf]. 

53. Walker, T. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2011. Arboreality and the evolution of disease resistance in ants.  Ecol Entomol 36:588-595 [pdf]. 

52. Fountain, T. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2011. Weaving resistance: silk and disease resistance in the weaver ant Polyrhachis dives. Insectes Soc58:453-458 [pdf].

51. Evison, S.E.F. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2011. Genetic caste polymorphism and the evolution of polyandry in Atta leaf-cutting ants. Naturwiss 98:643-649 [pdf].

50. Chapman, B., Thain, H., Coughlin, J. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2011. Behavioural syndromes at multiple scales in Myrmica ants. Anim Behav 82:391-397 [pdf].

49. Nehring, V., Evison, S.E.F., Santorelli, L.A., D’Ettorre, P. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2011. Kin-informative recognition cues in ants. Proc R Soc Lond B 278:1942-1948 [pdf].

48. Boomsma, J.J., Beekman, M., Cornwallis, C.K., Griffin, A.S., Holman, L., Hughes, W.O.H., Keller, L., Oldroyd, B.P. & Ratnieks, F.L.W. 2011. Eusociality evolved in full sib families. Nature 471:E4-E5 [pdf].

47. Lalore, P. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2011. Alarm behaviour of Eciton army ants. Physiol Entomol 36:1-7 [pdf].

46. Waddington, S. J., Santorelli, L. A., Ryan, F. R. & Hughes, W. O. H. 2010. Genetic polyethism in leaf-cutting ants.  Behav Ecol 21:1165-1169 [pdf].

45. Frost, C.L., Fernandez-Marin, H., Smith, J.E. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2010. Multiple gains and losses of Wolbachia symbionts across a tribe of fungus-growing ants. Mol Ecol 19:4077-4085 [pdf].

44. Morelos-Juárez, C., Walker, T.N., Lopes, J.F-.S. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2010. Ant farmers practice proactive personal hygiene to protect their fungal crop. Curr Biol 20:553-554 [pdf].

43. Griffiths, H. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2010. Hitchhiking and the removal of microbial contaminants by the leaf-cutting ant Atta colombica.  Ecol Entomol35:529-537 [pdf].

42. Waddington, S.J. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2010. Waste management in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior: division of labour and task switching. Behav Ecol Sociobiol. 64:1219-1228 [pdf].

41. Couvillon, M.J., Hughes, W.O.H., Perez-Sato, J.A., Martin, S.J. & Ratnieks, F.L.W. 2010. Sexual selection in honeybees: colony variation and the importance of size. Behav Ecol. 21:520-525 [pdf].

40. Hughes, W.O.H., Bot, A.N.M. & Boomsma, J.J. 2010. Genetic variation in antibiotic production depends upon caste-specific selection pressures in a leaf-cutting ant. Proc R Soc B 277: 609-615 [pdf].

39. Walker, T. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2009. Adaptive social immunity in leaf-cutting ants. Biol Lett 5:446-448 [pdf].

38. Pérez-Sato, J.A., Chaline, N., Martin, S.J., Hughes, W.O.H. & Ratnieks, F.L.W. 2009. Multi-level selection for hygienic behaviour in honeybees. Heredity 102: 609-615 [pdf].

37. Slaa, E.J. & Hughes, W.O.H. Local enhancement, eavesdropping and the parasitism of social insect communication. In: Food exploitation by social insects: ecological, behavioural and theoretical approaches (S Jarau & M Hrncir, eds), pp. 147-164, CRC Press.

36. Pérez-Sato, J.A., Hughes, W.O.H., Couvillon, M.J., & Ratnieks, F.L.W. 2008. Effects of hive spacing, entrance orientation and worker activity on nest relocation by honey bee queens. Apidologie 39: 708-713 [pdf].

35. Pérez-Sato, P., Kärcher, M.H., Hughes, W.O.H. & Ratnieks, F.L.W. 2008. Direct introduction of mated and virgin queens using smoke: a method that gives almost 100% acceptance when hives have been queenless for 2 days or more. J Apicult Res 47: 247-254 [pdf].

34. Hughes, W.O.H., Oldroyd, B.P., Beekman, M. & Ratnieks, F.L.W. 2008. Ancestral monogamy shows kin selection is key to the evolution of eusociality. Science 320: 1213-1216 [pdf].

33. Hughes, W.O.H., Ratnieks, F.L.W. & Oldroyd, B.P. 2008. Multiple mating or multiple queens: two routes to greater intracolonial genetic diversity in the eusocial Hymenoptera. J. Evol. Biol. 21:1090-1095 [pdf].

32. Hughes, W.O.H. & Boomsma, J.J. 2008. Genetic royal cheats in leaf-cutting ant societies. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105: 5150-5153 [pdf].

31. Hughes, W.O.H., Pagliarini, R., Madsen, H.B., Djikstra, M.B. & Boomsma, J.J. 2008. Antimicrobial defence shows an abrupt evolutionary transition in the fungus-growing ants. Evolution 62: 1252-1257 [pdf].

30. Verza, S.S., Lopes, J.F.S, Hughes, W.O.H. & Forti, L.C. 2007. Nest architecture of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex rugosus rugosus. Insectes Soc. 54: 303-309 [pdf].

29. Hughes, W.O.H. & Boomsma, J.J. 2007.  Genetic polymorphism in leaf-cutting ants is phenotypically plastic.  Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 274: 1625-1630 [pdf].

28. Chapman, N.C., Oldroyd, B.P. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2007. Differential response of honeybee (Apis mellifera) genotypes to changes in stimuli for generalist tasks. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 61: 1185-1194 [pdf].

27. Pérez-Sato, J.A., Hughes, W.O.H., Couvillon, M.J., & Ratnieks, F.L.W. 2007. Novel methods of introducing a four day old virgin queen (Apis mellifera L.) into mating nucleus hives. J. Apic. Res. 46: 28-33 [pdf].

26. Poulsen, M., Hughes, W.O.H. & Boomsma, J.J. 2006. Differential mortality between Acromyrmex echinatior leaf-cutting ant castes towards the entomopathogenic fungus Aspergillus tamarii.  Insectes Soc 53: 349-355 [pdf].

25. Hughes, W.O.H. & Boomsma, J.J. 2006. Does genetic diversity hinder parasite evolution in social insect colonies?  J. Evol. Biol. 19: 132-143 [pdf].

24. Lopes, J.F.S., Hughes W.O.H., Camargo, R.S. and Forti, L.C. 2005. Larval isolation and brood care in Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants.  Insectes Soc. 52: 333-338 [pdf].        

23. Baer, B., Krug, A., Boomsma, J.J. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2005. Examination of the immune response of males and workers of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior and the effect of infection.  Insectes Soc 52: 298-303 [pdf].

22. Boomsma, J.J., Schmid-Hempel. P. & Hughes, W.O.H. 2005. Life histories and parasite pressure across the major groups of social insects. In Insect Evolutionary Ecology, M.D.E. Fellowes, G.J. Holloway & J. Rolff (eds), CABI publishing, Wallingford, UK, pp. 139-175 [pdf].

21. Hughes, W.O.H., Pedersen, K.S., Ugelvig, U.V., Pedersen, D., Thomsen, L., Poulsen, M.P. & Boomsma, J.J. 2004. Density-dependence and within-host competition in a semelparous parasite of leaf-cutting ants. BMC Evol. Biol. 4: 45 doi:10.1186/1471-2148-4-45 [pdf].

20. Hughes, W.O.H. & Boomsma, J.J. 2004. Genetic diversity and disease resistance in leaf-cutting ant societies. Evolution 58: 1251-1260 [pdf].

19. Sumner, S., Hughes, W.O.H., Pedersen, J.S. & Boomsma, J.J. 2004. Social parasite queens abandon multiple mating. Nature 428: 35-36 [pdf].

18. Hughes, W.O.H., Eilenberg, J., Thomsen, L. & Boomsma, J.J. 2004. Diversity of entomopathogenic fungi near leaf-cutting ant nests in a Neotropical forest, with particular reference to Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae.  J Inv Path 85: 46-53 [pdf].

17. Hughes, W.O.H. & Boomsma, J.J. 2004. Let your enemy do the work: within-host interactions between two fungal parasites of leaf-cutting ants. Proc R Soc Lond B (Suppl.) 271(S3): S104-S106 [pdf].

16. Hughes, W.O.H., Sumner, S., van Borm, S. & Boomsma, J.J. 2003. Worker caste polymorphism has a genetic basis in Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100:9394-9397 [pdf].

15. Sumner, S., Hughes, W.O.H. & Boomsma, J.J. 2003. Evidence for differential selection and potential adaptive evolution in the worker caste of an inquiline social parasite. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 54:256-263 [pdf].

14. Hughes, W.O.H., Gailey, D. & Knapp, J.J. 2003. Host location by adult and larval codling moth and the potential for its disruption by the application of kairomones. Ent Exp Appl 106:147-153 [pdf].

13. Hughes, W.O.H., Eilenberg, J. & Boomsma, J.J. 2002. Trade-offs in group living: transmission and disease resistance in leaf-cuttings ants. Proc R Soc Lond B 269:1811-1819 [pdf].

12. Goulson D.,Peat J., Stout J.C., Tucker J., Darvill B., Derwent L. & Hughes W.O.H. 2002.Can alloethism in workers of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris be explained in terms of foraging efficiency?Anim Behav 64:123-130 [pdf].

11. Hughes, W.O.H. & Goulson, D. 2002. Use of alarm pheromones to improve bait harvest by grass-cutting ants. B Entomol Res 92:213-218 [pdf].

10. Hughes, W.O.H., Howse, P.E., Vilela, E.F., Knapp, J.J. & Goulson, D. 2002. Field evaluation of potential of alarm pheromone compounds to enhance baits for control of grass-cutting ants. J Econ Ent 95:537-543 [pdf].

9. Goulson D., Hughes W.O.H., Derwent L.C. & Stout, J.C. 2002. Colony growth of the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, in improved and conventional agricultural and suburban habitats. Oecologia 130:267-273 [pdf].

8. Goulson, D., Chapman, J.W. & Hughes, W.O.H.  2001. Discrimination of unrewarding flowers by bees; direct detection of rewards and use of repellent scent marks.  J Ins Behav 14:669-678 [pdf].

7. Hughes, W.O.H., Howse, P.E., Vilela, E.F. & Goulson, D. 2001. The response of grass-cutting ants to natural and synthetic versions of their alarm pheromone.  Phys Ent 26:165-172 [pdf].

6. Hughes, W.O.H. & Goulson, D. 2001. Polyethism and the importance of context in the alarm reaction of the grass-cutting ant, Atta capiguara. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 49:503-508 [pdf].

5. Hughes, W.O.H., Howse, P.E. & Goulson, D. 2001. The mandibular gland chemistry of grass-cutting ants: species, caste and colony variation. J Chem Ecol 27:109-124 [pdf].

4. Goulson, D., Stout, J.C., Langley, J., & Hughes, W.O.H. 2000.  The identity and function of scent marks deposited by foraging bumblebees. J Chem Ecol 26:2897-2911 [pdf].

3. Goulson, D., Williams, T., Hughes, W.O.H. & Martinez, A.M. 2000. Effects of optical brighteners used in biopesticide formulations on the behaviour of pollinators. Biol Control 19:232-236 [pdf].

2. Goulson, D., Hughes, W.O.H. & Chapman, J.W. 1999.  Fly populations associated with landfill and composting sites used for household refuse disposal. B Entomol Res 89:493-498 [pdf].

1. Jaccoud, D.B., Hughes, W.O.H. & Jackson, C.W. 1999. The epizootiology of a Metarhizium infection in mini-nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa. Ent Exp App 93:51-61 [pdf].