University of Sussex
The University of Sydney
Trapped Populations


Publications arising from TRAPPED:

As the methodological development, fieldwork and analysis stages of TRAPPED progress, a number of publications will be produced. As they materialise these will become available on this page.

Previous publications relevant to the development of TRAPPED:

Previous research by the project participants has contributed to the conceptual evolution of TRAPPED. Please find links to relevant peer reviewed publications below. 

Smith, C.D. (2014) Modelling migration futures: Development and testing of the Rainfalls Agent-Based Migration Model-Tanzania. Climate & Development. Forthcoming.       

De Caux, R., Smith, C.D., Kniveton, D.R., Black, R. and Philippides, A. (2014) Dynamic, Small-World Social Network Generation Through Local Agent Interactions. Complexity. 19(6), pp44-53.

Kniveton, D.R., Smith, C.D. and Black, R. (2012) Emerging migration flows in a changing climate in dryland Africa. Nature Climate Change, 2(6), 444-447.

Kniveton, D.R., Smith, C.D. and Wood, S. (2011) Agent based model simulations of changes in migration flows for Burkina Faso using the FORESIGHT Scenarios; Global Environmental Change; S21, S34-40.

Christopher Smith's PhD thesis entitled, 'Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Migration in Burkina Faso: An Agent-Based Modelling Approach' may be accessed by clicking on the word cloud below.

PhD Thesis

A publicly available version of the Agent Migration Adaptation to Rainfall Change (AMARC) model developed for Christopher Smith's PhD thesis is also available to download here.

The AnyLogic file (.alp) may be downloaded by right-clicking on the above link or image and selecting 'Save Link As...'

Any use, reproduction or sharing of the AMARC should cite the the Nature Climate Change paper that offers some description of the model (Kniveton et al., 2012).

Agent Migration Adaptation to Rainfall Change Model

This research has received
funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement number PIOF-GA-2012-329589.

European Commission

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