
We investigate how the mind, brain, and body interact, using MRI brain scanning, physiology, and psychology.

In particular, we study the biology of wellbeing, and how occupational factors such as how much time we spend at work influences this.

Our work focuses on three main areas:

  • How does a 4 day working week change mind, brain, and body?

    We run a major project investigating how a 4 day working week can change the mind, brain, and body of staff switching to reduced hours. In collaboration with employers trialling a 4 day week, we measure how, and why, a reduction in time at work can help both wellbeing, and workplace performance. For more information, see the Sussex 4 Day Week Study website.

    This study is funded by UK Research and Innovation.

    Key publications:

    Coming soon!

  • Biomarkers of occupational wellbeing

    We are analysing data from the UK Biobank, to understand the biological impact that people's working lives can have. For example, is working longer hours associated with particular patterns of brain function, physical health, and mental health?

    This study is funded by UK Research and Innovation.

    Key publications:

    Coming soon!

  • Environmental sustainability of MRI brain scanning

    Our MRI brain scan datasets are increasingly large, and neuroscientists use increasing amounts of energy to analyse them. We have been measuring and identifying ways to reduce the carbon emissions associated with analysing MRI brain scans.

    This project is funded by the Medical Research Council.

    We have also measured carbon associated with the international MRI society conference, the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, and proposed ways to reduce this.

    Recent publications:

    Souter NE, Lannelongue L, Samuel G, Racey C, Colling LJ, Bhagwat N, Selvan R, Rae CL. (2023). Ten recommendations for reducing the carbon footprint of research computing in human neuroimaging. Imaging Neuroscience, 1, 1-15. DOI: 10.1162/imag_a_00043

    Epp S, Jung H, Borghesani V, Klöwer M, Hoeppli ME, Misiura M, Thompson E, Duncan N, Urai AE, Veldsman M, Sadaghiani S, Rae CL. (2023). How can we reduce the climate costs of OHBM? A vision for a more sustainable meeting. Aperture Neuro, 3, 1-16. DOI: 10.52294/001c.87678