First year students

Mina-Mae Alexander

Audio piece by Mina-Mae Alexander

Tommy Day

Sometimes the bustle of the city is too much to bear. A voice inside you screams ‘I need to get out’. It doesn’t matter where, as long as you are not here. Moving was written with this in mind. The desperate to escape your surroundings and try somewhere new. The catharsis you feel when you are finally out of the claustrophobia and staring out the window across green fields. You know you will have to return to your home, but for now, you are exhilarated by the unfamiliarity.

  • Drums by Ryan Daniels
  • Guitar by Jon Day
  • Produced and mixed by Ryan Daniels

Audio piece by Tommy Day

Ted Godfrey

Online, Offline was an attempt at creating a composition with a concept behind it. The concept I wanted to present was essentially internet addiction and introversion. With the genre being Lo-Fi, repetition is heavily featured in the track, as well as the performance, where we have the character (myself) going through mundane tasks throughout the day: waking up, playing in his room, going out, back home playing again andgoing to sleep also representing the “online” and “offline” nature of the track.

Audio piece by Ted Godfrey

Zakk Virdee

This piece is a ‘found sounds’ project, essentially I wasn’t to use any musical instruments just noises I find in my everyday life. I chose to put a small story behind this and use the fact I sometimes when I play games/ stimulate myself for too long with something unproductive, it makes me feel uneasy as if I’m just losing time. Like something is taking it from me as the sounds grow more repetitive and eery.

Audio piece by Zakk Virdee

Felix Winby 

Collaboration through prepared piano

Audio piece by Felix Winby

Experiments with found sound

Audio piece by Felix Winby