Our SPRiG Seminar Series provides an opportunity for SPRiG members to meet and discuss the latest research, critical approaches and service-user perspectives. They are free to attend and all are welcome. See here for a list of upcoming seminars.
We ask our speakers to share their slides with us where possible. Please note that some speakers prefer not to share their slides and/or the recording of their talk. Below you can find a list of previous SPRiG seminars, and links to download the slides.
December 2024
Festive Showcase presentation 2024:
November 2024
Prof Sir Robin Murray: Professor of Psychiatric Research, King's College London
"An Aetiological approach to the Treatment of Psychosis"
February 2024
Prof Filippo Varese: Professor of Clinical Psychology, NIHR Advanced Fellow and Director of the Manchester Complex Trauma and Resilience Research Unit, University of Manchester
“Using EMDR to address the trauma-related needs of clients supported by Early Intervention services: Emerging evidence from FEP and ARMS studies in the UK”
January 2024
Prof Fiona Gaughran: Professor of Physical Health and Clinical Therapeutics in Psychiatry
“Physical health in people with major mental illness”
Festive showcase 2023
Various speakers presenting their research projects.
October 2023
Dr Shubulade Smith CBE, Consultant Psychiatrist, President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists:
“Inequality in mental health research and how to address it”
September 2023
Prof Katherine Berry: “Culturally-adapted family intervention (CaFI) for African and Caribbean people diagnosed with psychosis and their families.”
June 2023
Dr Simon Evans, University of Surrey
“Brain structural correlates of Insight in Psychosis”
May 2023
Prof Belinda Lennox, University of Oxford
“Autoimmune psychosis: what clinicians needs to know”
April 2023
Prof Kathryn Greenwood: Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Sussex; consultant Clinical Psychologist Sussex Partnership NHS Trust
“Evaluating Early Youth Engagement in First Episode Psychosis services from a Diverse Clinician, Service user and Service perspective: Learnings from the EYE-2 Randomized Controlled Trial”
March 2023
Prof Sandra Bucci, NIHR Research Professor / Professor of Clinical Psychology
“Digital markers for predicting psychosis relapse”
January 2023
Dr Clio Berry: Senior Lecturer in Healthcare Evaluation and Improvement, Primary Care and Public Health, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
“Preferences for psychological therapies for voice-hearing experiences”
December 2022
Professor Mark Hayward: Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Sussex, Director of Research and Development Sussex Partnership NHS Trus
"Increasing access to CBT for clients who are distressed by hearing voices: The GiVE3 trial and an update from the Sussex Voices Clinic"
to view a recording of the talk
October 2022
Dr Katherine Newman Taylor: Associate Professor, University of Southampton, Consultant Clinical Psychologist (Hon)
Southern Health NHSF Trust
"CBT for psychosis – Integrating attachment principles"
June 2022
Dr Amy Hardy, Clinical Psychologist, Kings College London
"Update from the STAR trial”
Investigating trauma-focused therapy for people experiencing common effects of trauma who fear harm from others or who see, hear or feel things others cannot
April 2022
Dr Pavo Orepic, Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Geneva, Switzerland
"Voices and robots: Simulating auditory-verbal hallucinations (AVH) through robotically-induced self-other voice confusion"
March 2022
Prof Mark Hayward: Professor of Psychology, University of Sussex and Director of Research, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Brad Hall: Clinical Psychologist, Christ Church University, Canterbury
Sofia Loizou: PhD Student, University of Sussex
"Update from the Sussex Voices Clinic"
to view a recording of the talk
February 2022
Prof Phillipa Garety, Prof Kathy Greenwood
"Findings from the SlowMo Trial"
to view a recording of the talk
January 2022
Dr Dominic Oliver, Research Associate, Kings College London
"Predicting Psychosis: The transdiagnostic risk calculator"
to view a recording of Dr Oliver's talk
Download the slides by clicking on the image below:
πThe SPRiG Festive Showcase π
Prof Kathryn Greenwood, Professor of Clinical Psychology and Research Fellow
“The effects on paranoia of SlowMo, a blended digital therapy in a randomised controlled trial”
Dr Leanne Bogen-Johnson, Post-doctoral Research Fellow for Starting Well (Children and Adolescent Mental Health)
“DisCOVery: Recovery alongside social isolation”
Gergely Bartl, Post-doctoral Research Fellow and Trial Manager for the Early Youth Engagement Project (EYE-2)
“Early youth engagement in first episode psychosis study (EYE-2)”
Sofia Loizou, PhD Researcher in Clinical Psychology
“iMproving Outcomes of cogniTive behavIoural therapy for distressing VoicEs: a qualitative study of voice hearers’ and practitioners’ views and perspectives (MOTIVE)”
Dr Mark Hayward, Director of Research and Development, Clinical Psychologist and Research Fellow
“An Update on the Voices Clinic”
Alexandra Bone, Trainee Clinical Psychologist
“An Exploration of How Lead Practitioners Understand and Navigate Boundaries in Early Intervention in Psychosis Services”
Dr Kat Rammou, Trainee Clinical Psychologist
“Voice-hearing in young people: distress factors and social relating”
Dr Elizabeth Ford, Senior Lecturer in Primary Care Research
“Providing targeted mental health information for people with risk of future psychological distress”
“Demystifying Dissociation and Depersonalisation”
Dr Emma Cernis, Research Clinical Psychologist, University of Oxford and Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
"Cognitive models of voice hearing, from the psychopathological to the everyday"
Dr. Peter Mosley, Senior Research Fellow,University of Northumbria
“Building a strong therapeutic alliance online”
Guidelines for using an online therapeutic intervention (click on the image below):
Kate Cavanagh, Professor of Clinical Psychology
"Introduction to therapeutic alliance with digital technologies"
To access Kate Cavanagh's session recording
To dowload the slide deck click on the image below:
Nick Grey, Associate Director Psychology and Psychological Therapies
"Research update on how to build a good quality therapeutic alliance"
To access Nick Grey's session recording
To dowload the slide deck click on the image below:
Nicola Yuill, Professor of Developmental Psychology
"local research outcomes from the ‘Zoom or Room’ project"
To access Nicola Yuill's session recording
To dowload the slide deck click on the image below:
Kathryn Greenwood, Professor of Clinical Psychology and Research Fellow
"The current evidence base in psychosis"
To access Kathryn Greenwood's session recording
To dowload the slide deck click on the image below:
Lindsay Evans, Clinical Lead, Digital Interventions
"local update on video consultation and supporting therapeutic alliance"
To access Lindsay Evans session recording
To dowload the slide deck click on the image below:
"Increasing access to CBT for people experiencing psychosis: Findings and lessons learnt from the GiVE2 trial"
Dr Mark Hayward, Director Sussex Partnership Trust Research and Development
Prof. Kathy Greenwood University of Sussex and Sussex Partnership Trust
"Beyond Religious Delusions: Spirituality, Religion & Mental Health"
Dr David H. Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP, Director, Spirituality & Mental Health Program, McLean Hospital
Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
"Brain Structural Correlates of Functional Capacity in First-Episode Psychosis”
Erkan Alkan, Final Year PhD Student, University of Surrey
"Digital Technology and Psychosis Care"
Professor Doctor Mar Rus-Calafell, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
“Recreating Unusual Bodily Sensations"
Jamie Moffatt, Final Year Doctoral Researcher, University of Sussex
"The role of sleep problems in psychosis: causal relevance and clinical implications"
Dr Sarah Reeve, Post Doctoral Researcher and Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University College London
The SPRiG 2020 Festive Showcase| December 9th
Dr Gergely Bartl, Post Doctoral Researcher: The EYE-2 project (slides for this presentation will be uploaded soon)
Changes in Early Intervention Services: A policy and process evaluation in EYE-2
Ellie Robson, PhD Student: The ProReal Study
Investigating the feasibiltiy of implementing remote online groups with an Avatar software platform
Dr Richard Whale, Consultant Psychiatrist, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust: S1P Cohort
Outcomes in early psychosis: The S1P study
Jamie Moffatt, PhD Student: Body Dis-ownership
Investigating the feelings of body dis-ownership with mixed-reality
Dr. Mark Hayward, Sussex Partnership Trust Director of Reseach: The Voices Clinic
This presentation will reflect upon experiences within the Sussex Voices Clinic as we have delivered our interventions remotely during the pandemic.
Kelly Wilson, Clinical Research Co-ordinator: The NEON Study
NEON (Narrative Experiences Online): Accessing recovery stories online, and assessing the impact this can have on peoples’ mental health.
Dr Christopher Scane, Clinical Psychologist: The STAR Trial
The Study of Trauma and Recovery (STAR) trial. This is a multi-site RCT looking at the effectiveness of a trauma-focused CBTp intervention for people experiencing symptoms of psychosis and post-traumatic stress, as we know that rates of trauma are elevated in people with psychosis
Improving Physical Health in People with Mental Illness | November 25th
Dr. Joseph Firth, Presidential Fellow, University of Manchester:
Psychosis and Motherhood | October 29th
Dr Arianna Di Florio, MD, PhD Clinical Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University
Virtual Reality for Mental Health | September 30th
Dr Lucia Valmaggia, Reader in Clinical Psychology and Digital Mental Health, King's College London
A recording of this talk can be accessed here.
EMPOWER: Early signs Monitoring to Prevent relapse in psychosis and promote Wellbeing, Engagement and Recovery | May 27th
Professor Andrew Gumley, Professor of Psychological Therapy, University of Glasgow
Related papers:
- EMPOWER Protocol
- Perspectives of patients, carers and mental health staff on early warning signs of relapse in psychosis
- Adverse event monitoring in mobile health technology (mHealth)
- Trial staff views on barriers to recruitment in a digital investigation for psychosis, and how to work around them
- Developing a hypothetical implementation framework of expectations for monitoring early signs of psychosis relapse
Trauma-Focused CBT: Conceptual underpinnings, key interventions, and extending its reach | February 26th
Dr Nick Grey, Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Research Fellow, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Glossary of trauma-related terms
Therapists' experience of hope working with complex clients | November 20th
Dr Catarina Sacadura, Research Clinical Psychologist, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Treatment choices in psychosis | October 30th
Professor Kathryn Greenwood, Clinical Psychologist, Senior Research Fellow, University of Sussex and Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Metacognition and psychosis-spectrum experiences in clinical and non-clinical populations | September 25th
Dr Emma Palmer-Cooper, Lecturer in Psychology, University of Southampton
Trading Places: Understanding psychosis risk amongst migrants and their descendants | March 6th
Dr James Kirkbride, Sir Henry Dale Fellow (Wellcome Trust and Royal Society) and Reader in Epidemiology in the Division of Psychiatry at University College London
Caring for Caregivers (C4C): Pilot randomised Controlled Trial of Positive Written Disclosure for Carers of People with Psychosis | January 30th
Dr. Christina Jones, Senior Lecturer, University of Surrey.
Hearing the Voice: Exploring the Phenomenology, Cognition and Neuroscience of Non-Clinical Hallucinatory Experiences | November 28th
Dr Ben Alderson-Day, Assistant Professor, Durham University
"What is a mental health crisis?": Insights from Section 136 in Sussex | January 31st
Professor Gillian Bendelow, Professor of Sociology of Health and Medicine, University of Brighton
Changing our thinking about distressing paranoia: the SlowMo Study | January 24th
Professor Philippa Garety PhD CPsychol FBPsS, Professor of Clinical Psychology, King's College, London. Clinical Director and Joint Leader, Psychosis Clinical Academic Group, King's Health Partners and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.
New research on the pros and cons of long-term antipsychotic treatment and an outline of the RADAR study | September 27th
Dr Joanna Moncrieff
The use of peer-delivered intervention following psychiatric crisis | June 28th
Dr Oliver Mason, Reader in Clinical Psychology, University of Surrey
Computer assisted therapy for auditory hallucinations: the AVATAR clinical trial | October 26th
Professor Tom Craig
Soteria: Being with, not doing to. Combining compassion and evidence in approaches to psychosis | April 28th
Katy Baboulene
Overcoming barriers to implementation of psychological therapies for psychosis | January 29th
Dr Kathryn Greenwood
Social inclusion for young people with and without psychosis | March 27th
Dr Clio Berry
Accounts of conspiracy beliefs within the general population: A Grounded Theory | February 24th
Dr Louise McCusker
Social recovery in early psychosis: Assessment and intervention | December 5th
Dr Jo Hodgekins
Cannabis use reduction and relapse prevention in psychosis | September 26th
Alyssa Milton
Social cognition in early psychosis: a potential target for early intervention? | April 19th
Dr Andrew Thompson
Parents' communication to primary school-aged children about mental health & ill-health | March 22nd
How do teachers communicate with children about mental health problems and what influences this? | March 22nd
Dr Janine King
Young peoples' beliefs about help-seeking for psychosis | March 22nd
Dr Helen Glossop
Cognitive therapy for psychosis... or 'Good Clinical Practice' | January 25th
Professor David Kingdon
Childhood maltreatment and psychosis | November 30th
Dr Helen Fisher
The therapeutic relationship and patient-reported outcomes in the treatment of patients with psychosis | September 13th
Professor Stefan Priebe
Molecular mechanisms underlying the behavioural effects of cannabis: Modelling a risk factor in schizophrenia | June 29th
Dr Cathy Fernandes
The role of perseverative thinking processes in paranoia | April 27th
Dr Kate Cavanagh
Appraisals, psychotic symptoms and affect in daily life, and changes during CBT | February 24th
Dr Emanuelle Peters
Reading faces: The relationship between individual differences in psychosis proneness and face processing | January 27th
Dr Sam Hutton
Towards a theory of mental health professionals' understanding of psychotic experiences | November 25th
Dr Clark Davison
Early detection of psychosis in Brixton Prison | September 30th
Manuela Jarrett
Prevalence of autism spectrum disorders & autistic traits in a youth mental health service | June 25th
Dr Rick Fraser
The experience of hearing voices: Daring to talk back | April 1st
Dr Mark Hayward
Predicting psychosis using neurobiology: Where are we now? | February 25th
Professor Stephen Wood
Attachment in psychosis and therapeutic relationships | November 26th
Dr Katherine Berry
Non-SPRiG Presentations
Occasionally, our members will present at conferences, events and seminars outside of SPRiG. Here you can find a collection of slides from those events.
The route to psychosis: What differentiates individuals with psychotic experiences with and without a 'need for care'? | June 14th
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Research & Development Conference
Dr Emanuelle Peters
Early intervention for Stigma: Talking to children about severe mental illness | May 31st
Clinical and Developmental Research in Progress, University of Sussex
Dr Kathryn Greenwood
Food for thought: Psychological approaches to cognitive decline in schizophrenia | June 23rd
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Research & Development Conference
Professor Til Wykes
Improving engagement of young people in early interventions: the EYE project | June 23rd
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Research & Development Conference
Dr Kathryn Greenwood
Impaired functioning in schizophrenia: Models, Mechanisms and Measurement | June 9th
Clinical and Developmental Research in Progress
Dr Kathryn Greenwood