Department of Mathematics

Applied Mathematics at Sussex: Celebrating New Appointments

We invite you to join us for conference to celebrate new appointments in the Applied Mathematics Research Group at the University of Sussex - 10-12 September 2024. This event focusses on the recent developments in applied mathematics, aiming at bringing together researchers from within the UK in the broad topics of shape optimisation, infectious diseases, mathematics for public health and mathematics concerning microbial dynamics to cell-drug interaction.

Organised by Dr Marianna Cerasuolo, Dr Philip Herbert, Dr James Van Yperen and Dr Chris Hadjichrysanthou with grateful thanks to the London Mathematical Society for supporting this event through their Scheme 9 - Celebrating New Appointments. 

Dr Estefania Loayza Romero (Imperial College London) - Discrete Geodesic Calculus for Complete Riemannian Metrics

Dr Philip Herbert (University of Sussex) - The convergence of a steepest descent method in PDE constrained optimisation problems using the Lipschitz topology

Dr Alberto Paganini (University of Leicester) - Automated numerical shape optimization with finite elements

Dr Chris Overton (University of Liverpool) - Using mathematical modelling to estimate COVID-19 incidence and prevalence from the 2023/2024 Winter COVID Infection Study: A community cohort study

Dr Jasmina Panovska-Griffiths (University of Oxford) - Improved methods for calibration of stochastic agent-based models for pandemic outbreak analysis

Dr Francesco Di Lauro (Univeristy of Oxford) - Missing clusters in 20K HIV genomes from four African countries and the future of HIV prevention

Professor Kat Rock (University of Warwick) - Making impact on sleeping sickness policy: experiences of a mathematical modeller

Dr James Van Yperen (University of Sussex) - Queue&A&E: what mathematical modelling can tell you about your waiting times

Dr Chris Hadjichrysanthou (Univeristy of Sussex) - Preparing for the next pandemic: development of mathematical and computational tools for the assessment of novel treatments for respiratory virus infections

Dr Marianna Cerasuolo (University Sussex) - A computational multi-scale approach to the therapeutic resistance of prostate cancer

Dr Carina Dunlop (University of Surrey) - Integrating mechanistic cancer models into pre-clinical drug trials: benefits and challenges of moving beyond growth laws to spatial modelling


The conference is due to start in the morning of Tuesday 10th September and end after lunch on Thursday 12th September in order to allow participants to travel home outside of peak time. There will be a conference dinner on the Tuesday evening and a social event on the Wednesday evening. 

A full programme can be found here: Applied Mathematics at Sussex: Celebrating New Appointments [PDF 194.74KB]


The conference will be hosted at the University of Sussex in Pevensey 1 building room 1A6. A campus map can be found here

The University of Sussex is located just outside the city of Brighton and is most easily accessed via train to Falmer. Falmer train station is a 15 minute walk from the main conference where all sessions will be hosted. 

There is also a regular and reliable bus service from Brighton city centre to the Univeristy.