Daryl Pruess

'Fillindric' and 'Zoryxian'

Black and white imagesThese tracks reflect part of a larger project exploring multiple areas. Firstly, I am exploring the concept of ‘disembodied sound’. Using mostly field recordings as source material, I use various sound manipulation techniques such as polyphonic auto tuning, pitch-shifting and extensive modulation to remove any connotations not only to real-world environments, but alsotorecognisable instruments, both electronic and acoustic. The goal is to create a vivid yet abstract spacethat encourages active listeningand emersionwithout evoking real-world images.

This project also addresses sensory issues I have as a result of being Autistic. Over the last few years, I have become more aware that certain frequencies can cause me stress and discomfort, eventually leading to overwhelm. This has dramatically changed the way I approach making music, and this project represents an attempt to reconcile these issues with my desire to make music with an element of intensity to it.


Daryl Pruess - Fillindric


Daryl Pruess