Emeritus Professor
Selected publications
Taylor, Imogen (2015) Discretion or prescription? Exploring confidence in qualifying social work education. British Journal of Social Work, 45 (2). pp. 493-510. ISSN 0045-3102
Taylor, Imogen and Bogo, Marion (2013) Perfect opportunity~perfect storm? Raising the standards of social work education in England. British Journal of Social Work, 44 (6). pp. 1402-1418. ISSN 0045-3102
Taylor, Imogen and Finch, Johanna (2012) Failure to fail? Practice educators' emotional experiences of assessing failing social work students. Social Work Education, 32 (2). pp. 244-258. ISSN 0261-5479
Taylor, Imogen and Lefevre, Michelle (2012) Editorial. Social Work Education, 31 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 0261-5479
Taylor, Imogen and Lefevre, Michelle (2011) Editorial. Social Work Education, 30 (7). pp. 721-722. ISSN 0261-5479
Taylor, Imogen and Lefevre, Michelle (2011) Editorial. Social Work Education, 30 (5). pp. 477-479. ISSN 0261-5479
Taylor, Imogen and Lefevre, Michelle (2011) Editorial. Social Work Education, 30 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 0261-5479
Taylor, Imogen and Lefevre, Michelle (2010) Editorial. Social Work Education, 29 (4). pp. 337-339. ISSN 0261-5479
Taylor, Imogen and Lefevre, Michelle (2010) Editorial. Social Work Education, 29 (3). pp. 227-229. ISSN 0261-5479
Taylor, Imogen and Lefevre, Michelle (2010) Editorial. Social Work Education, 29 (2). pp. 117-119. ISSN 0261-5479
Taylor, Imogen and Lefevre, Michelle (2010) Editorial. Social Work Education, 29 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 0261-5479
Taylor, Imogen and Lefevre, Michelle (2010) Editorial. Social Work Education, 29 (7). pp. 701-703. ISSN 0261-5479
Taylor, Imogen, Sharland, Elaine and Whiting, Russell (2008) Building capacity for the children's workforce: findings from the knowledge review of the higher education response. Learning in Health and Social Care, 7 (4). pp. 184-197. ISSN 1473-6853
Holmstrom, Cath and Taylor, Imogen (2008) Mapping the terrain of selection for social work: a critical analysis of policy, theory and research. Social Work Education, 27 (5). pp. 519-535. ISSN 0261-5479
Taylor, Imogen and Hutchings, Anna (2008) Correcting misconceptions about the development of social work in China: a response to Cunfu Jia. International Journal of Social Welfare, 17 (1). pp. 102-104. ISSN 1468-2397 (online)
Holmstrom, Cath and Taylor, Imogen (2008) Researching admissions: what can we learn about selection of applicants from findings about students in difficulty on a social work programme? Social Work Education, 27 (8). pp. 819-836. ISSN 0261-5479
Hutchings, Anna and Taylor, Imogen (2007) Defining the profession: exploring an international definition of social work in the China context. Journal of International Social Welfare, 16 (4). pp. 382-390. ISSN 1369-6866
Taylor, Imogen (2007) Pursued by excellence: rewards and the performance culture in higher education. Social Work Education, 26 (5). pp. 504-519. ISSN 0261-5479
Sharland, Elaine and Taylor, Imogen (2006) Social care research: a suitable case for systematic review? Evidence and Policy, 2 (4). pp. 503-523. ISSN 1744-2648
Taylor, Imogen and Rafferty, Jackie (2003) Integrating research and teaching in social work: building a strong partnership. Social Work Education, 22 (6). pp. 589-602. ISSN 0261-5479
Taylor, Imogen, Whiting, Russell Lewis and Sharland, Elaine (2008) Integrated Children's Services in Higher Education (ICS-HE)- preparing tomorrow's professionals, knowledge review. Higher Education Academy, Subject Centre for Social Policy and Social Work (SWAP), Southampton. ISBN 9780854328888
Taylor, Imogen, Sharland, Elaine, Sebba, Judy, Le Riche, Patricia, Keep, Elaine and Orr, David (2006) Knowledge Review: learning, teaching and assessment of partnership work. Social Care Institute for Excellence. ISBN 9781904812340
Taylor, Imogen, Sharland, Elaine, Sebba, Judy and Leriche, Pat (2006) The learning, teaching and assessment of partnership in social work education. Social Work Education Knowledge Review, 10 . The Policy Press, Bristol, UK. ISBN 9781904812340
Book Section
Teater, Barbra, Lefevre, Michelle and McLaughlin, Hugh (2016) Developing the social work academic workforce: profiles from the United Kingdom and the United States of America. In: Taylor, Imogen, Bogo, Marion, Lefevre, Michelle and Teater, Barbra (eds.) Routledge international handbook of social work education. Routledge international handbooks . Routledge, London, pp. 355-369. ISBN 9781138890237
Taylor, Imogen (2012) Interprofessional Practice. In: Gray, Mel, Midgley, James and Webb, Stephen A (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Social Work. Sage Publications Ltd, London, pp. 660-677. ISBN 9781849207515
Taylor, Imogen (2004) Developing the university as a learning organisation. In: Burgess, Hilary and Taylor, Imogen (eds.) Effective Learning and Teaching in Social Policy and Social Work. Effective Learning and Teaching in Higher Education . Routledge, pp. 184-196. ISBN 9780415334952
Lyons, Karen and Taylor, Imogen (2004) Gender and Knowledge in Social Work. In: Lovelock, Ryan, Lyons, Karen and Powell, Jackie (eds.) Reflecting on Social Work: Discipline and Profession. Ashgate, pp. 72-95. ISBN 978-0-7546-1905-5
Taylor, Imogen (2004) Multiprofessional teams, reflection and the learning organisation. In: Gould, Nick and Baldwin, Mark (eds.) Social Work, Critical Reflection and the Learning Organisation. Ashgate, pp. 75-87. ISBN 9780754631675
Edited Book
Taylor, Imogen, Bogo, Marion, Lefevre, Michelle and Teater, Babra, eds. (2016) Routledge international handbook of social work education. Routledge international handbooks . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138890237
Taylor, Prof Imogen and Burgess, H, eds. (2004) Effective Learning and Teaching in Social Work and Social Policy. ILT & Kogan Page. ISBN 978-0-415-33496-9
Reports and working papers
Taylor, Imogen and Marrable, Tish (2011) SCIE Guide 43: Improving access to social care for adults with autism. Project Report. Social Care Institute of Excellence, London.
Marrable, Tish, Cheng, Andy, Braye, Suzy and Taylor, Imogen (2010) Consultation of Carers for the College of Social Work. Project Report. The College of Social Work, London.
Braye, Suzy, Taylor, Imogen and Cheng, Andy (2009) Carers as partners in social work education. Project Report. Social Care Institute for Excellence, London.