Hughes Lab


Our collaborators include:

1) Evolutionary biology and behavioural ecology: Prof Pierre Nouvellet, University of Sussex; Dr Hermogenes Fernandez-Marin, INDICASAT AIP, Panama; Dr Fabio Nascimento, Universidade de Sao Paulo; Dr Juliane Lopes, Universidade de Juiz de Fora

2) Bee Health: Professor Dave Goulson, University of Sussex; Dr Pete Graystock, Imperiial College; Felix Wäckers, Biobest; Dr Hermogenes Fernandez-Marin, INDICASAT AIP, Panama; Professor Francis Ratnieks, University of Sussex; Dr Annette Jensen, University of Copenhagen; The Bumblebee Conservation TrustNatural England

3) Chemical ecology and applied entomology: Prof Andy Burrows, University of Bath; Prof John Spencer, University of Sussex; Dr Michelle Fountain, National Institute of Agricultural Botany; Dr Lena Grinsted, University of Portsmouth; Dr Bruno Gobin, Horticultural Research Centre (PCS).

4) Sharks and marine conservation: Dr George Balchin and the Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityProfessor Hannes Van Wyk, Stellenbosch University; The Dyer Island Conservation Trust; South African Shark Conservancy, Dr Elke Bojanaski and the Red Sea Shark Trust.