Emeritus Professor
Selected publications
Morris, Charlotte and Munt, Sally R (2019) Classed formations of shame in white, British single mothers. Feminism & Psychology, 29 (2). pp. 231-249. ISSN 0959-3535
Munt, Sally R (2018) Gay shame in a geopolitical context. Cultural Studies, 33 (2). pp. 223-248. ISSN 0950-2386
Munt, Sally (2017) Argumentum ad misericordiam - the critical intimacies of victimhood. Paragrafo: Revista Cientifica de Comuicaçäo Social da FIAM-FAAM, 5 (1). pp. 866-883. ISSN 2317-4919
Munt, Sally (2015) Sensory geographies and defamiliarisation: migrant women encounter Brighton Beach. Gender, Place and Culture, 23 (8). pp. 1093-1106. ISSN 0966-369X
Munt, Sally R (2012) Journeys of resilience: the emotional geographies of refugee women. Gender, Place and Culture, 19 (5). pp. 555-577. ISSN 0966-369X
Munt, Sally R and Smith, Sharon E (2010) Angels and the dragon king's daughter: gender, sexuality in Western Buddhist new religious movements. Theology and Sexuality, 16 (3). pp. 229-258. ISSN 1355-8358
Munt, Sally R and O'Donnell, Katherine (2007) Pride and Prejudice: Legalizing Compulsory Heterosexuality in New York's Annual St. Patrick's Day Parades. Space and Culture, 10 (1). pp. 94-114. ISSN 1206-3312
Munt, Sally R (2007) A seat at the table: some unpalatable thoughts on shame, envy and hate in institutional cultures. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 11 (1-2). pp. 53-67. ISSN 1089-4160
Munt, Sally R (2006) A queer undertaking: anxiety and reparation in the HBO television drama series 'Six Feet Under'. Feminist Media Studies, 6 (3). pp. 263-279. ISSN 1468-0777
Munt, Sally R, Bassett, Elizabeth H and O'Riordan, Kate (2002) Virtually Belonging: Risk, Connectivity, and Coming Out On-Line. International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies, 7 (2-3). 125- 137. ISSN 1566-1768
Munt, Sally R (2002) Framing intelligibility, identity, and selfhood: a reconsideration of spatio-temporal models. Reconstruction : Studies in Contemporary Culture, 2 (3). ISSN 1547-4348
Munt, Sally R (2000) Shame/pride dichotomies in 'Queer as Folk'. Textual Practice, 14 (3). pp. 531-546. ISSN 0950-236X
Munt, Sally R (1999) Power, pedagogy, and partiality. Feminism and Psychology, 9 (4). pp. 422-426. ISSN 0959-3535
Munt, Sally (1998) Grief, doubt and nostalgia in detective fiction or... "death and the detective novel": a return. College Literature, 25 (3). pp. 133-145. ISSN 0093-3139
Munt, Sally R (1997) 'I teach therefore I am': lesbian studies in the liberal academy. Feminist Review, 56 (1). pp. 85-99. ISSN 0141-7789
Munt, Sally (1997) The lesbian outlaw. New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics, 32. pp. 135-143. ISSN 0950-2378
Munt, Sally (1992) Is there a feminist in this text? Ten years (1979–1989) of the lesbian novel: a retrospective. Women's Studies International Forum, 15 (2). pp. 281-291. ISSN 0277-5395
Smith, Sharon E, Munt, Sally R and Yip, Andrew Kam-Tuck (2016) Cosmopolitan dharma: race, sexuality, and gender in British Buddhism. Numen book series: studies in the history of religions, 152 . Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789004232792
Browne, Kath, Munt, Sally R and Yip, Andrew K T (2010) Queer spiritual spaces: sexuality and sacred places. Ashgate Publishing, London and Burlington, VT. ISBN 9780754675273
Munt, Sally R (2008) Queer attachments: the cultural politics of shame. Queer Interventions . Ashgate Publishers, Farnham. ISBN 9780754649236
Munt, Sally R (1998) Heroic desire: lesbian identity and cultural space. Lesbian and Gay Studies . Cassell, London ; Washington, D.C.. ISBN 9780304334544
Munt, Sally R (1994) Murder by the book? Feminism and the crime novel. Narrative Forms and Social Formations . Routledge, London and New York. ISBN 9780415109192
Book Section
Munt, Sally R (2021) Unhealthy attachments: myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and the commitment to endure. In: Herring, Scott and Wallace, Lee (eds.) Long term: essays on queer commitment. Duke University Press, Durham: North Carolina USA, pp. 63-88. ISBN 9781478014232
Traies, Jane and Munt, Sally R (2014) Life histories and mental health narratives of older British lesbians. In: Zeeman, Laetitia, Aranda, Kay and Grant, Alec (eds.) Queering health: critical challenges to normative health and healthcare. PCCS, Ross on Wye, pp. 23-44. ISBN 9781906254711
Munt, Sally R (2013) Queer quakers: negotiating post-Christian selfhoods within the liberal sphere. In: Day, Abby, Vincett, Giselle and Cotter, Christopher R (eds.) Social identities between the sacred and the secular. Ashgate AHRC/ESRC religion and society series . Ashgate Publishing, Farnham. ISBN 9781409456773
Munt, Sally and Jenzen, Olu (2012) Queer theory, sexuality and religion. In: Hunt, Stephen J and Yip, Andrew K T (eds.) The Ashgate research companion to contemporary sexuality and religion. Ashgate research companion . Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot. ISBN 9781409409496
Munt, Sally R (2011) After the fall: queer heterotopias. In: Barfield, Steven and Cox, Katharine (eds.) Critical perspectives on Philip Pullman's 'His Dark Materials'. McFarland Publishing, Jefferson, pp. 202-218. ISBN 9780786440306
Munt, Sally (2008) Introduction: on lesbians and other animals. In: Tiernan, Sonja and McCauliffe, Mary (eds.) Sapphists and sexologists. Histories of sexualities, 2 . Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, xvii-xxxi. ISBN 9781443801331
Munt, Sally R (2001) The butch body. In: Holliday, Ruth and Hassard, John (eds.) Contested bodies. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 95-106. ISBN 9780415196369
Munt, Sally R (2001) Technospaces: inside the new media. In: Munt, Sally R (ed.) Technospaces: Inside the New Media. Critical Research in Material Culture . Continuum, London and New York, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9780826450036
Munt, Sally (2001) The well of shame. In: Doan, Laura and Prosser, Jay (eds.) Palatable poison: critical perspectives on "the well of loneliness". Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 199-215. ISBN 9780231118750
Munt, Sally (2000) The lesbian flâneur. In: Borden, I, Kerr, J, Pivaro, A and Rendell, J (eds.) The unknown city: contesting architecture and social space. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 247-262. ISBN 9780262024716
Munt, Sally (1999) Heroes and heroism; mystery & detective fiction; liberalism; subcultures. In: Zimmerman, Bonnie (ed.) Encyclopedia of Lesbian Histories and Cultures. Encyclopedia of Lesbian and Gay Histories and Cultures, 1 (1). Routledge/ Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9780815319207
Munt, Sally (1998) Sisters in exile: nationalism and sexuality. In: Ainley, Rosa (ed.) New frontiers of space, bodies and gender. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9780415154901
Munt, Sally (1998) Orifices in space: making the real possible. In: Munt, Sally (ed.) Butch/Femme: inside lesbian gender. Cassell Academic, London and Washington, pp. 200-209. ISBN 9780304339594
Munt, Sally (1997) The role of the personal, experience and the self. In: Medhurst, Andy and Munt, Sally (eds.) Lesbian and gay studies: a critical introduction. Cassell, London, pp. 186-200. ISBN 9780304338825
Munt, Sally R (1996) Beyond backlash: lesbian studies in the United Kingdom. In: Zimmerman, Bonnie and McNaron, Toni A H (eds.) The new lesbian studies: into the twenty-first century. The Feminist Press, New York, pp. 234-239. ISBN 9781558611368
Munt, Sally (1994) In defence of heroes. In: Healey, Emma and Mason, Angela (eds.) Stonewall 25: the making of the lesbian and gay community in Britain. Virago Press, London, pp. 199-209. ISBN 9781853817724
Munt, Sally R (1992) Somewhere over the rainbow... postmodernism and the fiction of Sarah Schulman. In: Munt, Sally R (ed.) New lesbian criticism: literary and cultural readings. Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 31-50. ISBN 9780231080194
Munt, Sally (1992) Sex and sexuality. In: Millwood Hargrave, Andrea (ed.) Sex and sexuality in broadcasting. Broadcasting Standards Council: Annual Review . John Libbey and Company Ltd, London, pp. 116-120. ISBN 9780861963935
Munt, Sally (1988) The inverstigators: lesbian crime fiction. In: Radstone, Susannah (ed.) Sweet dreams: sexuality, gender, and popular fiction. Lawrence and Wishart, London, pp. 91-120. ISBN 9780853156727
Edited Book
Munt, Sally and Jenzen, Olu, eds. (2013) The Ashgate research companion to paranormal cultures. Ashgate research companions . Ashgate, Farnham. ISBN 9781409444671
Munt, Sally R, ed. (2001) Technospaces: Inside the New Media. Critical Research in Material Culture . Continuum, New York and London. ISBN 9780826450036
Munt, Sally, ed. (2000) Cultural Studies and the Working Class: Subject to Change. Cassell, London and New York. ISBN 9780304705498
Munt, Sally R, ed. (1998) Butch/Femme: Inside Lesbian Gender. Cassell, London. ISBN 9780304339594
Medhurst, Andy and Munt, Sally, eds. (1997) Lesbian and Gay Studies: A Critical Introduction. Cassell, London and Washington. ISBN 9780304338825
Munt, Sally R, ed. (1992) New Lesbian Criticism: Literary and Cultural Readings. Columbia University Press, New York. ISBN 978-0231080194
Edited Special Journal Issue
Shefer, Tamara, Munt, Sally R, Bozalek, Vivienne and Carolissen, Ronelle, eds. (2019) Special Issue: A politics of shame. Feminism & Psychology, 29 (2). ISSN 0959-3535
Conference or Workshop Item
Munt, Sally R (2011) Paranormal: from the sublime to the ridiculous. In: Staging Illusion: Digital and Cultural Fantasy, December 8-9th, 2011, University of Sussex, UK.
Munt, Sally (2010) Socio-Queer. In: Exploring the 'socio' of socio-legal studies, 3rd November, 2010, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London.
Munt, Sally (2010) Queer fish. In: Queer Manifestations: Literature, History, Theory, Culture, 26th June 2010, University of Chester.
Munt, Sally R (2010) Paranormality. In: Paranormal Cultures, 4th June 2010, University of Sussex, UK.
Munt, Sally (2009) On shaking ground. In: Wrestling with God: The 13th ESWTR International Conference, 19-23rd August, 2009, University of Winchester, UK.
Munt, Sally (2009) Queer Quakers. In: Queer Spiritualities, 13th March, 2009, University of Sussex, UK.
Munt, Sally (2008) Queer spirituality - research paradigms. In: 3rd Annual Gender and Theory Seminar, 11th June, 2008, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK.
Munt, Sally and Halperin, David (2006) Shameless futures. In: Future Queer: International Invited Seminar, 29-30th June, 2006, University College Dublin, Ireland.
Munt, Sally (2005) Shame, hate and envy in institutional cultures. In: Lesbian Lives International Conference, 11-13th February, 2005, University College Dublin, Ireland.
Munt, Sally (2003) "Discourse is not life; its time is not yours": (Foucault): expanding spaces in the fiction of Philip Pullman. In: Sexualities, Cultures and Identities International Conference, 17th January 2003, University of Newcastle.
Munt, Sally (2002) Intelligibility and identity. In: Language - Communication - Culture 2nd International Conference: English in the World, 27-30th November, 2002, University of Évora, Portugal.
Munt, Sally (2001) The homosexual nation. In: Other(ing) England, 9 June 2001, University of Buckinghamshire..
Munt, Sally (2000) Challenging divisions: queer feminism. In: WERRC 10th Annual Conference: Trends in Feminist Thought, 1-2nd December, 2000, University College Dublin, Ireland.