University of Sussex

The University of Sydney
Trapped Populations


The Researcher:

Dr. Christopher Smith, the researcher responsible for undertaking data collection for TRAPPED, is employed for the three year duration of the project as a Marie Curie International Outgoing Research Fellow (Geography) at the University of Sussex. For the first two years of the project he will be based at the University of Sydney, benefitting from the regional expertise of the Mekong Resource Centre located in the School of Geosciences.

After completing a PhD in Geography at the University of Sussex, Dr. Smith worked as a Research Associate at the United Nations University Institute of Environment and Human Security as part of their 'Where the Rain Falls' project. His expertise to date lies in the development of agent-based models designed to replicate migration decision-making in different physical, socio-economic and cultural circumstances affected by environmental change. To date his modelling work has focussed upon Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Ghana and Peru.

A copy of Dr. Smith's academic CV may be accessed here.
Or, access his Linkedin profile here.

Contact Dr. Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith

Mekong Delta Project Officer:

Extensive data collection and management within the Mekong Delta Region has been coordinated for TRAPPED by the Project Officer, Ly Quoc Dang, MSc. A Researcher and Teaching Assistant with the Mekong Delta Development Research Institute at Can Tho University, Dang has extensive experience of managing data collection activities for development related projects within the region. Holding a Master of Development Studies from The Graduate Institute, Geneva, Dang's research interests include water management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, community capacity building (youth and rural), eco-farm/farming systems and sustainable management, human rights, conservation education and clean water/sanitation programmes.

A copy of Ly Quoc Dang's CV may be accessed here.

Ly Quoc Dang

The Host Institutions:

As an International Outgoing Fellowship funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework, TRAPPED involves academic institutions both within and outside the European Community:

- Within Europe, the project is hosted by the School of Global Studies at the University of Sussex, UK, and overseen by the Host Scientist in Charge, Prof. Dominic Kniveton. University of Sussex

- Outside Europe, the School of Geosciences at the University of Sydney, Australia, hosts the outgoing phase of TRAPPED, overseen by the Outgoing Supervisor, Prof. Philip Hirsch. The University of Sydney

- Within the Mekong Delta, the DRAGON Insititute at Cần Thơ University, Viet Nam, provides local expertise overseen by Assoc. Prof. Dr Le Anh Tuan and Dr. Tran Thi Phung Ha (School of Social Sciences and Humanities). DRAGON Logo

This research has received
funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement number PIOF-GA-2012-329589.

European Commission

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