Emeritus Reader
Selected publications
Ryle, Martin (2013) Crisis, class and the novel: recent British versions of the Bildungsroman. C21 Literature, 2 (1). pp. 121-135. ISSN 2045-5216
Ryle, Martin (2010) Anosognosia, or the political unconscious: limits of vision in Ian McEwan's Saturday. Criticism, 52 (1). pp. 25-40. ISSN 0011-1589
Ryle, Martin (2010) 'I want you to tell me if grief, brought to numbers, cannot be so fierce': Stanzaic form, rhythm and play in Paul Muldoon's Long Poems. Etudes britanniques contemporaines (39). pp. 143-156. ISSN 1168-4917
Ryle, Martin (2009) John McGahern: memory, autobiography, fiction, history. New Formations (67). pp. 35-45. ISSN 0950-2378
Ryle, Martin (2009) Neo-pastoral eco-didactics: Ali Smith's 'The Accidental'. Green Letters - Studies in Ecocriticism, 10. pp. 8-18. ISSN 1468-8417
Ryle, Martin (2008) Sex, dystopia, utopia: (techno)cultural mediation and sexual pleasure in recent novels by Michel Houellebecq, Margaret Atwood and Ali Smith. Critical Engagements, 2 (2). ISSN 1754-0984
Book Section
Ryle, Martin and Soper, Kate (2013) Alternative hedonism: the world by bicycle. In: Osbaldiston, Nick (ed.) Culture of the Slow: Social Deceleration in an Accelerated World. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 94-109. ISBN 9780230299764
Ryle, Martin (2011) 'Sententious solitude'? Figures of the poet in the work of Derek Mahon. In: Gruszewska Blaim, L and Malcolm, D (eds.) Here/Now-Then/There: Traditions, Memory, Innovation in Modern British and Irish Poetry: Essays on Modern British and Irish Poetry, 5. University of Gdansk. ISBN 9788373268319
Ryle, Martin (2011) Raymond Williams: materialism and ecocriticism. In: Goodbody, Axel and Rigby, Kate (eds.) Ecocritical theory: new European perspectives. Under the Sign of Nature: Explorations in Ecocriticism . University of Virginia Press, pp. 43-54. ISBN 9780813931357
Ryle, Martin (2006) The historical novel? Novel, history and the 'end of history'. In: Dowd, Garin, Stevenson, Lesley and Strong, Jeremy (eds.) Genre matters: essays in theory and criticism. Intellect Books, pp. 155-168. ISBN 9781841501079
Ryle, Martin (1999) Relevant provision: the usefulness of cultural studies. In: Aldred, Nannette and Ryle, Martin (eds.) Teaching culture: the long revolution in cultural studies. National Institute for Adult Continuing Education, Leicester, 39 - 52. ISBN 9781862010451
Edited Book
Jordan, Julia and Ryle, Martin, eds. (2014) B. S. Johnson and post-war literature. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9781137349545
Ryle, Mr Martin, ed. (2008) The Politics and Pleasures of Consuming Differently. Consumption and Public Life . Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230537286