Hughes Lab

People & contacts

Professor William Hughes
Professor of Evolutionary Biology
Sussex web profile; Google ScholarLinkedIn; ResearchGate; Orcid


Eira Watts-Moore PhD student (Inter- and intra-individual differences: from brain to behaviour)

Ollie Visick PhD student (Wild honeybees in Britain)

Miles Nesbitt, PhD student (Evidence and impact of parasite spillover on pollinator communities)


Alumni include:


Dr George Balchin PhD student (2017-2021): Timing is everything: Investigating multiscale temporal trends in the presence of marine predators and the implications for top-down control. Now Conservastion and Research Manager, Sussex IFCA.
Dr Valentina Scarponi PhD student (2015-2019): Shark Personality within the Predator-Prey Context. Now Lecturer, University of Sussex.
Dr Joanne Carnell PhD student (2015-2019): Flowers for Health: the Importance of Flower Diversity and Composition for Maintaining the Health and Disease Resistance of Bumblebee Pollinators. Now Lecturer, Bath Spa University.
Dr Rosaline Hulse PhD student (2015-2019): Pollinator Protection: the Role of Nutrition on Individual and Colony-Level Health and Immunity, and Pathogen Susceptibility. Now Senior Research Analyst, Wood Mackenzie.
Dr Julia Jones Postdoctoral Research Fellow (EC-Marie Curie 2015-2017): SoDoLS - Sociality and Division of Labour: Microbial, Behavioural and Epigenetic Interactions. Now Assistant Professor, University of Dublin.
Dr Tobias Pamminger Postdoctoral Research Fellow (EC-Marie Curie 2015-2017): GENELAB – The Genetic Basis of Division of Labour: Testing the “Reproductive Groundplan Hypothesis” in Ants. Now Research Toxicologist, Bayer.
Dr Georgia Jones (née French) PhD student (2014-2018): Individual and Sexual Variation in the Trophic Ecology of the White Shark. Now Senior Lecturer, Bournemouth University.
Dr Marlene Stürup Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Carlsberg Foundation 2014-2016): Predator personalities: the physiological and genetic basis of personalities and behavioural syndromes in a large apex predator)
Dr Dave Treanor PhD student (2013-2017): Symbions in Societies. Now R&D Team Lead, Oxitec.
Dr Victoria Topham (née Norman) PhD student (2012-2017): Caste and Task Allocation in Ants; now Global Category Manager, Syngenta)
Dr Chris Tranter PhD student (2011-2015). Now Veterinary Surgeon.
Dr Jasmine Parkinson PhD student (2011-2015). Now Policy Advisor DEFRA.
Dr Adam Smith (postdoc 2009-2010). Now Associate Professor at George Washington University.
Dr Sophie Evison postdoc (2008-2010 and 2011-2012). Now Assistant Profesor at University of Nottingham.
Dr Kat Roberts PhD student (2008-2012. Went on to postdoc University of Exeter.
Dr Crystal Frost PhD student (2007-2011): went on to postdoc University of Liverpool.
Dr Pete Graystock undergrad project student, PhD student and postdoc (2008-2014). Now Lecturer at Imperial College.
Dr Kirsten Foley
 PhD student (2009-2013). Went on to postdoc University of Copenhagen.
Dr Rowena Mitchell
 PhD student (2009-2013). Now clinical geneticist, Leeds NHS Trust.
Dr Claire Asher PhD student (2009-2013). Now freelance science communicator) 
Dr Judith Slaa
 postdoc (2009-2011). Now Data Analyst Naturalis Biodiversity Centre.
Dr Lorenzo Santorelli postdoc (2008-2010). Now Senior Lecturer at University of Surrey.
Dr Toby Fountain undergrad project student (2008-2009). Went on to PhD and then postdoc University of Helsinki.
Dr Citlalli Morelos-Juarez masters project student (2009). Now Researcher Fundación Reserva Tesoro Escondido.
Dr Jacob Holland undergrad project student (2008-2009). Went on to PhD at UEA; now Researcher University of Edinburgh.
Dr Carly Lynsdale masters project student (2010). Now Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki.
Dr Hannah Griffiths masters project student (2009), Now Research Fellow University of Bristol.
Dr Tom Walker undergrad and masters project student (2007, 2009). Now Science Strategist, Cecil.
Clarence Schmitt masters project student (2011-2012). Now Researcher INRAE Clermont-Ferrand.
Joe Turner MPhil student (2013-2014). Went on to do PhD at University of Liverpool.