Deputy Vice Chancellor
Selected publications
Follett, Richard (2014) Agricultural History talks to Richard Follett. Agricultural History, 88 (2). pp. 300-306. ISSN 0002-1482
Burnard, Trevor and Follett, Richard (2012) Caribbean slavery, British abolition and the cultural politics of venereal disease in the Atlantic world. The Historical Journal, 55 (2). pp. 427-451. ISSN 0018-246X
Follett, Richard, Halpern, Rick, Lichtenstein, Alex and Bambridge, Alison (2008) Documenting the Louisiana Sugar Economy, 1845-1917: An on-line Database Project. Journal of Peasant Studies, 35 (4). pp. 801-810. ISSN 0306-6150
Follett, Richard (2005) ‘Lives of living death’: The reproductive lives of slave women in the cane world of Louisiana. Slavery and Abolition, 26 (2). pp. 289-304. ISSN 0144-039X
Follett, Richard (2005) 'Give to the Labor of America, the Market of America': Marketing the Old South's Sugar Crop, 1800-1860. Revista de Indias, 65 (233). pp. 117-146. ISSN 0034-8341
Follett, Richard (2003) Heat, sex, and sugar: pregnancy and childbearing in the slave quarters. Journal of Family History, 28 (4). pp. 510-539. ISSN 0363-1990
Follett, Richard (2000) Slavery and Plantation Capitalism in Louisiana's Sugar Country. American Nineteenth Century History, 1 (3). pp. 1-27. ISSN 1466-4658
Follett, Richard, Beckert, Sven, Coclanis, Peter and Hahn, Barbara (2016) Plantation kingdom: the American South and its global commodities. Marcus Cunliffe lecture series . Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. ISBN 9781421419398
Follett, Richard, Foner, Eric and Johnson, Walter (2011) Slavery's Ghost: The Problem of Freedom in the Age of Emancipation. Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 9781421402369
Follett, Richard (2005) The Sugar Masters: Planters and Slaves in Louisiana's Cane World 1820 - 1860. Louisiana State University Press. ISBN 9780807130384
Book Section
Follett, Richard (2016) The rise and fall of American sugar. In: Plantation kingdom: the rise and American south and its global commodities. Marcus Cunliffe Lecture Series . John Hopkins University Press, Maryland, USA, pp. 61-90. ISBN 9781421419404
Follett, Richard (2014) Old South, New South: the strange career of Pierre Champomier. In: Hyde, Samuel C Hyde Jr (ed.) The enigmatic South : toward Civil War and its legacies. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, pp. 153-174. ISBN 9780807156940
Burnard, Trevor and Follett, Richard (2013) Caribbean slavery, British anti-slavery and the cultural politics of venereal disease. In: Heuman, Gad and Burnard, Trevor (eds.) Slavery. Critical concepts in historical studies, 2 . Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415500371
Follett, Richard (2013) Heat, sex, and sugar: pregnancy and childbearing in the slave quarters. In: Heuman, Gad and Burnard, Trevor (eds.) Slavery. Critical concepts in historical studies, 2 . Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415500371
Follett, Richard (2010) The Demography of Slavery. In: Heuman, Gad and Burnard, Trevor (eds.) The Routledge History of Slavery. The Routledge Histories . Routledge, pp. 119-137. ISBN 9780415466899
Follett, Richard (2008) Slavery and technology in Louisiana's sugar bowl. In: Technology, innovation, and Southern industrialization: from the antebellum era to the computer age. University of Missouri Press, pp. 68-96. ISBN 9780826217950
Follett, Richard (2008) The Spirit of Brazil: Football and the Politics of Afro-Brazilian Cultural Identity. In: Oboe, Annalisa and Scacchi, Anna (eds.) Recharting the black Atlantic : modern cultures, local communitities, global connections. Routledge Research in Atlantic Studies . Routledge, pp. 71-92. ISBN 9780415961110
Follett, Richard (2007) Gloomy Melancholy: Sexual Reproduction among Louisiana Slave Women, 1840-1860. In: Campbell, Gwyn, Miers, Suzanne and Miller, Joseph (eds.) Women and Slavery, Vol. 2: The Modern Atlantic. Ohio University Press, pp. 54-75. ISBN 9780821417263
Follett, Richard (2007) Slavery and plantation capitalism in Louisiana's sugar country. In: Harris, J William (ed.) The Old South: New Studies of Society and Culture. Rewriting Histories . Routledge. ISBN 9780415957281
Follett, Richard (2001) On the edge of modernity: Louisiana's landed elites in the nineteenth nentury sugar country. In: Dal Lago, Enrico and Halpern, Rick (eds.) The American South and Italian Mezzogiorno: essays in comparative history. Palgrave, pp. 73-94. ISBN 9780333739716
Conference or Workshop Item
Follett, Richard (2015) 'Bandits and brigands: the enduring power of Haiti in American slave revolts' - Biennial U.S History Symposium - Queen Mary College, University of London, July 2015. In: QMUL Biennial Symposium in American History, 3 July 2015, School of history, Queen Mary University of London.
Follett, Richard (2015) 'White fright: slave revolts in American memory' - British Association for American Studies annual conference, Newcastle, April 2015. In: British Association for American Studies Annual Conference, 9-12 April 2015, University of Northumbria.
Follett, Richard (2014) 'White fright: slave revolts in American memory," Memphis Cotton Museum - public history lecture, November 2014. In: Memphis Cotton Museum Public History Lecture, 20 November 2014, Memphis Cotton Museum.
Follett, Richard (2014) 'White fright: slave revolts in American memory' - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, November 2014. In: White Fright: Slave Revolts in American Memory, 17 November 2014, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Follett, Richard (2014) 'Slavery’s ghost: legacies of enslavement in the era of emancipation' - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, November 2014. In: Slavery’s ghost: legacies of enslavement in the era of emancipation, November 2014, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
Follett, Richard (2014) 'White fright: Slave Revolts in American Memory' - Institute for Southern Culture Lecture, University of Mississippi, November 2014. In: Brown bag lecture: “white fright: slave revolts in American memory”, 19 November 2014, Institute for Southern Culture Lecture, University of Mississippi.
Follett, Richard (2014) Enslaved worlds: new perspectives on the slave South--White fright: an explanation. In: Society for the History of the Early Republic Meeting, July 16-19, 2015, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Follett, Richard (2013) 'The political economy of the South' - Southern Historical Association Annual Meeting, St Louis, October 2013. In: Southern Historical Association Annual Meeting, 31 October - 3 November, 2013, Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch.
Follett, Richard (2013) 'Slavery and freedom in Louisiana’s cane world' - public history keynote lecture, Baton Rouge, March 2013. In: Slavery and Freedom in Louisiana’s Cane World, March 2013, Baton Rouge.
Follett, Richard (2012) 'Slavery and venereal disease in the tropics' - Department of Primary Care, University of Sussex and Brighton Primary Health Care Trust seminars, March 2012. In: Slavery and venereal disease in the tropics, March 2012, Brighton and Sussex Medical School.
Follett, Richard (2011) 'The politics of vice: Jamaican slavery in the British Atlantic world' - Atlantic studies plenary lecture, Louisiana State University, October 2011. In: The politics of vice: Jamaican slavery in the British Atlantic world, October 2011, Louisiana State University.
Follett, Richard (2011) 'Creolization and Caribbean discourse' - City University of Hong Kong, April 2011. In: Creolization and Caribbean discourse, April 2011, City University of Hong Kong.
Follett, Richard and Burnard, Trevor (2011) Venereal disease in Jamaica, 1750-1790" - life and death in the tropics, University of Warwick, March 2011. In: Life and Death in the Tropics: Global History, Tropical Medicine and Caribbean, 24 March 2011, University of Warwick.
Follett, Richard (2011) 'Gendered economies of slavery and freedom: women as agents in the perpetuation and demise of the peculiar institution," American Historical Association annual meeting, Boston, January 2011. In: American Historical Society Annual Meeting, 6-9 January 2011, Boston.
Follett, Richard (2010) 'The state of Atlantic studies' - plenary: MESEA, Pecs, Hungary, June 2010. In: MESEA Annual Conference, 16-20 June 2010, University of Pécs, Hungary.
Follett, Richard and Halpern, Rick (2004) From Slavery to Freedom in Louisiana's Sugar Country: Changing Labour Systems and Workers' Power. In: Symposium on Sugarcane and Society, Univ Toronto, New Coll, Toronto, CANADA.
Follett, Richard (2014) White fright: slave revolts in American memory. [Video]
Follett, Richard (2014) Sky News: 12 years a slave. [Video]
Follett, Richard (2011) Narratives of slavery. [Video]