French SKE

Our online French SKE is taught by subject experts and experienced practitioners who ensure that your language learning is always related to teaching in schools. You will learn key concepts, deepen your understanding French-speaking cultures and improve your language skills.

Applications closed

Applications for 2023/24 are now closed and will re-open in October for 2024/25.

Teacher writing in French on a whiteboard

Study a French SKE course at Sussex

You will work alongside like-minded people and have the opportunity to build your understanding of the pedagogy behind teaching languages. This will put you in a strong position before your Initial Teacher Education begins.

Course structure

The Sussex online French SKE is undertaken in four-week units, each focusing on different topics, skills and techniques. These will be accessed in sequential order as the complexity and level of language develops. All units feature authentic resources, teaching tips and unlimited online tutoring:

  • Unit 1: Based on Rosetta Stone Foundation units 1-4 (KS3 level) 
  • Unit 2: Based on Rosetta Stone Foundation units 5-8 (KS3 level) 
  • Unit 3: Based on Rosetta Stone Foundation units 9-12 (KS3 level) 
  • Unit 4: Based on Rosetta Stone Foundation units 13-16 (KS3 level) 
  • Unit 5: Based on Rosetta Stone Foundation units 17-20 (KS3 level) 
  • Unit 6: Based on Rosetta Stone Catalyst (KS3 level) 
  • Unit 7: GCSE Part 1 in-person sessions in June (KS4 level)
  • Unit 8: GCSE Part in-person sessions in July (KS4 level)

In June and July you will select between independent guided study and interactive group sessions (involving live tutoring, group work, task planning and more personalised extension activities). The focus of these interactive group sessions is on the curriculum that you would be teaching in schools, a consideration of best methods and potential student misconceptions.

You’ll be assessed using a variety of methods. This includes online language learning tools, a subject knowledge audit, a scrapbook and assignments submitted towards the end of each unit. During the interactive group sessions your progress across the skills is also assessed in class, ensuring you complete the course feeling confident in your French language skills and ready to start your teacher training course.

Application deadlines

Our SKE courses have different deadlines depending on the length of the course you’re applying to.

See our application page for more information.

Eligibility and funding

SKE courses are funded by the Department for Education (DfE) if you have been offered a place on a PGCE course with enrolment on an SKE course as a condition of accepteance.

Find out more about SKE eligibility and funding.

Self-funded SKEs (now closed for 2023/24)

We also offer a self-funded SKE route for:

  • teacher trainees who are not eligible for DfE funding
  • qualified teachers who want to teach a new subject, or refresh their subject knowledge before returning to teaching after a break
  • anyone considering teaching as a new career who wants to increase their subject knowledge before applying for teacher training.

Rather than four-week units, self-funded SKEs are based on blocks of 100 hours of study.  You can choose which units you want to study and add additional units as you progress. 

The cost is £800 for one 100 hour unit, and £500 for each additional unit. Fees can be paid by you or, if relevant, by your school/institution (schools within the Sussex Partnership or PGCE Pedagogy and Practice Partnership can apply for partnership rates).

If you have any questions about self-funding your SKE, email


In addition to input from specialist subject tutors you will also receive:

  • a BBC Bitesize Revision guide and workbook, as well as a Studio Edexcel Higher Tier GCSE Textook and accompanying Grammar and Translation workbook. 
  • enrolment on the excellent Rosetta Stone Catalyst, an online resource that will provide unlimited online tutorial support for 12 months from activation
  • a fully paid subscription to ExamPro, a database of past KS3, GCSE and A-level exam questions
  • use of the Sussex Centre for Language Studies
  • access to thousands of relevant e-books through our Library
  • licensed software such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Pro
  • access to Box of Broadcasts, a huge collection of documentaries, schools TV, films and drama that you can stream for free. 

Contact us

If you have any queries about studying an SKE at Sussex, email

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