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Choose from over 500 degrees. Join a society. Explore Brighton and the UK. Our Nigeria country guide has the information you need to know about life as an international student in the UK.
Watch Nigerian students talking about how Sussex is their home from home:
If you want to study a Masters at Sussex, you may be eligible for our Sussex Nigeria Scholarship, which includes £5,000 towards your tuition fees as well as other subject-specific scholarships worth up to £10,000.
You can also search for PhD funding sources by country
To find out what grades and qualifications we accept and our English language requirements:
Explore all of our undergraduate degrees
Explore all of our Masters degrees
Find a PhD for you at Sussex
Watch our Nigerian students talk about life at Sussex below. You can also read about our Sussex alumni and connections in Nigeria.
You can choose from more than 200 student-led societies and groups at Sussex including:
The Islamic Society (ISoc) provides:
Brighton has various international supermarkets which sell African products. You can also buy international products from our weekly on-campus market or food markets in Brighton.
We have the Meeting House (a mutli-denominational chaplaincy), a Muslim Student Centre and a Muslim prayer facility on campus, and there are a range of churches and two mosques in Brighton.
To find out more about life in the UK, contact our Alumni Consuls in Nigeria.
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