About ACMI

The ACMI Research Group will conduct work related to the development of Advanced CoMmunications and sIgnal processing (ACMI).

Core elements of the research will include new wireless and optical communications and networking technologies for 5G, beyond-5G and 6G mobile communications, satellite communications and signal processing, as well communications and sensor technologies for the automotive, automation and health/medical sectors and the IoT. In addition to component and system-level development and integration fundamental enabling research in disruptive technologies on the component, radio, physical, network and architecture levels will be undertaken to provide step-change advances in the field.

The group is committed to validation and experimentation of the results obtained from fundamental and computational research through proof-of-concept hardware and software development and laboratory and field trials. The ACMI Group is committed to working closely with industry and business, and to technology transfer as well as world-leading academic research. It benefits from close collaborations with a number of key players in industry, such as Samsung, Huawei, BT, NXP, Viavi  as well as involvement in important UK, European and International fora and relevant industry standardisation and regulatory bodies.

Partnership logos

  • List of partner logos
    • BT
    • NHS Digital
    • Telecom Infra Project
    • ESRC - Economic and Social Research Council
    • NVidia
    • Plum
    • Innovate UK
    • Health and Care
    • Networld
    • 5G
    • 5G PPP
    • EPSRC - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
    • The Royal Society
    • Inter Digital Europe
    • Vodaphone
    • Samsung
    • Horizon 2020 - European Union Funding for Research and Innovation