Helping you get to an Open Day

Find all the information you need to claim your travel costs back when you attend one of our Open Days.

Claim your travel costs

Here at Sussex we’re proud of our warm and welcoming community, and we want to help you to attend an Open Day, learn about our courses and experience our campus.

We’re offering to help with the cost of travel for eligile students (plus one guest) who meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • You live in a postcode area facing social challenges or in a postcode area with low progression to higher education

    Certain postcodes in the UK are used as measures to indicate that a person is less likely to apply and attend university. 

    Use the suggested websites below to check if you fall under one of these postcodes:

    Area of social challenge or deprivation

    This dataset shows the IMD rank for your home postcode. It places postcodes into 10 rankings (or deciles). 

    Find the decile for where you live

    Postcodes that are classed as D1 or D2 (or 1st decile or 2nd decile) in the ‘Index of Multiple Deprivation Decile’ column (F), entitle you to claim Open Day travel costs.

    Area of low progression to higher education

    This dataset shows the POLAR4 value for your home postcode. It places postcodes into 5 groups (or quintiles).

    Find the quintile for where you live

    Postcodes that are classed as Q1 (or Quintile 1) entitle you to claim Open Day travel costs.

  • You’re in receipt, or have been in receipt, of free school meals

    Young people in the UK are usually eligible for free school meals if their parents or carers are on a low income or in receipt of certain benefits. If you are not sure, ask your school – they will be able to confirm this for you. You may also be eligible if you are paid qualifying benefits directly, instead of through your parent or carer.

  • You have previously been in or are currently in local authority care

    A young person who has spent any time in local authority care, such as foster care or residential children’s homes. It also includes young people who are in, or have been in, kinship care.

  • You’re estranged from your family and are under 25 years of age

    An estranged student is a young person studying without the support and approval of a family network. Young people in this position often have no contact at all with their family and have removed themselves from a dysfunctional situation.

If you meet any of the above you could claim between £25 and £75, depending on where you live. See our full terms and conditions below.

Not booked an Open Day place yet? Check out the dates and book your place.

Terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions should be adhered to in order to claim your travel costs payment:

  • You need to meet at least one of the above listed criteria.
  • To make your claim you will need to download the Open Day Travel Costs Payment Request Form [DOCX, 42KB], complete all fields and email it to
  • Claimants must have booked onto and subsequently attended a qualifying recruitment event on the University of Sussex campus.
  • Claimants must register their attendance on the day of the event in order to qualify.
  • Only one claim will be paid per Open Day application year, covering the travel costs of one attendee and one guest. Whilst you are welcome to visit more than one Open Day, the University will only contribute towards your travel costs on one occasion.
  • All claims should be made within four weeks (28 days) of the event. Any claims after this time will not be processed.
  • The travel costs payment will be made in one of three bands, depending on the radial distance to the University (BN1 9RH) from the home address stated on the proof of address submitted:
    • 0-50 miles – £25
    • 51-150 miles – £50
    • 151+ miles – £75
  • Proof of address should be attached to the email along with the claim form for it to be successfully processed. This may include a driver’s licence, bank statement, utility bill (such as telephone bill) or official letter from a school or college.
  • The travel costs payment will be paid by BACS transfer to an account nominated on the claim form. Payments will be made within six weeks of submission of the claim form.
  • No receipts or proof of mode of transport will be required. However, you will need to provide the email address used to book onto the event and bank account details. Failure to provide the email address associated with the booking will result in a rejected claim.
  • Personal data will be processed in line with our privacy notice.

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