Jane Traies

Selected publications

Book Section

Traies, Jane (2016) Becoming visible: de-marginalising older lesbians in LGBT ageing discourse. In: Peel, Elizabeth and Harding, Rosie (eds.) Ageing and sexualities: interdisciplinary perspectives. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 77-96. ISBN 9781472432155

Traies, Jane and Munt, Sally R (2014) Life histories and mental health narratives of older British lesbians. In: Zeeman, Laetitia, Aranda, Kay and Grant, Alec (eds.) Queering health: critical challenges to normative health and healthcare. PCCS, Ross on Wye, pp. 23-44. ISBN 9781906254711

Traies, Jane (2012) 'Women like that': older lesbians in the UK. In: Ward, Richard, Rivers, Ian and Sutherland, Mike (eds.) Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ageing: biographical approaches for inclusive care and support. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London and Philadelphia, pp. 67-82. ISBN 9781849052573


Traies, Jane (2014) The lives and experiences of lesbians over 60 in the UK. Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Sussex.