Photo of Simone VannucciniSimone Vannuccini




– Convenor of 750N1 - Perspectives, Methods, and Skills (PG)

- Convenor of N1077 - Innovation Systems (UG)

- Co-convenor of L1063 - AET Economics of Innovation (UG)


Topics of interest for Master Theses:

– Economic (and institutional/legal) aspects of automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence

– Machine learning applied to economic predictions

– Economic aspects of digitalization processes

– Long waves and general purpose technologies: modeling and/or empirical studies

– Studies/Dynamics of industries displaying peculiar economic behaviors: two/multi-sided markets, platforms, linked payoffs

– Innovation with pervasive potentials introduced because of digital transformations: e.g. blockchain

– Industrial dynamics and organization of digital industries: Music, Video/TV/streaming

– Markets with no markets: repugnant transactions, etc.

– Technology gap models in the era of global value chains / urbanization and innovation / labor flows and innovation

– Productivity dynamics, productivity slowdown

– Industrial policies in the XXI century

– Granularity hypothesis, increasing market concentration, and the rise of superstar firms (and their economic implications)

– Network incentives (e.g. in the adoption of consumer styles/sustainability/ firms behaviors in clusters)


How-to: asking for a Reference letter - requests failing to comply will not be considered

1. Email ( your request at least two weeks before the deadline for the letter.

2. Send a separate email for each letter you need.

3. In the email subject line mention both the purpose of the letter (e.g. Ph.D. application, SPRU) and the date/deadline for submission

4. To each email, attach your current CV and some information on the position/job you are applying to


General rule for email writing: