Explore all our PGCE courses as well as our Early Years Education MA.
Find out about our Initial Teacher Education (ITE) courses. We have PGCEs in Primary and a range of Secondary subjects, as well as other routes into teaching.
Our teacher training courses have a history of innovation. We pioneered the model of school-based teacher training over 50 years ago, which has now adopted by all training providers in the country.
Through the Sussex Consortium of Teacher Education and Research, our partnership with over 200 schools has seen us select, train and assess generations of new teachers. This long-established relationship ensures that you’ll receive unparalleled support – both from your placement schools, where experienced teachers provide models of excellent practice, and from your university tutors. We review the quality of our teacher education courses every year and they’re also quality assured by external examiners.
Our courses combine pedagogy, theory and practice. Across all our teacher training routes, trainees will study together, gaining practical and academic training opportunities.
On our innovative BA in Primary and Early Years Education (with Qualified Teacher Status) you’ll train to teach children in the Primary age range. You’ll get personalised support from established classroom practitioners across a range of professional practice placements.
Find out how to apply for the Primary and Early Years Education (with Qualified Teacher Status) BA.
You can take a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) at primary or secondary level, or our Early Years Education (with Early Years Teacher Status) MA.
We also offer two routes into teaching that allow you to apply to a school directly – Sussex School Choice PGCE and Postgraduate Teacher Apprenticeships (PGTA). You’ll still receive the same training, support and assessment as the ordinary PGCE. However you’ll undertake a shorter second placement period (six weeks) in another school before returning to your main school.
Our partnership schools decide the subjects or phases they wish to train new teachers in, and then work in collaboration with us in the selection, training and assessment of Sussex School Choice PGCE and Postgraduate Teacher Apprenticeship (PGTA) trainees.
Find out what teacher training funding opportunities might be available to you, including bursaries and scholarships.
You’ll benefit from a programme of lectures, seminars and workshops, involving presentations, group work, role play, classroom modelling and peer teaching. You’ll explore ideas and approaches, and reflect on your own experiences, enhanced by visiting speakers and our research-informed academics.
You’ll also undertake two periods of professional practice in two different schools to give you valuable practical experience in the classroom.
Across all our teacher training courses, you will learn to:
Find out about teacher training places at Sussex for 2024/25.
Following a 2023 Ofsted inspection in 2023, Early Years Initial Teacher Education provision was ranked “outstanding” in all areas. Both Primary and Secondary Initial Teacher Education were ranked “good” overall, with an “outstanding” ranking for Leadership & Management in Secondary specifically.
If you have any queries, email iteadmissions@sussex.ac.uk.