Seminars and Activities

Find out about some of the recent activities of Sussex Neuroscience researchers in the wider community.

Work with us


Looking for a neuroscience expert? We have a number of skilled neuroscientists available for advisory work, talks, workshops, mentoring/coaching and more.


We have a dynamic team of expert academics covering many areas of neuroscience, including Psychologists, Biochemists, Computer Scientists, Cognitive Neuroscientists.

We work with universities, charities, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large organisations, both in the UK and overseas.

Media Enquiries

Need someone to talk on your podcast/radio show/TV show or give an opinion piece? We have researchers who can respond on various areas of neuroscience including Alzheimer's, Consciousness, Mental Health, Motor Neurons Disease and more (see topic areas below)

Sussex Neuroscience Expertise
Topic areas we coverWays we can work together              
Alzheimers/Dementia Advisory/Expert input (consultancy)
Consciousness Educational Events
Degenerative Diseases e.g. Motor Neurons Disease Talks
Memory & Learning Teaching/Lecturing
Open Science Research Project collaboration
Perception & Sensory Workshops

View our expert profiles

Click through to find out more about some of our neuroscience experts


Get in touch – we'd love to explore potential projects with you at Sussex Neuroscience

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